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three dialogues-第6章

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think it hath; I would fain know farther from you; what certain
distance and position of the object; what peculiar texture and
formation of the eye; what degree or kind of light is necessary
for ascertaining that true colour; and distinguishing it from
apparent ones。

     。 I own myself entirely satisfied; that they are all
equally apparent; and that there is no such thing as colour
really inhering in external bodies; but that it is altogether in
the light。 And what confirms me in this opinion is; that in
proportion to the light colours are still more or less vivid; and
if there be no light; then are there no colours perceived。
Besides; allowing there are colours on external objects; yet; how
is it possible for us to perceive them? For no external body
affects the mind; unless it acts first on our organs of sense。
But the only action of bodies is motion; and motion cannot be
communicated otherwise than by impulse。 A distant object
therefore cannot act on the eye; nor consequently make itself or
its properties perceivable to the soul。 Whence it plainly follows
that it is immediately some contiguous substance; which;
operating on the eye; occasions a perception of colours: and such
is light。

     。 Howl is light then a substance?

     。。 I tell you; Philonous; external light is nothing but
a thin fluid substance; whose minute particles being agitated
with a brisk motion; and in various manners reflected from the
different surfaces of outward objects to the eyes; communicate
different motions to the optic nerves; which; being propagated to
the brain; cause therein various impressions; and these are
attended with the sensations of red; blue; yellow; &c。

     。 It seems then the light doth no more than shake the
optic nerves。 {187}

     。 Nothing else。

     。 And consequent to each particular motion of the
nerves; the mind is affected with a sensation; which is some
particular colour。

     。 Right。

     。 And these sensations have no existence without the

     。 They have not。

     。 How then do you affirm that colours are in the
light; since by  you understand a corporeal substance
external to the mind?

     。 Light and colours; as immediately perceived by us; I
grant cannot exist without the mind。 But in themselves they are
only the motions and configurations of certain insensible
particles of matter。

     。 Colours then; in the vulgar sense; or taken for the
immediate objects of sight; cannot agree to any but a perceiving

     。 That is what I say。

     。 Well then; since you give up the point as to those
sensible qualities which are alone thought colours by all mankind
beside; you may hold what you please with regard to those
invisible ones of the philosophers。 It is not my business to
dispute about ; only I would advise you to bethink
yourself; whether; considering the inquiry we are upon; it be
prudent for you to affirm  ; 。 Are not these shocking
notions; and are not they subject to as many ridiculous
inferences; as those you were obliged to renounce before in the
case of sounds?

     。 I frankly own; Philonous; that it is in vain to
longer。 Colours; sounds; tastes; in a word all those termed
; have certainly no existence without the
mind。 But by this acknowledgment I must not be supposed to
derogate; the reality of Matter; or external objects; seeing it
is no more than several philosophers maintain; who nevertheless
are the farthest imaginable from denying Matter。 For the clearer
understanding of this; you must know sensible qualities are by
philosophers divided into  and 。 The former
are Extension; Figure; Solidity; Gravity; Motion; and Rest; {188}
and these they hold exist really in bodies。 The latter are those
above enumerated; or; briefly; ; which they assert are only so many sensations or ideas
existing nowhere but in the mind。 But all this; I doubt not; you
are apprised of。 For my part; I have been a long time sensible
there was such an opinion current among philosophers; but was
never thoroughly convinced of its truth until now。

     。 You are still then of opinion that  and
 inherent in external unthinking substances?

     。 I am。

     。 But what if the same arguments which are brought
against Secondary Qualities will hold good against these also?

     。 Why then I shall be obliged to think; they too exist
only in the mind。

     。 Is it your opinion the very figure and extension
which you perceive by sense exist in the outward object or
material substance?
     。 It is。

     。 Have all other animals as good grounds to think the
same of the figure and extension which they see and feel?

     。 Without doubt; if they have any thought at all。

     。 Answer me; Hylas。 Think you the senses were bestowed
upon all animals for their preservation and well…being in life?
or were they given to men alone for this end?

     。 I make no question but they have the same use in all
other animals。

     。 If so; is it not necessary they should be enabled by
them to perceive their own limbs; and those bodies which are
capable of harming them?

     。 Certainly。

     。 A mite therefore must be supposed to see his own
foot; and things equal or even less than it; as bodies of some
considerable dimension; though at the same time they appear to
you scarce discernible; or at best as so many visible points?

     。 I cannot deny it。

     。 And to creatures less than the mite they will seem
yet larger?

     。 They will。

     。 Insomuch that what you can hardly discern will to
another extremely minute animal appear as some huge mountain?

     。 All this I grant。

     。 Can one and the same thing be at the same time in
itself of different dimensions?

     。 That were absurd to imagine。

     。 But; from what you have laid down it follows that
both the extension by you perceived; and that perceived by the
mite itself; as likewise all those perceived by lesser animals;
are each of them the true extension of the mite's foot; that is
to say; by your own principles you are led into an absurdity。

     。 There seems to be some difficulty in the point。

     。 Again; have you not acknowledged that no real
inherent property of any object can be changed without some
change in the thing itself?

     。 I have。

     。 But; as we approach to or recede from an object; the
visible extension varies; being at one distance ten or a hundred
times greater than another。 Doth it not therefore follow from
hence likewise that it is not really inherent in the object?

     。 I own I am at a loss what to think。

     。 Your judgment will soon be determined; if you will
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