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property in the W。 Indies; by writing for her; & acting for her; & 

seeing  her  through  all   the   petty   Difficulties   of   the   case;   with   the 

activity & exertion of a fearless Man; & a determined friend; fully 

requited      the  services    she   had   rendered;      or  had   ever   meant     to 

render;   to  his Wife。   Mrs   Smith’s   enjoyments   were   not spoiled  by 

this improvement of Income; with some improvement of health; & 

the     acquisition     of   such    friends     to   be   often    with;    for   her 

chearfulness   &   mental   Activity   did   not   fail       her;  &   while   those 

prime   supplies   of   Good   remained;   she   might   have   bid   defiance 

even to greater accessions of worldly Prosperity。 She might  have 

been   absolutely   rich   &   perfectly   healthy;   &   yet   be   happy。—Her 

spring   of   Felicity   was   in   the   glow   of   her   Spirits—as   her   friend 

Anne’s   was   in   the   warmth   of   her   Heart。—Anne   was   Tenderness 

itself;—and       she   had   the   full  worth    of  it  in  Capt。   Wentworth’s 

affection。 His Profession was all that could ever make her friends 

wish that Tenderness less; the dread of a future War; all that could 

dim   her  Sunshine。—She   gloried  in  being  a  Sailor’s   wife;   but   she 

Classics in Literature: Jane Austen                                            ElecBook 

… Page 304…

                           Jane Austen: Persuasion                           304 

must pay the tax of quick alarm; for belonging to that Profession 

which is—if possible—more distinguished in its Domestic Virtues; 

than in it’s National Importance。 


                                                               July 18。—1816。 

Classics in Literature: Jane Austen                                       ElecBook 

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