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masterman ready-第25章

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nough; and the rocks on the beach nearly fill up that side and prevent them crawling away by the shore。 We have; therefore; little more to do than to fill up the two other sides; and then our pond will be complete。〃

〃I see it will not be a long job either; if we can find loose rocks enough;〃 replied Mr。 Seagrave。

〃Almost all those which are on the beach are loose;〃 replied Ready; 〃and there are plenty close to us: some of them will be too heavy to carry; but they can be brought here by the aid of handspikes and crowbars。 Suppose we make a signal for William and Juno; and set them to work。〃

Mr。 Seagrave called and waved his hat; and Juno and William came down to them。 Juno was ordered to go back for two handspikes; while Ready explained to William what was to be done。 Having stayed with them and assisted them for some time after Juno had returned with the implements; Mr。 Seagrave and Ready proceeded to the point; to fix upon a spot for a garden; leaving William and Juno to continue their labour。

Chapter XXV

Mr。 Seagrave and Ready then continued their way along the beach; until they arrived at the point which the latter had considered as a convenient place to make the garden。 They found a sufficiency of mould; and as the point was narrow at its joining on to the mainland; no great length of enclosure would be required。

〃You see; sir;〃 said Ready; 〃we can wait till after the rainy season is over before we put up the fence; and we can prepare it in the meantime; when the weather will permit us to work。 The seeds and potatoes will not come up until after the rains are finished; so all we have to do is to dig up the ground; and put them in as fast as we can。 We cannot make a large garden this year; but our potatoes we must contrive to get in; if we cannot manage anything else。〃

〃If we have no fence to make;〃 replied Mr。 Seagrave; 〃I think we shall be able to clear away quite enough ground in a week to put in all that we require。〃

〃The first job will be to pull up the small brushwood;〃 said Ready; 〃and turn up the ground; the larger plants we must leave; if we have not time。 Tommy might be of some use here in taking away the shrubs as you pull them up; but we had better now go on to the grove; and choose the spot for cutting down the trees。 I have made my mark。〃

Ready and Mr。 Seagrave proceeded in the direction which the former had pointed out; until they arrived at a spot on a rising ground; where the trees were so thick that it was not very easy to pass through them。

〃There is the place;〃 said Ready。 〃I propose to cut all the timber we want for the houses out of this part of the grove; and to leave an open square place; in the centre of which we will build our storerooms。 You see; sir; if necessary; with a very little trouble we might turn it into a place of protection and defence; as a few palisades here and there between the trees would make it; what they call in the East Indies; a stockade。〃

〃Very true; but I trust we shall not require it for such a purpose。〃

〃I hope so too; but there is nothing like being prepared; however; we have plenty to do before we can think of that。 Now; sir; as dinner is ready; suppose we return; and after dinner we will both commence our tasks。〃

Juno and William returned to the dinner which Mrs。 Seagrave had prepared。 They were both very warm with their work; which was very hard; but very eager to finish their task。 After dinner was over; Mrs。 Seagrave requested her husband; as he was about to go down to the point; with the spade and a small hatchet in his hand; to take Tommy with him; as she had a great deal to do; and could not watch him as well as the baby and Caroline。 So Mr。 Seagrave took Tommy by the hand; and led him to the point; and made him sit down close to him while he cleared away the brushwood。

Mr。 Seagrave worked very hard; and when he had cut down and cleared a portion of the ground; he made Tommy carry away to a little distance; and pile in a heap; the bushes which he had cleared away。 When Mr。 Seagrave had cleared away a large piece of ground with his hatchet; he then took his spade to dig at the roots and turn up the mould; leaving Tommy to amuse himself。 What Tommy did for about an hour; during which Mr。 Seagrave worked very diligently; his father did not observe; but all of a sudden he began to cry; and when his father asked him the reason; he did not answer; but only cried the more; until at last he put his hands to his stomach; and roared most lustily。 As he appeared to be in very great pain; his father left off work; and led him up to the tent; when Mrs。 Seagrave came out; alarmed at his cries。 Ready; who had heard Tommy screaming for so long a while; thought that there might be something serious; and left his work to ascertain the cause。 When he heard what had passed; he said:

〃Depend upon it; the child has eaten something which has made him ill。 Tell me; Tommy; what did you eat when you were down there?〃

〃Berries;〃 roared Tommy。

〃I thought as much; ma'am;〃 said Ready。 〃I must go and see what the berries were。〃 And the old man hastened down to the place where Mr。 Seagrave had been at work。 In the meantime Mrs。 Seagrave was much alarmed lest the child should have poisoned himself; and Mr。 Seagrave went to search among the medicines for some castor…oil。

Ready returned just as he came back to the tent with the bottle of castor…oil; and he told Ready that he was about to give Tommy a dose。

〃Well; sir;〃 replied Ready; who had a plant in his hand; 〃I don't think you should give him any; for it appears to me that he has taken too much already。 This is; if I recollect right; the castor…oil plant; and here are some of the castor…oil beans which Master Tommy has been eating。 Tell me; Tommy; did you eat them?〃

〃Yes;〃 cried Tommy。

〃I thought so: give him a little warm drink; ma'am; and he'll soon be better: it will teach him not to eat berries or beans again。〃

What Ready said was true; nevertheless Master Tommy was very ill for the whole of the day; and was put early to bed。

Chapter XXVI

The next day; when Mr。 Seagrave; William; Juno; and Ready were all at work at their allotted tasks; Mrs。 Seagrave was sitting down at the front of the tent; the little baby; Albert; crawling close to her; Caroline trying to work with her needle; and Tommy was making holes in the ground; and putting a small stone into each hole。

〃What are you doing; Tommy?〃 said Mrs。 Seagrave。

〃I'm making a garden;〃 replied Tommy。

〃Making a garden! Then you ought to plant some trees in it。〃

〃No; I'm sowing seeds: look here;〃 replied Tommy; pointing to the stones。

〃But these are stones; not seeds。〃

〃Well; but I pretend; and that's the same thing;〃 replied Tommy。

〃Not exactly; Tommy; suppose; instead of eating those beans yesterday; you had only pretended to eat them; wouldn't it have been better?〃

〃I won't eat any more;〃 replied Tommy。

〃No; not of those beans; but if you saw anything else which you thought you would like; I am afraid you would eat it; and be as ill and even worse than you were。〃

〃I like cocoa…nuts; why don't we have some? there's plenty upon the trees。〃

〃But who is to climb up so high; Tommy? Can you?
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