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three dialogues-第30章

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evidence of its truth? or is it possible it should have all the
marks of a true opinion and yet be false?

     。 I own myself entirely satisfied for the present in
all respects。 But; what security can I have that I shall still
continue the same full assent to your opinion; and that no
unthought…of objection or difficulty will occur hereafter?

     。 Pray; Hylas; do you in other cases; when a point is
once evidently proved; withhold your consent on account of
objections or difficulties it may be liable to? Are the
difficulties that attend the doctrine of incommensurable
quantities; of the angle of contact; of the asymptotes to curves;
or the like; sufficient to make you hold out against mathematical
demonstration? Or will you disbelieve the Providence of God;
because there may be some particular things which you know not
how to reconcile with it? If there are difficulties ; there are at the same time direct and evident
proofs of it。 But for the existence of Matter there is not one
proof; and far more numerous and insurmountable objections lie
against it。 But where are those mighty difficulties you insist
on? Alas! you know not where or what they are; something which
may possibly occur hereafter。 If this be a sufficient pretence
for withholding your full assent; you should never yield it to
any proposition; how free soever from exceptions; how clearly and
solidly soever demonstrated。

     。 You have satisfied me; Philonous。

     。 But; to arm you against all future objections; do
but consider: That which bears equally hard on two contradictory
{260} opinions can be proof against neither。 Whenever; therefore;
any difficulty occurs; try if you can find a solution for it on
the hypothesis of the 。 Be not deceived by words;
but sound your own thoughts。 And in case you cannot conceive it
easier by the help of ; it is plain it can be no
objection against 。 Had you proceeded all along by
this rule; you would probably have spared yourself abundance of
trouble in objecting; since of all your difficulties I challenge
you to shew one that is explained by Matter: nay; which is not
more unintelligible with than without that supposition; and
consequently makes rather  for it。 You should
consider; in each particular; whether the difficulty arises from
the …。 If it doth not; you might as
well argue from the infinite divisibility of extension against
the Divine prescience; as from such a difficulty against
。 And yet; upon recollection; I believe you will
find this to have been often; if not always; the case。 You should
likewise take heed not to argue on a 。 One is
apt to say  The unknown substances ought to be esteemed real
things; rather than the ideas in our minds: and who can tell but
the unthinking external substance may concur; as a cause or
instrument; in the productions of our ideas? But is not this
proceeding on a supposition that there are such external
substances? And to suppose this; is it not begging the question?
But; above all things; you should beware of imposing on yourself
by that vulgar sophism which is called 。 You
talked often as if you thought I maintained the non…existence of
Sensible Things。 Whereas in truth no one can be more thoroughly
assured of their existence than I am。 And it is you who doubt; I
should have said; positively deny it。 Everything that is seen;
felt; heard; or any way perceived by the senses; is; on the
principles I embrace; a real being; but not on yours。 Remember;
the Matter you contend for is an Unknown Somewhat (if indeed it
may be termed ); which is quite stripped of all
sensible qualities; and can neither be perceived by sense; nor
apprehended by the mind。 Remember I say; that it is not any
object which is hard or soft; hot or cold; blue or white; round
or square; &c。 For all these things I affirm do exist。 Though
indeed I deny they have an existence distinct from being
perceived; or that they exist out of all minds whatsoever。 Think
on these points; let them be attentively considered and still
kept in view。 Otherwise you will not comprehend the state of the
question; without which your objections {261} will always be wide
of the mark; and; instead of mine; may possibly be directed (as
more than once they have been) against your own notions。

     。 I must needs own; Philonous; nothing seems to have
kept me from agreeing with you more than this same 。 In denying Matter;。 at first; glimpse I am tempted to
imagine you deny the things we see and feel: but; upon reflexion;
find there is no ground for it。 What think you; therefore; of
retaining the name ; and applying it to ? This may be done without any change in your sentiments:
and; believe me; it would be a means of reconciling them to some
persons who may be more shocked at an innovation in words than in

     。 With all my heart: retain the word ; and
apply it to the objects of sense; if you please; provided you do
not attribute to them any subsistence distinct from their being
perceived。 I shall never quarrel with you for an expression。
; or ; are terms introduced by
philosophers; and; as used by them; imply a sort of independency;
or a subsistence distinct from being perceived by a mind: but are
never used by common people; or; if ever; it is to signify the
immediate objects of sense。 One would think; therefore; so long
as the names of all particular things; with the ;
; ; ; and the like; are retained; the
word  should be never missed in common talk。 And in
philosophical discourses it seems the best way to leave it quite
out: since there is not; perhaps; any one thing that hath more
favoured and strengthened the depraved bent of the mind towards
Atheism than the use of that general confused term。

     。 Well but; Philonous; since I am content to give up
the notion of an unthinking substance exterior to the mind; I
think you ought not to deny me the privilege of using the word
 as I please; and annexing it to a collection of sensible
qualities subsisting only in the mind。 I freely own there is no
other substance; in a strict sense; than 。 But I have
been so long accustomed to the  that I know not how
to part with it: to say; there is no  in the world; is
still shocking to me。 Whereas to say  There is no ; if
by that term be meant an unthinking substance existing without
the mind; but if by  is meant some sensible thing; whose
existence consists in being perceived; then there is : 
 distinction gives it quite another turn; and men will come
into your notions with {262} small difficulty; when they are
proposed in that manner。 For; after all; the controversy about
 in the strict acceptation of it; lies altogether between
you and the philosophers: whose principles; I acknowledge; are
not near so natural; or so ag
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