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the origins of contemporary france-1-第75章

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discourse has its own place; no omission or transposition is

permitted; as was done in the sixteenth century'20'。  All parts must be

included; each in its definite place: at first the subject of the

sentence with its appendices; then the verb; then the object direct;

and; finally; the indirect connections。  In this way the sentence forms

a graduated scaffolding; the substance coming foremost; then the

quality; then the modes and varieties of the quality; just as a good

architect in the first place poses his foundation; then the building;

then the accessories; economically and prudently; with a view to adapt

each section of the edifice to the support of the section following

after it。  No sentence demands any less attention than another; nor is

there any in which one may not at every step verify the connection or

incoherence of the parts。'21'  …  The procedure used in arranging a

simple sentence also governs that of the period; the paragraph and the

series of paragraphs; it forms the style as it forms the syntax。  Each

small edifice occupies a distinct position; and but one; in the great

total edifice。  As the discourse advances; each section must in turn

file in; never before; never after; no parasitic member being allowed

to intrude; and no regular member being allowed to encroach on its

neighbor; while all these members bound together by their very

positions must move onward; combining all their forces on one single

point。  Finally; we have for the first time in a writing; natural and

distinct groups; complete and compact harmonies; none of which

infringe on the others or allow others to infringe on them。  It is no

longer allowable to write haphazard; according to the caprice of one's

inspiration; to discharge one's ideas in bulk; to let oneself be

interrupted by parentheses; to string along interminable rows of

citations and enumerations。  An end is proposed; some truth is to be

demonstrated; some definition to be ascertained; some conviction to be

brought about; to do this we must march; and ever directly onward。

Order; sequence; progress; proper transitions; constant development

constitute the characteristics of this style。  To such an extent is

this pushed; that from the very first; personal correspondence;

romances; humorous pieces; and all ironical and gallant effusions;

consist of morsels of systematic eloquence。'22' At the H?tel

Rambouillet; the explanatory period is displayed with as much fullness

and as rigorously as with Descartes himself。  One of the words most

frequently occurring with Mme。  de Scudéry is the conjunction for (in

French car)。  Passion is worked out through close…knit arguments。

Drawing room compliments stretch along in sentences as finished as

those of an academical dissertation。  Scarcely completed; the

instrument already discloses its aptitudes。  We are aware of its being

made to explain; to demonstrate; to persuade and to popularize。

Condillac; a century later; is justified in saying that it is in

itself a systematic means of decomposition and of recomposition; a

scientific method analogous to arithmetic and algebra。  At the very

least it possesses the incontestable advantage of starting with a few

ordinary terms; and of leading the reader along with facility and

promptness; by a series of simple combinations; up to the

loftiest。'23' By virtue of this; in 1789; the French tongue ranks

above every other。  The Berlin Academy promises a prize to for anyone

who best can explain its pre…eminence。  It is spoken throughout Europe。

No other language is used in diplomacy。  As formerly with Latin; it is

international; and appears that; from now on; it is to be the

preferred tool whenever men are to reason。

It is the organ only of a certain kind of reasoning; la raison

raisonnante; that requiring the least preparation for thought; giving

itself as little trouble as possible; content with its acquisitions;

taking no pains to increase or renew them; incapable of; or unwilling

to embrace the plenitude and complexity of the facts of real life。  In

its purism; in its disdain of terms suited to the occasion; in its

avoidance of lively sallies; in the extreme regularity of its

developments; the classic style is powerless to fully portray or to

record the infinite and varied details of experience。  It rejects any

description of the outward appearance of reality; the immediate

impressions of the eyewitness; the heights and depths of passion; the

physiognomy; at once so composite yet absolute personal; of the

breathing individual; in short; that unique harmony of countless

traits; blended together and animated; which compose not human

character in general but one particular personality; and which a

Saint…Simon; a Balzac; or a Shakespeare himself could not render if

the rich language they used; and which was enhanced by their

temerities; did not contribute its subtleties to the multiplied

details of their observation。'24' Neither the Bible; nor Homer; nor

Dante; nor Shakespeare'25' could be translated with this style。  Read

Hamlet's monologue in Voltaire and see what remains of it; an abstract

piece of declamation; with about as much of the original in it as

there is of Othello in his Orosmane。  Look at Homer and then at Fenelon

in the island of Calypso; the wild; rocky island; where 〃gulls and

other sea…birds with long wings;〃 build their nests; becomes in pure

French prose an orderly park arranged 〃for the pleasure of the eye。〃

In the eighteenth century; contemporary novelists; themselves

belonging to the classic epoch; Fielding; Swift; Defoe; Sterne and

Richardson; are admitted into France only after excisions and much

weakening; their expressions are too free and their scenes are to

impressive; their freedom; their coarseness; their peculiarities;

would form blemishes; the translator abbreviates; softens; and

sometimes; in his preface; apologizes for what he retains。  Room is

found; in this language; only for a partial lifelikeness; for some of

the truth; a scanty portion; and which constant refining daily renders

still more scanty。  Considered in itself; the classic style is always

tempted to accept slight; insubstantial commonplaces for its subject

materials。  It spins them out; mingles and weaves them together; only a

fragile filigree; however; issues from its logical apparatus; we may

admire the elegant workmanship; but in practice; the work is of

little; none; or negative service。

From these characteristics of style we divine those of the mind for

which it serves as a tool。  …  Two principal operations constitute the

activity of the human understanding。    Observing things and events; it

receives a more or less complete; profound and exact impression of

these; and after this; turning away from them; it analyses its

impressions; and classifies; distributes; and more or less skillfully

expresses the ideas derived from them。  …  In the second of these

operations the classicist is superior。  Obliged 
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