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masterman ready-第13章

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The dogs; who had crept into the tent and laid themselves down upon the mattresses by the side of William and Tommy; now fawned upon Mr。 Seagrave。 William woke up with their whining; and having received a caution from his father not to wake Ready; he dressed himself and came out。

〃Had I not better call Juno; father?〃 said William; 〃I think I can; without waking mamma; if she is asleep。〃

〃Then do; if you can; my boy; and I will see what cooking utensils Ready has brought on shore。〃

William soon returned to his father; stating that his mother was in a sound sleep; and that Juno had got up without waking her or the two children。

〃Well; we'll see if we cannot get some breakfast ready for them; William。 Those dry cocoa…nut leaves will make an excellent fire。〃

〃But; father; how are we to light the fire? we have no tinder…box or matches。〃

〃No; but there are other ways; William; although; in most of them; tinder is necessary。 The savages can produce fire by rubbing a soft piece of wood against a hard one。 But we have gunpowder; and we have two ways of igniting gunpowder … one is by a flint and steel; and the other is by collecting the sun's rays into one focus by a magnifying…glass。〃

〃But; father; when we have lighted the fire; what have we to cook? we have no tea or coffee。〃

〃No; I do not think we have;〃 replied Mr。 Seagrave。

〃But we have potatoes; father。〃

〃Yes; William; but don't you think it would be better if we made our breakfast off the cold beef and pork and ship's biscuit for once; and not use the potatoes? we may want them all to plant; you know。 But why should we not go on board of the ship ourselves? you can pull an oar pretty well; and we must all learn to work now; and not leave everything for poor old Ready to do。 Come; William。〃

Mr。 Seagrave then went down to the cove; the little boat was lying on the beach; just lifted by the rippling waves; they pushed her off; and got into her。 〃I know where the steward kept the tea and coffee; father;〃 said William; as they pulled on board; 〃mamma would like some for breakfast; I'm sure; and I'll milk the goats for baby。〃

Although they were neither of them very handy at the oar; they were soon alongside of the ship; and; having made the boat fast; they climbed on board。

William first went down to the cabin for the tea and coffee; and then left his father to collect other things while he went to milk the goats; which he did in a tin pan。 He then poured the milk into a bottle; which he had washed out; that it might not be spilt; and went back to his father。

〃I have filled these two baskets full of a great many things; William; which will be very acceptable to your mamma。 What else shall we take?〃

〃Let us take the telescope; at all events; father; and let us take a whole quantity of clothes … they will please mamma: the clean ones are all in the drawers … we can bring them up in a sheet; and then; father; let us bring some of the books on shore; and I'm sure mamma will long for her Bible and prayer…book; … here they are。〃

〃You are a good boy; William;〃 replied Mr。 Seagrave。 〃I will now take those things up to the boat; and then return for the rest。〃

In a short time everything was put into the boat; and they pulled on shore again。 They found Juno; who had been washing herself; waiting for them at the cove; to assist to take up the things。

〃Well; Juno; how do you find yourself this morning?〃

〃Quite well; massa;〃 said Juno: and then pointing to the clear water; she said; 〃Plenty fish here。〃

〃Yes; if we only had lines;〃 replied Mr。 Seagrave。 〃I think Ready has both hooks and lines somewhere。 Come; Juno; take up this bundle of linen to your tent: we can manage all the rest。〃

When they arrived at the tent they found that every one was awake except Ready; who appeared still to sleep very sound。 Mrs。 Seagrave had passed a very good night; and felt herself much refreshed。 William made some touch…paper; which he lighted with one of the glasses from the telescope; and they soon had a good fire。 Mr。 Seagrave went to the beach; and procured three large stones to rest the saucepan on; and in half an hour the water was boiling and the tea made。

Chapter XII

Juno had taken the children down to the cove; and; walking out into the water up to her knees; had dipped them in all over; as the shortest way of washing them; and had then dressed them and left them with their mother; while she assisted William to get the cups and saucers and plates for breakfast。 Everything was laid out nice and tidy between the two tents; and then William proposed that he should awaken Ready。

〃Yes; my boy; you may as well now … he will want his breakfast。〃

William went and pushed Ready on the shoulder。 〃Ready; have you had sleep enough?〃 said William; as the old man sat up。

〃Yes; William。 I have had a good nap; I expect; and now I will get up; and see what I can get for breakfast for you all。〃

〃Do;〃 replied William; laughing。

Ready was soon dressed; for he had only taken off his jacket when he lay down。 He put it on; and came out of the tent; when; to his astonishment; he found the whole party (Mrs。 Seagrave having come out with the children) standing round the breakfast; which was spread on the ground。

〃Good…morning; Ready!〃 said Mrs。 Seagrave; extending her hand。 Mr。 Seagrave also shook hands with him。

〃You have had a good long sleep; Ready;〃 said Mr。 Seagrave; 〃and I would not waken you after your fatigue of yesterday。〃

〃I thank you; sir; and I am glad to see that Madam is so well: and I am not sorry to see that you can do so well without me;〃 continued Ready; smiling。

〃Indeed; but we cannot; I'm afraid;〃 replied Mrs。 Seagrave; 〃had it not been for you and your kindness; where should we have been now?〃

〃We can get a breakfast ready without you;〃 said Mr。 Seagrave; 〃but without you; I think we never should have required another breakfast by this time。 But we will tell Ready all we have done while we eat our breakfast: now; my dear; if you please。〃 Mrs。 Seagrave then read a chapter from the Bible; and afterwards they all knelt down while Mr。 Seagrave offered up a prayer。

While they were at breakfast; William told Ready how they had gone on board; and what they had brought on shore; and he also mentioned how Juno had dipped all the children in the sea。

〃But Juno must not do that again;〃 replied Ready; 〃until I have made all safe; you know that there are plenty of sharks about these islands; and it is very dangerous to go into the water。〃

〃Oh; what an escape they have had!〃 cried Mrs。 Seagrave; shuddering。

〃It's very true;〃 continued Ready; 〃but they don't keep so much to the windward of the islands where we are at present; but still that smooth cove is a very likely place for them to come into; so it's just as well not to go in again; Juno; until I have time to make a place for you to bathe in in safety。 As soon as we can get as much as we want from the ship; we must decide whether we shall stay here or not。〃

〃Stay here or not; Ready! … what do you mean?〃

〃Why; we have not yet found any water; and that is the first necessary of life … if there is no water on this side of the island; we must pitch our tents somew
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