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masterman ready-第53章

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then left Ready; and went up to acquaint his father and mother with this unexpected event。

William soon returned with Mr。 Seagrave; and as the women were now able to sit up; they hauled up the canoe as far as they could; to prevent her being beat to pieces。 They found nothing in the canoe; except a piece of matting and the two paddles which had been used by the natives。

〃You see; sir;〃 said Ready; 〃it is very clear that these two poor women; having been left in charge of the canoe; have been blown off from the shore of one of the islands to the south…east; they must have been contending with the gale ever since the day before yesterday; and; as it appears; without food or water。 It's a mercy that they gained this island。〃

〃It is so;〃 replied Mr。 Seagrave; 〃but to tell the truth; I am not over pleased at their arrival。 It proves what we were not sure of before; that we have very near neighbours; who may probably pay us a very unwelcome visit。〃

〃That may be; sir;〃 replied Ready; 〃still these two poor creatures being thrown on shore here does not make the matter worse; or the danger greater。 Perhaps it may turn to our advantage; for if these women learn to speak English before any other islanders visit us; they will interpret for us; and be the means; perhaps; of saving our lives。〃

〃Would their visit be so dangerous; then; Ready?〃

〃Why; sir; a savage is a savage; and; like a child; wishes to obtain whatever he sees; especially he covets what he may turn to use; such as iron; &c。 If they came; and we concealed a portion; and gave up the remainder of our goods; we might escape; but still there is no trusting to them; and I would infinitely prefer defending ourselves against numbers to trusting to their mercy。〃

〃But how can we defend ourselves against a multitude?〃

〃We must be prepared; sir: if we can fortify ourselves; with our muskets we would be more than a match for hundreds。〃

Mr。 Seagrave turned away。 After a pause he said; 〃It is not very pleasant to be now talking of defending ourselves against savages; when we hoped two days ago to be leaving the island。 Oh; that that brig would make its appearance again!〃

〃The wind is going down fast; sir;〃 observed Ready; 〃it will be fine weather before the evening。 We may look out for her; at all events; for the next week I shall not give up all hopes。〃

〃A whole week; Ready! Alas! how true it is; that hope deferred maketh the heart sick。〃

〃It is a severe trial; Mr。 Seagrave; but we must submit when we are chastened。 We had better get these poor creatures up to the house; and let them recover themselves。〃

Ready then beckoned to them to get on their feet; which they both did; although with some difficulty。 He then went in advance; making a sign for them to follow; they understood him; and made the attempt; but were so weak; that they would have fallen if they had not been supported by Mr。 Seagrave and William。

It required a long time for them to arrive at the house。 Mrs。 Seagrave; who knew what had happened; received them very kindly; and Juno had a mess ready; which she put before them。 They ate a little and then lay down; and were soon sound asleep。

〃It is fortunate for us that they are women;〃 observed Mr。 Seagrave: 〃we should have had great difficulty had they been men。〃

〃Yes; sir;〃 replied Ready; 〃but still we must not trust women too much at first; for they are savages。〃

〃Where shall we put them to…night; Ready?〃

〃Why; sir; I have been thinking about that。 I wish we had a shed close to us; but as we have not; we must let them sleep in the storehouse。〃

We must now pass over a space of fifteen days; in which there was nothing done。 The expectation of the vessel returning was still alive; although each day decreased these hopes。 Every morning Ready and William were at the beach with the telescope; and the whole of the day was passed in surmises; hopes; and fears。 In fact; the appearance of the vessel and the expectation of leaving the island had completely overturned all the regularity and content of our island party。 No other subject was broached … not any of the work proposed was begun; as it was useless to do anything if they were to leave the island。 After the first week had passed; they felt that every day their chances were more adverse; and at the end of the fortnight all hopes were very unwillingly abandoned。

The Indian women had; in the meantime; recovered their fatigues; and appeared to be very mild and tractable。 Whatever they were able to do; they did cheerfully; and had already gained a few words of English。 The party to explore was again talked over; and arranged for the following Monday; when a new misfortune fell on them; which disconcerted all their arrangements。

On the Saturday morning; when Ready; as usual; went his rounds; as he walked along the beach; he perceived that the Indian canoe was missing。 It had been hauled up clear of the water; so that it could not have floated away。 Ready's heart misgave him; he looked through his telescope in the direction of the large island; and thought he could distinguish a speck on the water at a great distance。 As he was thus occupied; William came down to him。

〃William;〃 said Ready; 〃I fear those island women have escaped in their canoe。 Run up; and see if they are in the outhouse; or anywhere else; and let me know as soon as you can。〃

William in a few minutes returned; breathless; stating that the women were not to be found; and that they had evidently carried away with them a quantity of the large nails and other pieces of iron which were in the small kegs in the storehouse。

〃This is bad; William; this is worse than the vessel not coming back。〃

〃Why; we can do without them; Ready。〃

〃Yes; but when they get back to their own people; and show them the iron they have brought with them; and describe how much more there is to be had; depend upon it; we shall have a visit from them in numbers; that they may obtain more。 I ought to have known better than to leave the canoe here。 We must go and consult with Mr。 Seagrave; for the sooner we begin to work now; the better。〃

They communicated the intelligence to Mr。 Seagrave when they were outside。 He at once perceived their danger; so they held a council; and came to the following resolutions:

That it would be necessary that they should immediately stockade the storehouse; so as to render it impossible for any one to get in; and that; as soon as the fortification was complete; the storehouse should be turned into their dwelling…house; and such stores as could not be put within the stockade should be removed to their present house; or concealed in the cocoa…nut grove。

It was decided that nothing should be begun on that day; Saturday; that Sunday should be spent in devout prayer for help and encouragement from the Almighty; who would do towards them as his wisdom should ordain; and that on Monday; with the blessing of God; they would recommence their labour。

〃I don't know why; but I feel more courage now that there is a prospect of danger; than I felt when there was little or none;〃 said Mrs。 Seagrave。

〃How little do we know what the day may bring forth!〃 exclaimed Mr。 Seagrave。 〃How joyful were our antic
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