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the peterkin papers-第26章

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Agamemnon modestly suggested that he had not yet got out of A; and in their  first breakfast everything would therefore have to begin with A。

〃That would not be impossible;〃 said Mr。 Peterkin。 〃There is Amanda; who will  wait on table; to start with…〃

〃We could have 'am…and…eggs;〃 suggested Solomon John  Mrs。 Peterkin was distressed。 It was hard enough to think of anything for  breakfast; and impossible; if it all had to begin with one letter。

Elizabeth Eliza thought it would not be necessary。 All they were to do was to  ask questions; as in examination papers; and find their answers as they could。

They could still apply to the Encyclop?dia; even if it were not in Agamemnon's  alphabetical course。

 Mr。 Peterkin suggested a great variety。 One day they would study the botany of  the breakfast…table; another day; its natural history。 The study of butter would  include that of the cow。 Even that of the butter…dish would bring in geology。

The little boys were charmed at the idea of learning pottery from the cream…jug;  and they were promised a potter's wheel directly。

〃You see; my dear;〃 said Mr。 Peterkin to his wife; 〃before many weeks; we shall  be drinking our milk from jugs made by our children。〃

 Elizabeth Eliza hoped for a thorough study。

〃Yes;〃 said Mr。 Peterkin; 〃we might begin with botany。 That would be near to  Agamemnon alphabetically。 We ought to find out the botany of butter。 On what  does the cow feed?〃

The little boys were eager to go out and see。

〃If she eats clover;〃 said Mr。 Peterkin; 〃we shall expect the botany of clover。〃

 The little boys insisted that they were to begin the next day; that very evening  they should go out and study the cow。

Mrs。 Peterkin sighed; and decided she would order a simple breakfast。 The little  boys took their note…books and pencils; and clambered upon the fence; where they  seated themselves in a row。

For there were three little boys。 So it was now supposed。 They were always  coming in or going out; and it had been difficult to count them; and nobody was  very sure how many there were。

There they sat; however; on the fence; looking at the cow。 She looked at them  with large eyes。

〃She won't eat;〃 they cried; 〃while we are looking at her!〃

So they turned about; and pretended to look into the street; and seated  themselves that way; turning their heads back; from time to time; to see the  cow。

〃Now she is nibbling a clover。〃

〃No; that is a bit of sorrel。〃

〃It's a whole handful of grass。〃

〃What kind of grass?〃 they exclaimed。

It was very hard; sitting with their backs to the cow; and pretending to the cow  that they were looking into the street; and yet to be looking at the cow all the  time; and finding out what she was eating; and the upper rail of the fence was  narrow and a little sharp。 It was very high; too; for some additional rails had  been put on to prevent the cow from jumping into the garden or street。

 Suddenly; looking out into the hazy twilight; Elizabeth Eliza saw six legs and  six india…rubber boots in the air; and the little boys disappeared!

〃They are tossed by the cow! The little boys are tossed by the cow!〃

Mrs。 Peterkin rushed for the window; but fainted on the way。 Solomon John and  Elizabeth Eliza were hurrying to the door; but stopped; not knowing what to do  next。 Mrs。 Peterkin recovered herself with a supreme effort; and sent them out  to the rescue。

But what could they do? The fence had been made so high; to keep the cow out;  that nobody could get in。 The boy that did the milking had gone off with the key  of the outer gate; and perhaps with the key of the shed door。 Even if that were  not locked; before Agamemnon could get round by the wood…shed and cow…shed; the  little boys might be gored through and through!

Elizabeth Eliza ran to the neighbors; Solomon John to the druggist's for  plasters; while Agamemnon made his way through the dining…room to the wood…shed  and outer…shed door。 Mr。 Peterkin mounted the outside of the fence; while Mrs。

Peterkin begged him not to put himself in danger。 He climbed high enough to view  the scene。 He held to the corner post and reported what he saw。

They were not gored。 The cow was at the other end of the lot。 One of the little  boys were lying in a bunch of dark leaves。 He was moving。

The cow glared; but did not stir。 Another little boy was pulling his  india…rubber boots out of the mud。 The cow still looked at him。

Another was feeling the top of his head。 The cow began to crop the grass; still  looking at him。

Agamemnon had reached and opened the shed…door。 The little boys were next seen  running toward it。

A crowd of neighbors; with pitchforks; had returned meanwhile with Elizabeth  Eliza。 Solomon John had brought four druggists。 But; by the time they had  reached the house; the three little boys were safe in the arms of their mother!

〃This is too dangerous a form of education;〃 she cried; 〃I had rather they went  to school。〃

〃No!〃 they bravely cried。 They were still willing to try the other way。

 THE EDUCATIONAL BREAKFAST。  MRS。 PETERKIN'S nerves were so shaken by the excitement of the fall of the  three little boys into the enclosure where the cow was kept that the educational  breakfast was long postponed。 The little boys continued at school; as before;  and the conversation dwelt as little as possible upon the subject of education。

Mrs。 Peterkin's spirits; however; gradually recovered。 The little boys were  allowed to watch the cow at her feed。 A series of strings were arranged by  Agamemnon and Solomon John; by which the little boys could be pulled up; if they  should again fall down into the enclosure。 These were planned something like  curtain…cords; and Solomon John frequently amused himself by pulling one of the  little boys up or letting him down。

Some conversation did again fall upon the old difficulty of questions。 Elizabeth  Eliza declared that it was not always necessary to answer; that many who could  did not answer questions;…the conductors of the railroads; for instance; who  probably knew the names of all the stations on a road; but were seldom able to  tell them。

〃Yes;〃 said Agamemnon; 〃one might be a conductor without even knowing the names  of the stations; because you can't understand them when they do tell them!〃

〃I never know;〃 said Elizabeth Eliza; 〃whether it is ignorance in them; or  unwillingness; that prevents them from telling you how soon one station is  coming; or how long you are to stop; even if one asks ever so many times。 It  would be useful if they would tell。〃

 Mrs。 Peterkin thought this was carried too far in the horse…cars in Boston。 The  conductors had always left you as far as possible from the place where you  wanted to stop; but it seemed a little too much to have the aldermen take it up;  and put a notice in the cars; ordering the conductors 〃to stop at the farthest  crossing。〃

Mrs。 Peterkin was; indeed; recovering her spirits。 She had been carrying on a  brisk correspondence with Philadelphia; that she had imparted to no one; and at  last she announced; as its result; that she was ready for a breakfast on  educational principles。

A breakfast indeed; w
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