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masterman ready-第65章

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The pelting of the stones had the desired effect。 The sharks swam away; and Ready passed through to the beach; and the boat grounded just as she was up to the gunnel in water; and about to turn over。 He handed out Tommy; who was so dreadfully frightened that he could not cry。

As soon as Ready landed; William sprang into his arms; crying; 〃Thank God; you are safe; Ready!〃 Mrs。 Seagrave; overpowered by her feelings; sank her head upon William's shoulder; and burst into tears。

〃It was touch and go; William;〃 observed Ready; as they walked up to the house; preceded by Mr。 and Mrs。 Seagrave。 〃How much mischief may be created by a thoughtless boy! However; one can't put old heads on young shoulders; and so Tommy must be forgiven。〃

〃He has been punished enough; as far as fright goes;〃 replied William; 〃I'll answer for it; he'll never get into the boat again by himself。〃

〃No; I think not。 But now; William; you saw how nearly I was swamped in the boat; indeed; it was only by his mercy that I was preserved; but taking the question merely as far as our endeavours could help us; do you think that if you had gained the boat instead of me; you would have brought her to the beach as I did?〃

〃No; Ready; I never could have managed her so skilfully as you did; and therefore I must have been swamped before I got on shore。〃

〃Well; William; as I am an old sailor and you are not; therefore it is not vanity which makes me say that you could not have managed the boat so well as I did。 Now; as I had not three or four seconds to spare; you; as you say; must have been swamped。 I mention this to prove to you that I was right in desiring your father to order you back。〃

〃Certainly; Ready; but Tommy is my brother; and I felt that it was more my duty than yours to risk my life for him。〃

〃A very proper feeling; William; but you have other duties; which are; to look after your father and mother; and be a comfort and solace to them。 Your life is more valuable than mine。 I am an old man on the brink of the grave; and a year or two makes no difference; but your life is; I hope; of more consequence。〃

That evening the prayers were more than usually solemn; and the thanksgivings more heartfelt and sincere。 Exhausted with the exciting scene of the day; they all retired early to bed。

Chapter LIX

When Tommy was questioned on the following morning as to his inducement to get into the boat; to their great surprise he replied; that he wanted to go round to the tents again; to see if the bananas were ripe; that he intended to eat some of them and be back before dinner…time; that he might not be found out。

〃I suspect; Tommy; you would have been very hungry before you ate any bananas if we had not perceived you;〃 said Ready。

〃I won't go into the boat any more;〃 said Tommy。

〃I rather think you will keep to that resolution; Tommy;〃 replied Mr。 Seagrave; 〃however; I must leave your mother to point out to you the danger you were in yourself; and in which you placed others by your folly。〃

The stockade was now almost finished; the door was the occasion of a good deal of consultation; at last; it was agreed that it would be better to have a door of stout oak plank; but with second door…posts inside; about a foot apart from the door; between which could be inserted short poles one above the other; so as to barricade it within when required。 This would make the door as strong as any other portion of the stockade。 As soon as this was all complete; the storehouse was to be altered for a dwelling…house; by taking away the wattles of cocoa…nut boughs on the sides; and filling them up with logs of cocoa…nut trees。

Before the week was ended the stockade and door were complete; and they now began to fell trees; to form the sides of the house。 This was rapid work; and while Mr。 Seagrave; William; and Juno felled the trees; and brought them on the wheels to the side of the stockade; all ready cut to their proper lengths; Ready was employed in flooring the house with a part of the deal planks which they had brought round from the cove。 But this week they were obliged to break off for two days; to collect all their crops from the garden。

A fortnight more passed away in continual hard work; but the house was at last finished; and very complete; compared to the one they were residing in。 It was much larger; and divided into three rooms by the deal planking: the middle room which the door opened into was the sitting and eating room; with a window behind; the two side rooms were sleeping…rooms; one for Mrs。 Seagrave and the children; and the other for the male portion of the family。

〃See; William;〃 said Ready; when they were alone; 〃what we have been able to do by means of those deal planks; why; to have floored this house; and run up the partitions; would have taken us half a year if we had had to saw the wood。〃

〃Yes; and what a comfort it is to have so many shelves about。 When shall we shift into this house?〃

〃The sooner the better。 We have plenty of work still to do; but we can work outside of the stockade。〃

〃And what do you propose to do with the old house?〃 said William。

〃We had better put some of our stores of least value in it for the present; until we can fit up another storehouse inside the stockade。〃

〃Then we'll put those casks in; for they take up a great deal of room。〃

〃All but that large one; William; we shall want that。 I shall fix it up in a corner。〃

〃What for; Ready?〃

〃To put water in。〃

〃But we are closer to the spring than we were at the other house。〃

〃I know that; but; perhaps; we may not be able to go out of the stockade; and then we shall want water。〃

〃I understand; Ready; how thoughtful you are!〃

〃If at my age I did not think a little; William; it would be very odd。 You don't know how anxious I am to see them all inside of this defence。〃

〃But why should we not come in; Ready?〃

〃Why; sir; as there is still plenty of work; I do not like to press the matter; lest your mamma should be fidgeted; and think there was danger; but danger there is; I have a kind of forewarning of it。 I wish you would propose that they should come in at once; the standing…bed places are all ready; except the canvas; and I shall nail on new by to…night。〃

In consequence of this conversation; William proposed at dinnertime that the next day they should go into the new house; as it was so much more handy to work there and live there at the same time。 Mr。 Seagrave was of the same opinion; but Mrs。 Seagrave thought it better that everything should be tidy first。

〃Why; ma'am;〃 said Ready; 〃the only way to get things tidy is to go yourself and make them so。 Nothing will ever be in its place unless you are there to put it in。〃

〃Well; Ready;〃 said Mrs。 Seagrave; 〃since you are against me as well as all the rest; I give it up。 and if you please we will shift over to…morrow。〃

〃Indeed; ma'am; I think it will be better; this is the last month of fine weather; and we shall have plenty to do。〃

〃Be it so; Ready; you are the best judge; to…morrow we will take up our quarters in the stockade。〃

〃Thank God!〃 muttered Ready very softly。

The next day was fully employed in changing their residence; and shifting 
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