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the origins of contemporary france-1-第56章

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that slow bending forward; with lowered eyes and straightened figure;

gradually recovering and modestly glancing at the person while

gracefully raising the body up; altogether much more refined and more

delicate than words; but very expressive as the means of manifesting

respect。〃  …  This is but a single action; and very common; there are

a hundred others; and of importance。  Imagine; if it is possible; the

degree of elegance and perfection to which they attained through good

breeding。  I select one at random; a duel between two princes of the

blood; the Comte d'Artois and the Duc de Bourbon; the latter being the

offended party; the former; his superior; had to offer him a

meeting'51';  〃As soon as the Comte d'Artois saw him he leaped to the

ground; and walking directly up to him; said to him smiling:

'Monsieur; the public pretends that we are seeking each other。' The

Duc de Bourbon; removing his hat; replied; 'Monsieur; I am here to

receive your orders。'  …  'To execute your own;' returned the Comte

d'Artois; 'but you must allow me to return to my carriage。' He comes

back with a sword; and the duel begins。  After a certain time they are

separated; the seconds deciding that honor is satisfied; 'It is not

for me to express an opinion;' says the Comte d'Artois; 'Monsieur le

Duc de Bourbon is to express his wishes; I am here only to receive his

orders。'  …  'Monsieur;' responds the Duc de Bourbon; addressing the

Comte d'Artois; meanwhile lowering the point of his sword; 'I am

overcome with gratitude for your kindness; and shall never be

insensible to the honor you have done me。' 〃  …  Could there be a more

just and delicate sentiment of rank; position; and circumstance; and

could a duel be surrounded with more graces? There is no situation;

however thorny; which is not saved by politeness。  Through habit; and a

suitable expression; even in the face of the king; they conciliate

resistance and respect。  When Louis XV; having exiled the Parliament;

caused it to be proclaimed through Mme。  Du Barry that his mind was

made up and that it would not be changed; 〃Ah; Madame;〃 replied the

Duc de Nivernais; 〃when the king said that he was looking at

yourself。〃  …  〃My dear Fontenelle;〃 said one of his lady friends to

him; placing her hand on his heart; 〃the brain is there likewise。〃

Fontenelle smiled and made no reply。  We see here; even with an

academician; how truths are forced down; a drop of acid in a sugar…

plum; the whole so thoroughly intermingled that the piquancy of the

flavor only enhances its sweetness。  Night after night; in each

drawing…room; sugar…plums of this description are served up; two or

three along with the drop of acidity; all the rest not less exquisite;

but possessing only the sweetness and the perfume。  Such is the art of

social worldliness; an ingenious and delightful art; which; entering

into all the details of speech and of action; transforms them into

graces; which imposes on man not servility and falsehood; but civility

and concern for others; and which; in exchange; extracts for him out

of human society all the pleasure it can afford。


What constitutes happiness in the 18th Century。  … The fascination

of display。  … Indolence; recreation; light conversation。

One can very well understand this kind of pleasure in a summary

way; but how is it to be made apparent? Taken by themselves the

pastimes of society are not to be described; they are too ephemeral;

their charm arises from their accompaniments。  A narrative of them

would be but tasteless dregs; does the libretto of an opera give any

idea of the opera itself?  …  If the reader would revive for himself

this vanished world let him seek for it in those works that have

preserved its externals or its accent; and first in the pictures and

engravings of Watteau; Fragonard and the Saint…Aubins; and then in the

novels and dramas of Voltaire and Marivaux; and even in Collé and

Crébillon fils;'52' then do we see the breathing figures and hear

their voices; What bright; winning; intelligent faces beaming with

pleasure and with the desire to please! What ease in bearing and in

gesture! What piquant grace in the toilet; in the smile; in

vivaciousness of expression; in the control of the fluted voice; in

the coquetry of hidden meanings! How involuntarily we stop to look and

listen! Attractiveness is everywhere; in the small spirituelle heads;

in the slender hands; in the rumpled attire; in the pretty features;

in the demeanor。  The slightest gesture; a pouting or mutinous turn of

the head; a plump little wrist peering from its nest of lace; a

yielding waist bent over an embroidery frame; the rapid rustling of an

opening fan; is a feast for the eyes and the intellect。  It is indeed

all daintiness; a delicate caress for delicate senses; extending to

the external decoration of life; to the sinuous outlines; the showy

drapery; and the refinements of comfort in the furniture and

architecture。  Fill your imagination with these accessories and with

these figures and you will take as much interest in their amusements

as they did。  In such a place and in such company it suffices to be

together to be content。  Their indolence is no burden to them for they

sport with existence。  …  At Chanteloup; the Duc de Choiseul; in

disgrace; finds the fashionable world flocking to see him; nothing is

done and yet no hours of the day are unoccupied。'53'  〃The Duchess has

only two hours' time to herself and these two hours are devoted to her

toilet and her letters; the calculation is a simple one: she gets up

at eleven; breakfasts at noon; and this is followed by conversation;

which lasts three or four hours; dinner comes at six; after which

there is play and the reading of the memoirs of Mme。  de Maintenon。〃

Ordinarily 〃the company remains together until two o'clock in the

morning。〃 Intellectual freedom is complete。  There is no confusion; no

anxiety。  They play whist and tric…trac in the afternoon and faro in

the evening。  〃They do to day what they did yesterday and what they

will do to…morrow; the dinner…supper is to them the most important

affair in life; and their only complaint in the world is of their

digestion。  Time goes so fast I always fancy that I arrived only the

evening before。〃 Sometimes they get up a little race and the ladies

are disposed to take part in it; 〃for they are all very agile and able

to run around the drawing room five or six times every day。〃 But they

prefer indoors to the open air; in these days true sunshine consists

of candle…light and the finest sky is a painted ceiling; is there any

other less subject to inclemencies or better adapted to conversation

and merriment?  …  They accordingly chat and jest; in words with

present friends; and by letters with absent friends。  They lecture old

Mme。  du Deffant; who is too lively and whom they style the 〃little

girl〃; the young Duchesse; tender and sensible; is 〃her grandmamma。〃

As for 〃grand
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