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masterman ready-第2章

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but; at the same time; full of mirth and humour; Thomas; who was six years old; a very thoughtless but good…tempered boy; full of mischief; and always in a scrape; Caroline; a little girl of seven years; and Albert; a fine strong little fellow; who was not one year old: he was under the charge of a black girl; who had come from the Cape of Good Hope to Sydney; and had followed Mrs。 Seagrave to England。 We have now mentioned all the people on board of the Pacific: perhaps we ought not to forget two shepherd's dogs; belonging to Mr。 Seagrave; and a little terrier; which was a great favourite of Captain Osborn; to whom she belonged。

It was not until the fourth day from its commencement that the gale abated; and then it gradually subsided until it was nearly a calm。 The men who had been watching night after night during the gale now brought all their clothes which had been drenched by the rain and spray; and hung them up in the rigging to dry: the sails; also; which had been furled; and had been saturated by the wet; were now loosened and spread out that they might not be mildewed。 The wind blew mild and soft; the sea had gone down; and the ship was running through the water at the speed of about four miles an hour。 Mrs。 Seagrave; wrapped up in a cloak; was seated upon one of the arm…chests near the stern of the ship; her husband and children were all with her enjoying the fine weather; when Captain Osborn; who had been taking an observation of the sun with his sextant; came up to them。

〃Well; Master Tommy; you are very glad that the gale is over?〃

〃I didn't care;〃 replied Tommy; 〃only I spilt all my soup。 But Juno tumbled off her chair; and rolled away with the baby; till papa picked them both up。〃

〃It was a mercy that poor Albert was not killed;〃 observed Mrs。 Seagrave。

〃And so he might have been; if Juno had not thought only of him and nothing at all about herself;〃 replied Mr。 Seagrave。

〃That's very true; sir;〃 replied Captain Osborn。 〃She saved the child; and; I fear; hurt herself。〃

〃I thump my head very hard;〃 said Juno; smiling。

〃Yes; and it's lucky that you have a good thick woolly coat over it;〃 replied Captain Osborn; laughing。

〃It is 12 o'clock by the sun; sir;〃 said Mackintosh; the first mate; to the captain。

〃Then bring me up the latitude; Mr。 Mackintosh; while I work out the longitude from the sights which I took this morning。 In five minutes; Mr。 Seagrave; I shall be ready to prick off over our place on the chart。〃

〃Here are the dogs come up on deck;〃 said William; 〃I dare say they are as glad of the fine weather as we are。 Come here; Romulus! Here; Remus! … Remus!〃

〃Well; sir;〃 said Ready; who was standing by them with his quadrant in his hand; 〃I should like to ask you a question。 Those dogs of yours have two very odd names which I never heard before。 Who were Romulus and Remus?〃

〃Romulus and Remus;〃 replied Mr。 Seagrave; 〃were the names of two shepherds; brothers; who in ancient days founded the city of Rome; which eventually became the largest and most celebrated empire in the world。 They were the first kings of Rome; and reigned together。 History says that Remus affronted Romulus by leaping over a wall he had raised; and Romulus; in his anger; took away his life; but the history of early days is not to be depended upon。〃

〃No; nor the brothers either; it appears;〃 replied Ready; 〃however; it is the old story … two of a trade can never agree。 One sometimes hears of Rome now … is that the same place?〃

〃Yes;〃 replied William; 〃it is the remains of the old city。〃

〃Well; one lives and learns;〃 said Ready。 〃I have learnt something to…day; which everyone will to the last day of his life; if he will only ask questions。 I'm an old man; and perhaps don't know much; except in the seafaring way; but I should have known much less if I did not ask for information; and was not ashamed to acknowledge my ignorance; that's the way to learn; Master William。〃

〃Very good advice; Ready; … and; William; I hope you will profit by it;〃 said Mr。 Seagrave; 〃never be ashamed to ask the meaning of what you do not understand。〃

〃I always do; papa。 Do I not ask you questions; Ready?〃

〃Yes; you do; and very clever questions for a boy of your age; and I only wish that I could answer them better than I can sometimes。〃

〃I should like to go down now; my dear;〃 said Mrs。 Seagrave; 〃perhaps Ready will see the baby down safe。〃

〃That I will; ma'am;〃 said Ready; putting his quadrant on the capstan: 〃now; Juno; give me the child; and go down first; … backwards; you stupid girl! how often do I tell you that? Some day or another you will come down with a run。〃

〃And break my head;〃 said Juno。

〃Yes; or break your arm; and then who is to hold the child?〃

As soon as they were all down in the cabin; the captain and Mr。 Seagrave marked the position of the vessel on the chart; and found that they were one hundred and thirty miles from the Cape of Good Hope。

〃If the wind holds; we shall be in to…morrow;〃 said Mr。 Seagrave to his wife。 〃Juno; perhaps you may see your father and mother。〃

Poor Juno shook her head; and a tear or two stole down her dark cheek。 With a mournful face she told them; that her father and mother belonged to a Dutch boor; who had gone with them many miles into the interior: she had been parted from them when quite a little child; and had been left at Cape Town。

Chapter III

The next morning the Pacific arrived at the Cape and anchored in Table Bay。

〃Why do they call this Table Bay; Ready?〃 said William。

〃I suppose it's because they call that great mountain the Table Mountain; Master William; you see how flat the mountain is on the top。〃

〃Yes; it is quite as flat as a table。〃

〃Yes; and sometimes you will see the white clouds rolling down over the top of it in a very curious manner; and that the sailors call spreading the tablecloth: it is a sign of bad weather。〃

〃Then I hope they will not spread the tablecloth while we are here; Ready;〃 said William; 〃for I shall certainly have no appetite。 We have had bad weather enough already; and mamma suffers so much from it。 What a pretty place it is!〃

〃We shall remain here two days; sir;〃 said Captain Osborn to Mr。 Seagrave; 〃if you and Mrs。 Seagrave would like to go on shore。〃

〃I will go down and ask Mrs。 Seagrave;〃 said her husband; who went down the ladder; followed by William。

Upon the question being put to Mrs。 Seagrave; she replied that she was quite satisfied with the ship having no motion; and did not feel herself equal to going on shore; it was therefore decided that she should remain on board with the two younger children; and that; on the following day; Mr。 Seagrave should take William and Tommy to see Cape Town; and return on board before night。

The next morning; Captain Osborn lowered down one of the large boats; and Mr。 Seagrave; accompanied by Captain Osborn; went on shore with William and Tommy。 Tommy had promised his mamma to be very good; but that he always did; and almost always forgot his promise directly he was out of sight。 As soon as they landed; they went up to a gentleman's house; with whom Captain Osborn was acquainted。 They stayed for a few minutes to drink a glass of l
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