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masterman ready-第9章

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se little creatures playing about; and as merry now; and as unaware of danger; as if they were at home in their parlour。 I often think; sir; it is a great blessing for a child to be called away early; and that it is selfish in parents to repine。〃

〃Perhaps it is;〃 replied Mr。 Seagrave; looking mournfully at his children。

〃It's twelve o'clock; sir。 I'll just go down and work the latitude; and then I'll bring up the chart。〃

Mr。 Seagrave remained on deck。 He was soon in deep and solemn thought; nor was it to be wondered at … the ship a wreck and deserted … left alone on the wide water with his wife and helpless family; with but one to assist him: had that one deserted as well as the rest; what would have been his position then? Utter helplessness! And now what had they to expect? Their greatest hopes were to gain some island; and; if they succeeded; perhaps a desert island; perhaps an island inhabited by savages … to be murdered; or to perish miserably of hunger and thirst。 It was not until some time after these reflections had passed through his mind; that Mr。 Seagrave could recall himself to a sense of thankfulness to the Almighty for having hitherto preserved them; or could say with humility; 〃O Lord! thy will; not mine; be done。〃 But; having once succeeded in repressing his murmurs; he then felt that he had courage and faith to undergo every trial which might be imposed upon him。

〃Here is the chart; sir;〃 said Ready; 〃and I have drawn a pencil line through our latitude: you perceive that it passes through this cluster of islands; and I think we must be among them; or very near。 Now I must put something on for dinner; and then look sharp out for the land。 Will you take a look round; Mr。 Seagrave; especially a…head and on the bows?〃

Ready went down to see what he could procure for dinner; as the seamen; when they left the ship; had collected almost all which came first to hand。 He soon procured a piece of salt beef and some potatoes; which he put into the saucepan; and then returned on deck。

Mr。 Seagrave was forward; looking over the bows; and Ready went there to him。

〃Ready; I think I see something; but I can hardly tell what it is: it appears to be in the air; and yet it is not clouds。 Look there; where I point my finger。〃

〃You're right; sir;〃 replied Ready; 〃there is something; it is not the land which you see; but it is the trees upon the land which are refracted; as they call it; so as to appear; as you say; as if they were in the air。 That is an island; sir; depend upon it; but I will go down and get my glass。

〃It is the land; Mr。 Seagrave;〃 said Ready; after examining it with his glass … 〃yes; it is so;〃 continued he; musing; 〃I wish that we had seen it earlier; and yet we must be thankful。〃

〃Why so; Ready?〃

〃Only; sir; as the ship forges so slowly through the water; I fear that we shall not reach it before dark; and I should have wished to have had daylight to have laid her nicely on it。〃

〃There is very little wind now。〃

〃Well; let us hope that there will be more;〃 replied Ready; 〃if not; we must do our best。 But I must now go to the helm; for we must steer right for the island; it would not do to pass it; for; Mr。 Seagrave; although the ship does not leak so much as she did; yet I must now tell you that I do not think that she could be kept more than twenty…four hours above water。 I thought otherwise this morning when I sounded the well; but when I went down in the hold for the beef; I perceived that we were in more danger than I had any idea of; however; there is the land; and every chance of escape; so let us thank the Lord for all his mercies。〃

〃Amen!〃 replied Mr。 Seagrave。

Ready went to the helm and steered a course for the land; which was not so far distant as he had imagined; for the island was very low: by degrees the wind freshened up; and they went faster through the water; and now; the trees; which had appeared as if in the air; joined on to the land; and they could make out that it was a low coral island covered with groves of cocoa…nuts。 Occasionally Ready gave the helm up to Mr。 Seagrave; and went forward to examine。 When they were within three or four miles of it; Ready came back from the forecastle and said; 〃I think I see my way pretty clear; sir: you see we are to the windward of the island; and there is always deep water to the windward of these sort of isles; and reefs and shoals to leeward; we must; therefore; find some little cleft in the coral rock to dock her in; as it were; or she may fall back into deep water after she has taken the ground; for sometimes these islands run up like a wall; with forty or fifty fathom of water close to the weather…sides of them; but I see a spot where I think she may be put on shore with safety。 You see those three cocoa…nut trees close together on the beach? Now; sir; I cannot well see them as I steer; so do you go forward; and if I am to steer more to the right; put out your right hand; and if to the left; the same with your left; and when the ship's head is as it ought to be; then drop the hand which you have raised。〃

〃I understand; Ready;〃 replied Mr。 Seagrave; who then went forward and directed the steering of the vessel as they neared the island。 When they were within half a mile of it; the colour of the water changed; very much to the satisfaction of Ready; who knew that the weather…side of the island would not be so steep as was usually the case: still it was an agitating moment as they ran on to beach。 They were now within a cable's length; and still the ship did not ground; a little nearer; and there was a grating at her bottom … it was the breaking off of the coral…trees which grew below like forests under water … again she grated; and more harshly; then struck; and then again; at last she struck violently; as the swell lifted her further on; and then remained fast amid quiet。 Ready let go the helm to ascertain the position of the ship。 He looked over the stern and around the ship; and found that she was firmly fixed; fore and aft; upon a bed of coral rocks。

Chapter VIII

〃All's well so far; sir;〃 said Ready to Mr。 Seagrave; 〃and now let us return thanks to Heaven。〃

As they rose to their feet again; after giving thanks to the Almighty; William came up and said; 〃Father; my mother was awakened by the noise under the ship's bottom; and is frightened … will you go down to her?〃

〃What is the matter; my dear; … and where have you all been?〃 exclaimed Mrs。 Seagrave; when her husband went down below。 〃I have been so frightened … I was in a sound sleep; and I was awakened with such a dreadful noise。〃

〃Be composed; my dear;〃 replied Mr。 Seagrave; 〃we have been in great danger; and are now; I trust; in safety。 Tell me; are you not better for your long sleep?〃

〃Yes; much better … much stronger; but do tell me what has happened。〃

〃Much took place; dearest; before you went to sleep; which was concealed from you; but now; as I expect we shall all go on shore in a short time〃

〃Go on shore; my dear?〃

〃Yes; on shore。 Now be calm; and hear what has happened; and how much we have reason to be grateful to Heaven。〃

Mr。 Seagrave then entered into a detail of all that had passed。 Mrs。 Seagrave heard 
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