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masterman ready-第33章

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〃Then I think this spot will do very well。〃

〃I'll just mark out the trees which are to stand; Mr。 Seagrave; and those which are to be cut down; so as to leave about four feet of stump standing。〃

As soon as they had planned the building; the axes and saw were in full use; and tree after tree fell one upon the other。 They worked hard till dinner…time; and were not sorry at the prospect of sitting down to a rich mess of turtle…soup。

〃My dear William; and you too; Mr。 Seagrave; how very warm you are!〃 said Mrs。 Seagrave; 〃you must not work so hard。〃

〃Cutting down trees is very warm work; mother;〃 replied William; 〃and hard work will never hurt any one; especially when he dines off turtle…soup。 Why; Tommy; what's the matter with you?〃

〃Tommy and I are at variance;〃 replied Mrs。 Seagrave。 〃I had my thimble this morning; and had commenced my sewing; when I was called out by Juno; and Caroline went with me; and Tommy was left in the house。 When I came back I found him outside; and on going back to my work; there was no thimble to be found; I asked him if he had touched it; and his answer was that he would look for it。 He did look; and said he could not find it; I have asked him several times if he took it away; and his only answer is that he will find it by and by。〃

〃Tommy; did you take the thimble?〃 said Mr。 Seagrave; gravely。

〃I'll find it by and by; papa。〃

〃That's not an answer。 Did you take the thimble?〃

〃I'll find it by and by; papa;〃 said Tommy; whimpering。

〃That's all the answer he will give me;〃 said Mrs。 Seagrave。

〃Well; then; he shall have no dinner till the thimble makes its appearance;〃 replied Mr。 Seagrave。

Master Tommy began to cry at this intelligence。 Juno appeared with the turtle…soup; and Tommy cried louder when they had said grace and commenced their dinner。 They were all very hungry; and William sent his plate for another portion; which he had not commenced long before he put his finger in his mouth and pulled out something。

〃Why; mother; here's the thimble in my soup;〃 cried William。

〃No wonder he said he would find it by and by;〃 said Ready; smiling; 〃he meant to have fished it up; I suppose; from what was left of the soup after dinner。 Well; Mrs。 Seagrave; I don't mean to say that Tommy is a good boy; but still; although be would not tell where the thimble was; he has not told a falsehood about it。〃

〃No; he has not;〃 replied William。 〃I think; now that the thimble is found; if he begs pardon; papa will forgive him。〃

〃Tommy; come here;〃 said Mr。 Seagrave。 〃Tell me why you put that thimble into the soup?〃

〃I wanted to taste the soup。 I wanted to fill the thimble; the soup burnt my fingers; and I let the thimble drop in。〃

〃Well; a thimbleful wasn't much; at all events;〃 observed Ready。 〃And why didn't you tell your mamma where the thimble was?〃

〃I was afraid mamma throw all the soup away; and then I get none for dinner。〃

〃Oh! that was it; was it? Well; sir; I said you should have no dinner till the thimble was found; so; as it is found; you may have your dinner; but if you ever refuse to answer a question again; I shall punish you more severely。〃

Tommy was glad the lecture was over; and more glad to get his turtle…soup; he finished one plate; and; as he asked for another; he said; 〃Tommy won't put thimble in again; put tin pot in next time。〃

After dinner they went to their work again; and did not come in again till sunset。

〃The clouds are gathering fast; sir;〃 observed Ready; 〃we shall have rain to…night。〃

〃I fear we shall; but we must expect it now; Ready。〃

〃Yes; sir; and by and by we shall have it for days together。〃

〃Ready;〃 said Mrs。 Seagrave; 〃if you are not too tired; perhaps you will go on with your history。〃

〃Certainly; ma'am; if you wish it;〃 replied Ready。 〃When I left off; I was on board of the collier; bound to London。 We had a very fair wind; and a quick passage。 I was very sick until we arrived in the Nore; and then I recovered; and; as you may suppose; was astonished at the busy scene; and the quantity of vessels which were going up and down the river。 But I did not like my captain; he was very severe and brutal to the men; and the apprentice who was on board told me to run away; and get into another vessel; and not to bind myself apprentice to this captain; or I should be beat all day long; and be treated as bad as he was。 I knew this was the case; as the captain kicked and cuffed him twenty times a day。 The men said that he did not do so to me; for fear I should refuse to be his apprentice; but that; as soon as my indentures were signed; he would treat me in the same way。

〃Well; I made up my mind that I would not remain in the collier; and; as the captain had gone on shore; I had plenty of time to look about me。 There was a large ship; which was ready to sail; lying in the stream; I spoke to two boys who were at the stairs in her boat; and they told me that they were very comfortable on board; and that the captain wanted two or three apprentices。 I went on board with them; and offered myself。 The captain asked me a great many questions; and I told him the truth; and why I did not like to remain in the collier。 He agreed to take me; and I went on shore with him; signed my indentures; and received from him a sufficient supply of clothes; and; two days afterwards; we sailed for Bombay and China。〃

〃But you wrote to your mother; Ready; did you not?〃 said William。

〃Yes; I did; for the captain desired me to do so; and he put a few lines at the bottom to comfort her; but; unfortunately; the letter; which was sent on shore by the cook; never arrived。 Whether he dropped it; or forgot it till after the ship sailed; and then tore it up; I do not know; but; as I found out afterwards; it never did get to her hands。〃

〃It was not your fault that the letter did not arrive safe;〃 said Mrs。 Seagrave。

〃No; madam; that was not my fault; the fault had been committed before。〃

〃Don't dwell any more upon that portion of your history; Ready; but tell us what took place after you sailed for the East Indies。〃

〃Be it so; if you please。 I certainly was very smart and active for my age; and soon became a great favourite on board; especially with the lady passengers; because I was such a little fellow。 We arrived safely at Bombay; where our passengers went on shore; and in three weeks afterwards we sailed down the straits for China。 It was war time; and we were very often chased by French privateers; but as we had a good crew and plenty of guns; none of them ventured to attack us; and we got safe to Macao; where we unloaded our cargo and took in teas。 We had to wait some time for a convoy; and then sailed for England。 When we were off the Isle of France; the convoy was dispersed in a gale; and three days afterwards; a French frigate bore down upon us; and after exchanging a few broadsides; we were compelled to haul down our colours。 A lieutenant was sent on board with forty men to take charge of us; for we were a very rich prize to them。 The captain and most of the crew were taken on board of the frigate; but ten Lascars and the boys were left in the Indiaman; to assist in taking her into the Isle of France; which was at that
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