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masterman ready-第55章

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ht fit; protect them in their need。

Chapter XLVI

The subject was introduced to Mrs。 Seagrave; while they were at breakfast; and as she perceived how much more secure they would be; she cheerfully consented。 In less than an hour afterwards; William and Ready had prepared the boat; and were pulling out among the rocks of the reef to find a passage; which; after a short time; and by keeping two or three cables from the point; they succeeded in doing。

〃This is very fortunate; William;〃 observed Ready; 〃but we must now take some marks to find our way in again。 See; the large black rock is on a line with the garden point: so; if we keep them in one; we shall know that we are in the proper channel; and now for a mark abreast of us; to find out when we enter it。〃

〃Why; Ready; the corner of the turtle…pond just touches the right wall of the house;〃 replied William。

〃So it does; that will do; and now let us pull away as hard as we can; so as to be back in good time。〃

They soon were on the south side of the island; and pulling up along the shore。

〃How far do you think that it is by water; Ready?〃

〃I hardly know; but at least four or five miles; so we must make up our minds to a good hour's pull。 At all events; we shall sail back again with this wind; although there is but little of it。〃

〃We are in very deep water now;〃 observed William; after a long silence。

〃Yes; on this side of the island we must expect it; the coral grows to leeward only。 I think that we cannot be very far from the little harbour we discovered。 Suppose we leave off rowing for a minute; and look about us。〃

〃There are two rocks close to the shore; Ready;〃 said William; pointing; 〃and you recollect there were two or three rocks outside of the harbour。〃

〃Very true; William; and I should not wonder if you have hit upon the very spot。 Let us pull in。〃

They did so; and; to their satisfaction; found that they were in the harbour; where the water was as smooth as a pond。

〃Now; then; William; we will step the mast; and sail back at our leisure。〃

〃Stop one moment; Ready; give me the boat…hook。 I see something between the clefts of the rocks。〃

Ready handed the boat…hook to William; who; lowering it down into the water; drove the spike of iron at the end of it into a large crayfish; which he hauled up into the boat。

〃That will be an addition to our dinner;〃 said Ready; 〃we do not go back empty…handed; and; therefore; as the saying is; we shall be more welcome; now; then; let us start; for we must pull here again this afternoon; and with a full cargo on board。〃

They stepped the mast; and as soon as they had pulled the boat clear of the harbour; set sail; and in less than an hour had rejoined the party at the house。

William had brought up the crayfish; which had only one claw; and Juno put on another pot of water to boil it; as an addition to the dinner; which was nearly ready。 Tommy at first went with his sister Caroline to look at the animal; and as soon as he had left off admiring it; he began; as usual; to tease it; first he poked its eyes with a stick; then he tried to unfold his tail; but the animal flapped; and he ran away。 At last he was trying to put his stick into the creature's mouth; when it raised its large claw; and caught him by the wrist; squeezing him so tight that Tommy screamed and danced about as the crayfish held on。 Fortunately for him; the animal had been so long out of water; and had been so much hurt by the iron spike of the boat…hook; that it was more than half…dead; or he would have been severely hurt。 Ready ran to him; and disengaged the crayfish; but Tommy was so frightened; that he took to his heels; and did not leave off running until he was one hundred yards from the house; while Juno and Ready were laughing at him till the tears came into their eyes。 When he saw the crayfish on the table; he appeared to be afraid of it; although it was dead。

〃Well; Tommy;〃 said Mr。 Seagrave; 〃I suppose you won't eat any of the crayfish?〃

〃Won't I?〃 replied Tommy。 〃I'll eat him; for he tried to eat me。〃

〃Why did you not leave the animal alone; Tommy?〃 said Mr。 Seagrave; 〃if you had not tormented it; it would not have bitten you; I don't know whether you ought to have any。〃

〃I don't like it; I won't have any;〃 replied Tommy。 〃I like salt pork better。〃

〃Well; then; if you don't like it; you shall not have it forced upon you; Tommy;〃 replied Mr。 Seagrave; 〃so now we'll divide it among the rest of us。〃

Tommy was not very well pleased at this decision; for he really did wish to have some of it; so he turned very sulky for the rest of the dinner…time; especially when old Ready told him that he had had his share of the crayfish before dinner。

Chapter XLVII

As soon as the meal was over; Mr。 Seagrave and Juno assisted them in carrying down the canvas and poles for the tent; with shovels to clear away; and the pegs to fix the tents up properly。 Before they started; William observed; 〃I think it would be a good thing; if Ready and I were to take our bedding with us; and then we could fix up one tent this evening; and sleep there; to…morrow morning we might set up the other; and get a good deal of work over before we come back。〃

〃You are right; William;〃 replied Ready; 〃let us see what Juno can give us to eat; and then we will do as you say; for the sooner we are all there the better。〃

As Mr。 Seagrave was of the same opinion; Juno packed up a piece of salt pork and some flour…cakes; which; with three or four bottles of water; they took down to the boat。 Ready having thrown in a piece of rope to moor the boat with; they shoved off and were soon through the reef; and; after a smart pull; they arrived again at the small harbour。

As soon as they had landed all the things; they made the boat fast by the rope; and then carried a portion of the canvas and tent…poles up to the first copse of trees; which were the guavas; they then returned for the remainder; and after three trips everything was up。

〃Now; William; we must see where to pitch the tent; we must not be too near the cocoa…nut grove; or we shall have too far to go for water。〃

〃Don't you think that the best place will be close to the bananas? the ground is higher there; and the water is; you know; between the bananas and the yams。〃

〃Very true; I think it will not be a bad place; let us walk there first; and reconnoitre the ground。〃

They walked to where the bananas were now throwing out their beautiful large green leaves; and decided that they would fix the tents upon the north side of them。

〃So here let it be;〃 said Ready; 〃and now let us go and fetch all the things; it is a nice dry spot; and I think will do capitally。〃

They were soon hard at work; and long before sunset one tent was ready; and they had put their bedding in it。

〃Well; now; I suppose you are a little tired;〃 said Ready; 〃I'm sure you ought to be; for you have worked hard to…day。〃

〃I don't feel very tired; Ready; but it's not time to go to bed yet。〃

〃No; and I think we had better take our shovels and dig the pits for the water; and then we shall know by to…morrow morning whether the water is good or not。〃

〃Yes; Ready; we can do that before w
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