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the origins of contemporary france-1-第87章

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Would you see him happy and free? Do not meddle with his affairs 。  。  。

Remain convinced of this; (wrote Diderot) that these wise legislators

have formed and shaped you as they have done; not for your benefit;

but for their own。  I appeal to every civil; religious; and political

institution; examine these closely; and; if I am not mistaken; you

will find the human species; century after century; subject to a yoke

which a mere handful of knaves chose to impose on it。。。。  Be wary of

him who seeks to establish order; to order is to obtain the mastery of

others by giving them trouble。〃

There nothing any more to be ashamed of; the passions are good; and

if the herd would eat freely; its first care must be to trample under

its wooden shoes the mitered and crowned animals who keep it in the

fold for their own advantage。'27'


Rousseau and the spiritualists。  … The original goodness of man。  …

The mistake committed by civilization。  … The injustice of property

and of society。

A return to nature; meaning by this the abolition of society; is

the war…cry of the whole encyclopedic battalion。  The same shout is

heard in another quarter; coming the battalion of Rousseau and the

socialists who; in their turn; march up to the assault of the

established régime。  The mining and the sapping of the walls practiced

by the latter seems less extensive; but are nevertheless more

effective; and the destructive machinery it employs consists of a new

conception of human nature。  This Rousseau has drawn exclusively from

the spectacle in his own heart: '28' Rousseau; a strange; original and

superior man; who; from his infancy; harbored within him a germ of

insanity; and who finally became wholly insane; a wonderful; ill…

balanced mind in which sensations; emotions and images are too

powerful: at once blind and perspicacious; a veritable poet and a

morbid poet; who; instead of things and events beheld reveries; living

in a romance and dying in a nightmare of his own creation; incapable

of controlling and of behaving himself; confounding resolution with

action; vague desire with resolution; and the role he assumed with the

character he thought he possessed ; wholly disproportionate to the

ordinary ways of society; hitting; wounding and soiling himself

against every hindrance on his way; at times extravagant; mean and

criminal; yet preserving up to the end a delicate and profound

sensibility; a humanity; pity; the gift of tears; the faculty of

living; the passion for justice; the sentiment of religion and of

enthusiasm; like so many vigorous roots in which generous sap is

always fermenting; whilst the stem and the branches prove abortive and

become deformed or wither under the inclemency of the atmosphere。  How

explain such a contrast? How did Rousseau himself account for it? A

critic; a psychologist would merely regard him as a singular case; the

effect of an extraordinarily discordant mental formation; analogous to

that of Hamlet; Chatterton; René or Werther; adopted to poetic

spheres; but unsuitable for real life。  Rousseau generalizes; occupied

with himself; even to infatuation; and; seeing only himself; he

imagines mankind to be like himself; and 〃describes it as the feels it

inside himself〃。  His pride; moreover; finds this profitable; he is

gratified at considering himself the prototype of humanity ; the

statue he erects of himself becomes more important; he rises in his

own estimation when; in confessing to himself; he thinks he is

confessing the human species。  Rousseau convokes the assembly of

generations with the trumpet of the day of judgment; and boldly stands

up in the eyes of all men and of the Supreme Judge; exclaiming; 〃Let

anyone say; if he dares: 'I was a better man than Thou!' 〃'29' All his

blemishes must be the fault of society; his vices and his baseness

must be attributed to circumstances:

〃If I had fallen into the hands of a better master。。。。I should have

been a good Christian; a good father; a good friend; a good workman; a

good man in all things。〃

The wrong is thus all on the side of society。    In the same way;

with Man in general; his nature is good。

 〃His first impulses are always right。。。。。  The fundamental

principle of all moral questions which I have argued in all my

writings; is that Man is naturally good; and loving justice and

order。。。。。  'Emile;' especially; is a treatise on the natural goodness

of Man; intended to show how vice and error; foreign to his

constitution; gradually find their way into it from without and

insensibly change him。。。。。Nature created Man happy and good; while

society has depraved him and made him miserable。〃'30'

Imagine him divested of his factitious habits; of his superadded

necessities; of his false prejudices; put aside systems; study your

own heart; listen to the inward dictates of feeling; let yourself be

guided by the light of instinct and of conscience; and you will again

find the first Adam; like an incorruptible marble statue that has

fallen into a marsh; a long time lost under a crust of slime and mud;

but which; released from its foul covering; may be replaced on its

pedestal in the completeness of its form and in the perfect purity of

its whiteness。

Around this central idea a reform occurs in the spiritualistic

doctrine。     A being so noble cannot possibly consist of a simple

collection of organs; he is something more than mere matter; the

impression he derives from his senses do not constitute his full


〃I am not merely a sensitive and passive being; but an active and

intelligent being; and; whatever philosophy may say; I dare claim the

honor of thinking。〃

And better still; this thinking principle; in Man; at least; is of

a superior kind。

 〃Show me another animal on the globe capable of producing fire and

of admiring the sun。  What? I who am able to observe; to comprehend

beings and their associations; who can appreciate order; beauty and

virtue; who can contemplate the universe and exalt myself to the hand

which controls it; who can love the good and do good; should I compare

myself to brutes!〃 Man is free; capable of deciding between two

actions; and therefore the creator of his actions ; he is accordingly

a first and original cause; 〃an immaterial substance;〃 distinct from

the body; a soul hampered by the body and which may survive the body。

   This immortal soul imprisoned within the flesh has conscience for

its organ。  〃O Conscience; divine instinct; immortal and celestial

voice; unfailing guide of an ignorant and finite but free and

intelligent being; infallible judge between good and evil; and

rendering Man similar to God; Thou foremost the superiority of his


 Alongside of vanity; by which we subordinate everything to

ourselves; there is a love of order by which we subordinate ourselves

to the whole。  Alongside of egoism; by which Man seeks hap
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