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masterman ready-第67章

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and main。〃

〃Do you think we have any chance against such a force?〃

〃Yes; sir; with God's help I have no doubt but that we shall beat them off; but we must fight hard; and for some days; I fear。〃

Mr。 Seagrave examined the fleet of canoes with the glass。 〃It is; indeed; dreadful odds to contend against。〃

〃Yes; sir; but three muskets behind a stockade are almost a match for all their clubs and spears; provided none of us are wounded。〃

〃Well; Ready; we must put our trust in the Lord; and do our best; I will second you to the utmost of my power; and William; I'm sure; will do his duty。〃

〃I think; sir;〃 said Ready; 〃we had better not wait here any more; as we have not long to prepare for them。 We have only to fix up some of our strong deal planks on the inside of the stockade for us to stand upon when we are attacked; that we may see what the enemy is about; and be able to fire upon them。 But first we had better go to the old house; and take out what provisions and other articles we shall most want; and roll the casks into the stockade; for to the old house they will go first; and perhaps destroy everything in it。 The casks they certainly will; for the sake of the iron hoops。 An hour's work will do a great deal。 I believe we have everything we want in the stockade; Juno has her fuel; the large butt of water will last us two or three weeks at least; and if we have time; we will get the wheels down; and spear a couple of turtles for fresh provisions。〃

These observations were made as they walked up to the house。 As soon as they arrived; they found William and Juno had just brought in the powder and cartridges。 Mr。 Seagrave went in to break the matter to his wife。

〃I was told that I had to expect this; my dear;〃 replied Mrs。 Seagrave; 〃so that it has not come upon me altogether unawares; and anything that a poor weak woman can do; I will。〃

〃I am indeed greatly relieved;〃 said Mr。 Seagrave; 〃by finding you thus prepared and supported。 I shall feel no anxiety … but we have work to be done。〃

Mr。 and Mrs。 Seagrave then joined William; Beady; and Juno; who had already proceeded to the old house。 The children were all still in bed and asleep; so that there was no occasion for any one to watch them。

Chapter LXI

As they could have a very good view of the canoes from where the old house stood; Ready examined them with his glass every time that he returned from rolling up a cask to the stockade。 Every one worked hard; even Mrs。 Seagrave did all she could; either assisting in rolling the casks; or carrying up what she was able to lift。 In an hour they had got into the stockade all that they most cared for; and the canoes were still about six or seven miles off。

〃We have a good hour before they arrive; sir;〃 said Ready; 〃and even then the reefs will puzzle them not a little; I doubt if they are disembarked under two hours。 We have plenty of time for all we wish to do。 Juno; go for the wheels; and William; come down with the spear; and we will have some of the turtle into the stockade。 Mr。 Seagrave; I do not require your assistance; so if you will have the kindness to get out the muskets; and examine the flints; it will be as well。〃

〃Yes; and then you have to load them;〃 replied Mrs。 Seagrave。 〃Juno and I can do that at all events; ready for you to fire them。〃

〃An excellent idea; madam;〃 replied Ready。

In half an hour six turtles were brought up by Juno and William; and then Ready followed them into the stockade。

They then rolled the casks; and upheaded them by the sides of the stockade; and fixed up deal planks to stand upon; just high enough to enable them to see over the top of the palisades; and to fire at the enemy。 Mrs。 Seagrave had been shown how to load a musket; and Juno was now taught the same。

〃Now; sir; we are all prepared;〃 said Ready; 〃and Madam and Juno can go and look a little after the children; and get breakfast。〃

As soon as the children were dressed; Mr。 Seagrave called Ready; who was outside; watching the canoes; and they went to their morning devotions; and prayed heartily for succour in this time of need。 They then breakfasted in haste; for; as may be supposed; they were almost too anxious to eat。

〃This suspense is worse than all;〃 said Mrs。 Seagrave。 〃I wish now that they were come。〃

〃Shall I go to Ready and hear his report; my dear? … I will not be away three minutes。〃

In a short time Mr。 Seagrave returned; saying that the canoes were close to the beach; that the savages evidently had a knowledge of the passages through the reefs; as they had steered right in; and had lowered their sails; that Ready and William were on the look…out; but concealed behind the cocoa…nut trees。

〃I hope they will not stay out too long。〃

〃No fear of that; my dear Selina; but they had better watch their motions to the last minute。〃

During this conversation between Mr。 and Mrs。 Seagrave within the stockade; William and Ready were watching the motions of the savages; a large portion of whom had landed out of ten of the canoes; and the others were following their example as fast as they could; forcing their way through the reefs。 The savages were all painted; with their war…cloaks and feathers on; and armed with spears and clubs; evidently having come with no peaceable intentions。

William; who had taken the telescope to examine them more minutely; said to Ready; 〃What a fierce; cruel set of wretches they appear to be; if they overpower us they will certainly kill us!〃

〃Of that there is no doubt; William; but we must fight hard; and not let them overpower us。 Kill us they certainly will; and I am not sure that they may not eat us afterwards; but that is of little consequence。〃

William replied in a determined tone; 〃I'll fight as long as I have breath in my body; but; Ready; they are coming up as fast as they can。〃

〃Yes; we must wait no longer。 Come; William。〃

〃I thought I saw another vessel under sail; out away by the garden point; Ready; just as we turned away。〃

〃Very likely; sir; a canoe which has separated from the others during the night。 Come; quick; William; they have begun to yell。〃

Another half…minute; and they arrived at the door of the stockade; they entered; shut the door; and then barricaded it with the cocoa…nut poles which they had fitted to the inner door…posts。

Chapter LXII

The loud yells of the savages struck terror into the heart of Mrs。 Seagrave; it was well that she had not seen their painted bodies and fierce appearance; or she would have been much more alarmed。 Little Albert and Caroline clung around her neck with terror in their faces; they did not cry; but looked round and round to see from whence the horrid noise proceeded; and then clung faster to their mother。 Tommy was very busy; finishing all the breakfast which had been left; for there was no one to check him as usual; Juno was busy outside; and was very active and courageous。 Mr。 Seagrave had been employed making the holes between the palisades large enough to admit the barrels of the muskets; so that they could fire at the savages without being exposed; while William and Ready; with。 their muskets loaded; were on the look…out for their approach。

〃They are busy with
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