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the peterkin papers-第35章

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〃A very simple mistake;〃 said Mr。 Sylvester; continuing his amusement。 〃Your  trunks arrived all right at the 'Old Farm;' two days ago。〃

〃Let us go back directly;〃 said Elizabeth Eliza。

〃As directly as our horse will allow;〃 said Agamemnon。

Mr。 Sylvester helped them into the wagon。 〃Your rooms are awaiting you;〃 he  said。 〃Why not come with us?〃

〃We want to find Mr。 Peterkin before we do anything else;〃 said Mrs。 Peterkin。

They rode back in silence; till Elizabeth Eliza said; 〃Do you suppose they took  us for paupers?〃

〃We have not seen any 'they;'〃 said Solomon John; 〃except Mr。 Atwood。〃

At the entrance of the farm…yard Mr。 Peterkin met them。

〃I have been looking for you;〃 he said。 〃I have just made a discovery。〃

〃We have made it; too;〃 said Elizabeth Eliza; 〃we are in the poor…house。〃

〃How did you find it out?〃 Mrs。 Peterkin asked of Mr。 Peterkin。

〃Mr。 Atwood came to me; puzzled with a telegram that had been brought to him  from the station; which he ought to have got two days ago。 It came from a Mr。

Peters; whom they were expecting here this week; with his wife and boys; to take  charge of the establishment。 He telegraphed to say he cannot come till Friday。

Now; Mr。 Atwood had supposed we were the Peterses; whom he had sent for the day  we arrived; not having received this telegram。〃

〃Oh; I see; I see!〃 said Mrs。 Peterkin; 〃and we did get into a muddle at the  station!〃

Mr。 Atwood met them at the porch。 〃I beg pardon;〃 he said。 〃I hope you have  found it comfortable here; and shall be glad to have you stay till Mr。 Peters'  family comes。〃

At this moment wheels were heard。 Mr。 Sylvester had arrived; with an open wagon;  to take the Peterkins to the 〃Old Farm。〃

Martha was waiting within the door; and said to Elizabeth Eliza; 〃Beg pardon;  miss; for thinking you was one of the inmates; and putting you in that room。 We  thought it so kind of Mrs。 Peters to take you off every day with the other  gentlemen; that looked so wandering。〃

Elizabeth Eliza did not know whether to laugh or to cry。

Mr。 Peterkin and the little boys decided to stay at the farm till Friday。 But  Agamemnon and Solomon John preferred to leave with Mr。 Sylvester; and to take  their electrical machine and camera when they came for Mr。 Peterkin。

Mrs。 Peterkin was tempted to stay another night; to be wakened once more by the  guinea…hens。 But Elizabeth Eliza bore her off。 There was not much packing to be  done。 She shouted good…by into the ears of the deaf old lady; and waved her hand  to the foreign one; and glad to bid farewell to the old men with their pipes;  leaning against the porch。

〃This time;〃 she said; 〃it is not our trunks that were lost〃

〃But we; as a family;〃 said Mrs。 Peterkin。

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