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the origins of contemporary france-1-第53章

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occupation and this division of interests。  …  The tie thus loosened

ends by being sundered under the ascendancy of opinion。  〃It looks well

not to live together;〃 to grant each other every species of tolerance;

and to devote oneself to society。  Society; indeed; then fashions

opinion; and through opinion it creates the morals which it requires。

Toward the middle of the century the husband and wife lodged under

the same roof; but that was all。  〃They never saw each other; one never

met them in the same carriage; they are never met in the same house;

nor; with very good reason; are they ever together in public。〃 Strong

emotions would have seemed odd and even 〃ridiculous;〃 in any event

unbecoming; it would have been as unacceptable as an earnest remark

〃aside〃 in the general current of light conversation。  Each has a duty

to all; and for a couple to entertain each other is isolation; in

company there is no right to the tête…à…tête。'29' It was hardly

allowed for a few days to lovers。'30' And even then it was regarded

unfavorably; they were found too much occupied with each other。  Their

preoccupation spread around them an atmosphere of 〃constraint and

ennui; one had to be upon one's guard and to check oneself。〃 They were

〃dreaded。〃 The exigencies of society are those of an absolute king;

and admit of no partition。  〃If morals lost by this; society was

infinitely the gainer;〃 says M。 de Bezenval; a contemporary; 〃having

got rid of the annoyances and dullness caused by the husbands'

presence; the freedom was extreme; the coquetry both of men and women

kept up social vivacity and daily provided piquant adventures。〃 Nobody

is jealous; not even when in love。  〃People are mutually pleased and

become attached; if one grows weary of the other; they part with as

little concern as they came together。  Should the sentiment revive they

take to each other with as much vivacity as if it were the first time

they had been engaged。  They may again separate; but they never

quarrel。  As they have become enamored without love; they part without

hate; deriving from the feeble desire they have inspired the advantage

of being always ready to oblige。〃'31' Appearances; moreover; are

respected。  An uninformed stranger would detect nothing to excite

suspicion。  An extreme curiosity; says Horace Walpole;'32' or a great

familiarity with things; is necessary to detect the slightest intimacy

between the two sexes。  No familiarity is allowed except under the

guise of friendship; while the vocabulary of love is as much

prohibited as its rites apparently are。  Even with Crébillon fils; even

with Laclos; at the most exciting moments; the terms their characters

employ are circumspect and irreproachable。  Whatever indecency there

may be; it is never expressed in words; the sense of propriety in

language imposing itself not only on the outbursts of passion; but

again on the grossness of instincts。  Thus do the sentiments which are

naturally the strongest lose their point and sharpness; their rich and

polished remains are converted into playthings for the drawing room;

and; thus cast to and fro by the whitest hands; fall on the floor like

a shuttlecock。  We must; on this point; listen to the heroes of the

epoch; their free and easy tone is inimitable; and it depicts both

them and their actions。  〃I conducted myself;〃 says the Duc de Lauzun;

〃very prudently; and even deferentially with Mme。  de Lauzun; I knew

Mme。  de Cambis very openly; for whom I concerned myself very little; I

kept the little Eugénie whom I loved a great deal; I played high; I

paid my court to the king; and I hunted with him with great

punctuality。〃'33' He had for others; withal; that indulgence of which

he himself stood in need。  〃He was asked what he would say if his wife

(whom he had not seen for ten years) should write to him that she had

just discovered that she was enceinte。  He reflected a moment and then

replied; 'I would write; and tell her that I was delighted that heaven

had blessed our union; be careful of your health; I will call and pay

my respects this evening。' 〃 There are countless replies of the same

sort; and I venture to say that; without having read them; one could

not imagine to what a degree social art had overcome natural


〃Here at Paris;〃 writes Mme。  d'Oberkirk; 〃I am no longer my own

mistress。  I scarcely have time to talk with my husband and to answer

my letters。  I do not know what women do that are accustomed to lead

this life; they certainly have no families to look after; nor children

to educate。〃 At all events they act as if they had none; and the men

likewise。  Married people not living together live but rarely with

their children; and the causes that disintegrate wedlock also

disintegrate the family。  In the first place there is the aristocratic

tradition; which interposes a barrier between parents and children

with a view to maintain a respectful distance。  Although enfeebled and

about to disappear;'34' this tradition still subsists。  The son says 〃

Monsieur〃 to his father; the daughter comes 〃respectfully〃 to kiss her

mother's hand at her toilet。  A caress is rare and seems a favor;

children generally; when with their parents; are silent; the sentiment

that usually animates them being that of deferential timidity。  At one

time they were regarded as so many subjects; and up to a certain point

they are so still; while the new exigencies of worldly life place them

or keep them effectually aside。  M。 de Talleyrand stated that he had

never slept under the same roof with his father and mother。  And if

they do sleep there; they are not the less neglected。  〃I was

entrusted;〃 says the Count de Tilly; 〃to valets; and to a kind of

preceptor resembling these in more respects than one。〃 During this

time his father ran after women。  〃I have known him;〃 adds the young

man; 〃to have mistresses up to an advanced age; he was always adoring

them and constantly abandoning them。〃 The Duc de Lauzun finds it

difficult to obtain a good tutor for his son; for this reason the

latter writes; 〃he conferred the duty on one of my late mother's

lackeys who could read and write tolerably well; and to whom the title

of valet…de…chambre was given to insure greater consideration。  They

gave me the most fashionable teachers besides; but M。 Roch (which was

my mentor's name) was not qualified to arrange their lessons; or to

qualify me to benefit by them。  I was; moreover; like all the children

of my age and of my station; dressed in the handsomest clothes to go

out; and naked and dying with hunger in the house;〃'35' and not

through unkindness; but through household oversight; dissipation; and

disorder; attention being given to things elsewhere。  One might easily

count the fathers who; like the Marshal de Belle…Isle; brought up

their sons under their own eyes; and themselves attended to their

education methodically; strictly; and with tenderness。  As to the

girls; they were place
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