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on sophistical refutations-第18章

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no harm despite the fact that the question is not simple; so it is

in these cases of double questions too。 Whenever; then; the several

attributes belong to the one subject; or the one to the many; the

man who gives a simple answer encounters no obstacle even though he

has committed this mistake: but whenever an attribute belongs to one

subject but not to the other; or there is a question of a number of

attributes belonging to a number of subjects and in one sense both

belong to both; while in another sense; again; they do not; then there

is trouble; so that one must beware of this。 Thus (e。g。) in the

following arguments: Supposing to be good and B evil; you will; if you

give a single answer about both; be compelled to say that it is true

to call these good; and that it is true to call them evil and likewise

to call them neither good nor evil (for each of them has not each

character); so that the same thing will be both good and evil and

neither good nor evil。 Also; since everything is the same as itself

and different from anything else; inasmuch as the man who answers

double questions simply can be made to say that several things are

'the same' not as other things but 'as themselves'; and also that they

are different from themselves; it follows that the same things must be

both the same as and different from themselves。 Moreover; if what is

good becomes evil while what is evil is good; then they must both

become two。 So of two unequal things each being equal to itself; it

will follow that they are both equal and unequal to themselves。

  Now these refutations fall into the province of other solutions as

well: for 'both' and 'all' have more than one meaning; so that the

resulting affirmation and denial of the same thing does not occur;

except verbally: and this is not what we meant by a refutation。 But it

is clear that if there be not put a single question on a number of

points; but the answerer has affirmed or denied one attribute only

of one subject only; the absurdity will not come to pass。


  With regard to those who draw one into repeating the same thing a

number of times; it is clear that one must not grant that predications

of relative terms have any meaning in abstraction by themselves;

e。g。 that 'double' is a significant term apart from the whole phrase

'double of half' merely on the ground that it figures in it。 For ten

figures in 'ten minus one' and in 'not do'; and generally the

affirmation in the negation; but for all that; suppose any one were to

say; 'This is not white'; he does not say that it is white。 The bare

word 'double'; one may perhaps say; has not even any meaning at all;

any more than has 'the' in 'the half': and even if it has a meaning;

yet it has not the same meaning as in the combination。 Nor is

'knowledge' the same thing in a specific branch of it (suppose it;

e。g。 to be 'medical knowledge') as it is in general: for in general it

was the 'knowledge of the knowable'。 In the case of terms that are

predicated of the terms through which they are defined; you should say

the same thing; that the term defined is not the same in abstraction

as it is in the whole phrase。 For 'concave' has a general meaning

which is the same in the case of a snub nose; and of a bandy leg;

but when added to either substantive nothing prevents it from

differentiating its meaning; in fact it bears one sense as applied

to the nose; and another as applied to the leg: for in the former

connexion it means 'snub' and in the latter 'bandyshaped'; i。e。 it

makes no difference whether you say 'a snub nose' or 'a concave nose'。

Moreover; the expression must not be granted in the nominative case:

for it is a falsehood。 For snubness is not a concave nose but

something (e。g。 an affection) belonging to a nose: hence; there is

no absurdity in supposing that the snub nose is a nose possessing

the concavity that belongs to a nose。


  With regard to solecisms; we have previously said what it is that

appears to bring them about; the method of their solution will be

clear in the course of the arguments themselves。 Solecism is the

result aimed at in all arguments of the following kind: 'Is a thing

truly that which you truly call it?' 'Yes'。 'But; speaking of a stone;

you call him real: therefore of a stone it follows that 〃him is

real〃。' No: rather; talking of a stone means not saying which' but

'whom'; and not 'that' but 'him'。 If; then; any one were to ask; 'Is a

stone him whom you truly call him?' he would be generally thought

not to be speaking good Greek; any more than if he were to ask; 'Is he

what you call her?' Speak in this way of a 'stick' or any neuter word;

and the difference does not break out。 For this reason; also; no

solecism is incurred; suppose any one asks; 'Is a thing what you say

it to be?' 'Yes'。 'But; speaking of a stick; you call it real:

therefore; of a stick it follows that it is real。' 'Stone'; however;

and 'he' have masculine designations。 Now suppose some one were to

ask; 'Can 〃he〃 be a she〃 (a female)?'; and then again; 'Well; but is

not he Coriscus?' and then were to say; 'Then he is a 〃she〃;' he has

not proved the solecism; even if the name 'Coriscus' does signify a

'she'; if; on the other hand; the answerer does not grant this: this

point must be put as an additional question: while if neither is it

the fact nor does he grant it; then the sophist has not proved his

case either in fact or as against the person he has been

questioning。 In like manner; then; in the above instance as well it

must be definitely put that 'he' means the stone。 If; however; this

neither is so nor is granted; the conclusion must not be stated:

though it follows apparently; because the case (the accusative);

that is really unlike; appears to be like the nominative。 'Is it

true to say that this object is what you call it by name?' 'Yes'。 'But

you call it by the name of a shield: this object therefore is 〃of a

shield〃。' No: not necessarily; because the meaning of 'this object' is

not 'of a shield' but 'a shield': 'of a shield' would be the meaning

of 'this object's'。 Nor again if 'He is what you call him by name';

while 'the name you call him by is Cleon's'; is he therefore

'Cleon's': for he is not 'Cleon's'; for what was said was that 'He;

not his; is what I call him by name'。 For the question; if put in

the latter way; would not even be Greek。 'Do you know this?' 'Yes。'

'But this is he: therefore you know he'。 No: rather 'this' has not the

same meaning in 'Do you know this?' as in 'This is a stone'; in the

first it stands for an accusative; in the second for a nominative

case。 'When you have understanding of anything; do you understand it?'

'Yes。' 'But you ha
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