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masterman ready-第75章

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The wind continued fair; and; after a favourable passage of little more than four weeks; they arrived at Sydney Cove; the port to which they were bound when they embarked from England on board of the good ship Pacific。

P。S。 … As my young readers will probably wish to know a little more about the Seagrave family; I will inform them that Mr。 Seagrave; like the patriarch Job after his tribulation; found his flocks and herds greatly increased on his arrival at Sydney。 Mr。 and Mrs。 Seagrave lived to see all their children grown up。 William inherited the greater part of the property from his father; after having for many years assisted him in the management of it。 Tommy; notwithstanding all his scrapes; grew up a very fine fellow; and entered the army。 Caroline married a young clergyman; and made him an excellent wife; little Albert went into the navy; and is at present a commander。

Juno is still alive; and lives at Seagrave plantation with William; and her greatest pleasure is to take his children on her knee; and tell them long stories about the island; and make them cry when she goes through the history of old Ready's death and burial。

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