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masterman ready-第70章

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o the boughs; and had a very commanding view of the bay; as well as inland。 William; who was driving the last dozen spikes; took a survey; and then came down to Ready。

〃I can see everything; Ready: they have pulled down the old house altogether; and are most of them lying down outside; covered up with their war…cloaks; some women are walking to and fro from the canoes; which are lying on the beach where they first landed。〃

〃They have pulled down the house to obtain the iron nails; I have no doubt;〃 replied Ready。 〃Did you see any of their dead?〃

〃No; I did not look about very much; but I will go up again directly。 I came down because my hands were jarred with hammering; and the hammer was so heavy to carry。 In a minute or two I shall go up light enough。 My lips are burning; Ready; and swelled; the skin is peeling off。 I had no idea that want of water would have been so dreadful。 I was in hopes of finding a cocoa…nut or two on the tree; but there was not one。〃

〃And if you had found one; it would not have had any milk in it at this season of the year。 However; William; if the savages do not go away to…day; something must be done。 I wish now that you would go up again; and see if they are not stirring。〃

William again mounted to the top of the tree; and remained up for some minutes; when he came down; he said; 〃They are all up now; and swarming like bees。 I counted 260 of the men in their war…cloaks and feather head…dresses; the women are passing to and fro from the well with water; there is nobody at the canoes except eight or ten women; who are beating their heads; I think; or doing something of the kind。 I could not make it out well; but they seem all doing the same thing。〃

〃I know what they are about; William: they are cutting themselves with knives or other sharp instruments。 It is the custom of these people。 The dead are all put into the canoes; and these women are lamenting over them; perhaps they are going away; since the dead are in the canoes。 but there is no saying。〃

Chapter LXIV

The second day was passed in keeping a look…out upon the savages; and awaiting a fresh attack。 They could perceive from the top of the cocoa…nut tree that the savages held a council of war in the forenoon; sitting round in a large circle; while one got up in the centre and made a speech; flourishing his club and spear while he spoke。 In the afternoon the council broke up; and the savages were observed to be very busy in all directions; cutting down the cocoa…nut trees; and collecting all the brushwood。

Ready watched them for a long while; and at last came down a little before sunset。 〃Mr。 Seagrave;〃 said he; 〃we shall have; in my opinion; no attack this night; but to…morrow we must expect something very serious; the savages are cutting down the trees; and making large faggots; they do not get on very fast; because their hatchets are made of stone and don't cut very well; but perseverance and numbers will effect everything; and I dare say that they will work all night till they have obtained as many faggots as they want。〃

〃But what do you imagine to be their object; Ready; in cutting down trees; and making the faggots?〃

〃Either; sir; to pile them up outside the palisades; so large as to be able to walk up upon them; or else to pile them up to set fire to them; and burn us out。〃

〃Do you think they will succeed?〃

〃Not without very heavy loss; perhaps we may best them off; but it will be a hard fight; harder than any we have had yet。 We must have the women to load the muskets; so that we may fire as fast as we can。 I should not think much of their attempt to burn us; if it were not for the smoke。 Cocoa…nut wood; especially with the bark on; as our palisades have; will char a long while; but not burn easily when standing upright; and the fire; when the faggots are kindled; although it will be fierce; will not last long。〃

〃But suffering as we are now; Ready; for want of water; how can we possibly keep up our strength to meet them in a suffocating smoke and flame? we must drop with sheer exhaustion。〃

〃We must hope for the best; and do our best; Mr。 Seagrave;〃 replied Ready; 〃and recollect that should anything happen to me during the conflict; and if there is any chance of your being overpowered; you must take advantage of the smoke to escape into the woods; and find your way to the tents。 I have no doubt that you will be able to do that; of course the attack will be to windward if they use fire; and you must try and escape to leeward; I have shown William how to force a palisade if necessary。 The savages; if they get possession; will not think of looking for you at first; and; perhaps; when they have obtained all that the house contains; not even afterwards。〃

〃Why do you say if any accident happens to you; Ready?〃 said William。

〃Because; William; if they place the faggots so as to be able to walk to the top of the palisades; I may be wounded or killed; and so may you。〃

〃Of course;〃 replied William; 〃but they are not in yet; and they shall have a hard fight for it。〃

Ready then told Mr。 Seagrave that he would keep the watch; and call him at twelve o'clock。 During these two days; they had eaten very little; a turtle had been killed; and pieces fried; but eating only added to their thirst; and even the children refused the meat。 The sufferings were now really dreadful; and poor Mrs。 Seagrave was almost frantic。

As soon as Mr。 Seagrave had gone into the house; Ready called William; and said; 〃William; water we must have。 I cannot bear to see the agony of the poor children; and the state of mind which your poor mother is in; and more; without water we never shall be able to beat off the savages to…morrow。 We shall literally die of choking in the smoke; if they use fire。 Now; William; I intend to take one of the seven…gallon barricos; and go down to the well for water。 I may succeed; and I may not; but attempt it I must; and if I fall it cannot be helped。〃

〃Why not let me go; Ready?〃 replied William。

〃For many reasons; William;〃 said Ready; 〃and the chief one is that I do not think you would succeed so well as I shall。 I shall put on the war…cloak and feathers of the savage who fell dead inside of the stockade; and that will be a disguise; but I shall take no arms except his spear; as they would only be in my way; and increase the weight I have to carry。 Now observe; you must let me out of the door; and when I am out; in case of accident put one of the poles across it inside; that will keep the door fast; if they attack it; until you can secure it with the others。 Watch my return; and be all ready to let me in。 Do you understand me?〃

〃Yes; perfectly; Ready; but I am now; I must confess; really frightened; if anything was to happen to you; what a misery it would be!〃

〃There is no help for it; William。 Water must; if possible; be procured; and now is a better time to make the attempt than later; when they may be more on the watch; they have left off their work; and are busy eating; if I meet any one; it will only be a woman。〃

Ready went for the barrico; a little cask; which held six or seven gallons of water。 He put on the head…dress and war…cloak of the savage; and; taking the barrico 
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