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masterman ready-第34章

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e boys were left in the Indiaman; to assist in taking her into the Isle of France; which was at that time in the hands of the French。 I thought it hard that I was to go to prison at twelve years old; but I did not care much about it; and very soon I was as gay and merry as ever。 We had made the island; and were on a wind beating up to the port; when a vessel was seen to windward; and although I could not understand what the Frenchmen said; I perceived that they were in a great fluster and very busy with their spy…glasses; and Jack Romer; one of my brother 'prentices who had been three years at sea; said to me; ‘I don't think we'll go to prison after all; Ready; for that vessel is an English man…of…war; if I'm not mistaken。' At last she came down within three miles of us; and hoisted English colours and fired a gun。 The Frenchmen put the ship before the wind; but it was of no use; the man…of…war came up with us very fast; and then the Frenchmen began to pack up their clothes; together with all the other things which they had collected out of the property of our captain and crew; a shot was fired which went clean over our heads; and then they left the helm; and Jack Romer went to it; and; with my help; hove the ship up in the wind; a boat came on board and took possession; and so there was one escape; at all events。

〃They sent a midshipman as prize…master on board of the vessel; and left all us; who had been taken prisoners by the French; in the vessel; to help to work her into port; as the captain did not wish to part with any more men of his own than was necessary。 We soon made sail for England; quite delighted at having escaped a French prison; but; after all; we only exchanged it for a Dutch one。〃

〃How do you mean?〃

〃I mean that; two days afterwards; as we were rounding the Cape; another French vessel bore down upon us; and captured us。 This time we did not find any friend in need; and were taken into Table Bay; for at that time the Cape of Good Hope was in the possession of the Dutch; who; as well as the French; were at war with England。〃

〃How very unfortunate you were; Ready!〃 said Mrs。 Seagrave。

〃Yes; madam; we were; and I can't say much in favour of a Dutch prison。 However; I was very young at that time; and did not care much … I had a light heart。〃

Chapter XXXIV

A heavy storm came on soon after they had retired to rest; the lightning was so vivid that its flashes penetrated through the chinks of the door and windows; and the thunder burst upon them with a noise which prevented them obtaining any sleep。 The children cried and trembled as they lay in the arms of Mrs。 Seagrave and Juno; who were almost as much alarmed themselves。

〃This is very awful;〃 said Mr。 Seagrave to Ready; for they had both risen from their beds。

〃It is indeed; sir; I never knew a more terrible storm than this。〃

〃Merciful Heaven!〃 exclaimed Mr。 Seagrave。

As he spoke; they were both thrown back half…stunned; a crash of thunder burst over the house; which shook everything in it; a sulphurous smell pervaded the building; and soon afterwards; when they recovered their feet; they perceived that the house was full of smoke; and they heard the wailing of the women and the shrieks of the children in the bed…places on the other side。

〃God have mercy on us!〃 exclaimed Ready; who was the first to recover himself; and who now attempted to ascertain the injury which had been done: 〃the lightning has struck us; and I fear that the house is on fire somewhere。〃

〃My wife … my children!〃 exclaimed Mr。 Seagrave; 〃are they all safe?〃

〃Yes; yes!〃 cried Mrs。 Seagrave; 〃all safe; Tommy has come to me; but where is Juno? Juno!〃

Juno answered not。 William darted to the other side of the house; and found Juno lying on her side; motionless。

〃She is dead; father;〃 cried William。

〃Help me to carry her out of the house; Mr。 Seagrave;〃 said Ready; who had lifted up the poor girl; 〃she may be only stunned。〃

They carried Juno out of the house; and laid her on the ground; the rain poured down in torrents。

Ready left them for a minute; to ascertain if the house was on fire; he found that it had been in flames at the further corner; but the rain had extinguished it。 He then went back to Mr。 Seagrave and William; who were with Juno。

〃I will attend to the girl; sir;〃 said Ready; 〃go you and Master William into the house; Mrs。 Seagrave will be too much frightened if she is left alone at such an awful time。 See; sir! Juno is not dead … her chest heaves … she will come to very soon; thank God for it!〃

William and Mr。 Seagrave returned to the house; they found Mrs。 Seagrave fainting with anxiety and fear。 The information they brought; that Juno was not killed by the lightning; did much to restore her。 William soothed little Albert; and Tommy in a few minutes was fast asleep again in his father's arms。 The storm now abated; and as the day began to break; Ready appeared with Juno; who was sufficiently recovered to he able to walk in with his support; she was put into her bed; and then Ready and Mr。 Seagrave went to examine if further mischief had been done。 The lightning had come in at the further end of the house; at the part where the fireplace was intended to have been made。

〃We have been most mercifully preserved;〃 said Mr。 Seagrave。

〃Yes; sir; thanks be to God for all his goodness;〃 replied Ready。

〃I think we have a large roll of copper wire; Ready; have we not?〃 said Mr。 Seagrave。

〃Yes; sir; I was just thinking of it myself; we will have a lightning…conductor up the first thing。〃

It was now broad daylight。 Mrs。 Seagrave dressed herself and the children; and as soon as she was ready; Mr。 Seagrave read such portions of the Psalms as were appropriate; and they earnestly joined in a prayer of thankfulness and humility。 William went out to prepare the breakfast; and Ready procured the coil of copper wire from those stores which were stowed under the bed…places。 This he unrolled; and stretched it out straight; and then went for the ladder; which was at the outhouse they had commenced building。 As soon as breakfast was over; Ready and Mr。 Seagrave went out again to fix up the lightning…conductor; leaving William to do the work of Juno; who still remained fast asleep in her bed。

〃I think;〃 said Ready; 〃that one of those two trees which are close together will suit the best; they are not too near the house; and yet quite near enough for the wire to attract the lightning。〃

〃I agree with you; Ready; but we must not leave both standing。〃

〃No; sir; but we shall require them both to get up and fix the wire; after that we will cut down the other。〃

Ready put his ladder against one of the trees; and; taking with him the hammer and a bag of large spike…nails; drove one of the nails into the trunk of the tree till it was deep enough in to bear his weight; he then drove in another above it; and so he continued to do; standing upon one of them while he drove in another above; till he had reached the top of the tree; close to the boughs; he then descended; and; leaving the hammer behind him; took up a saw and small axe; and in about ten minutes he had cut off the head of the cocoa…nut tree; which remained a tall; bare po
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