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the origins of contemporary france-1-第15章

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comers; the affection and unity of the two classes has disappeared;

the shepherd is separated from his flock; and pastors of the people

end in being considered its parasites。

Let us first follow them into the provinces。  We here find only the

minor class of nobles and a portion of those of medium rank; the rest

are in Paris。'7' There is the same line of separation in the church:

abbés…commendatory; bishops and archbishops very seldom live at home。

The grand…vicars and canons live in  the large towns; only priors and

curates dwell in the rural districts。  Ordinarily the entire

ecclesiastic or lay staff is absent; residents are furnished only by

the secondary or inferior grades。  What are their relations with the

peasant? One point is certain; and that is that they are not usually

hard; nor even indifferent; to him。  Separated by rank they are not so

by distance; neighborhood is of itself a bond among men。  I have read

in vain; but I have not found them the rural tyrants; which the

declaimers of the Revolution portray them。  Haughty with the bourgeois

they are generally kind to the villager。  〃Let any one travel through

the provinces;〃 says a contemporary advocate; 〃over the estates

occupied by the seigniors。  Out of one hundred one may be found

tyrannizing his dependents; all the others; patiently share the misery

of those subject to their jurisdiction 。  。  。  They give their debtors

time; remit sums due; and afford them every facility for settlement。

They mollify and temper the sometimes over…rigorous proceedings of the

fermiers; stewards and other men of business。〃'8' An Englishwoman; who

observes them in Provence just after the Revolution; says that;

detested at Aix; they are much beloved on their estates。  〃Whilst they

pass the first citizens with their heads erect and an air of disdain;

they salute peasants with extreme courtesy and affability。〃 One of

them distributes among the women; children and the aged on his domain

wool and flax to spin during the bad season; and; at the end of the

year; he offers a prize of one hundred livres for the two best pieces

of cloth。  In numerous instances the peasant…purchasers of their land

voluntarily restore it for the purchase money。  Around Paris; near

Romainville; after the terrible storm of 1788 there is prodigal alms…

giving; 〃a very wealthy man immediately distributes forty thousand

francs among the surrounding unfortunates。〃 During the winter; in

Alsace and in Paris; everybody is giving; 〃in front of each hotel

belonging to a well…known family a big log is burning to which; night

and day; the poor can come and warm themselves。〃 In the way of

charity; the monks who remain on their premises and witness the public

misery continue faithful to the spirit of their institution。  On the

birth of the Dauphin the Augustins of Montmorillon in Poitou pay out

of their own resources the tailles and corvées of nineteen poor

families。  In 1781; in Provence; the Dominicans of Saint Maximin

support the population of their district in which the tempest had

destroyed the vines and the olive trees。  〃The Carthusians of Paris

furnish the poor with eighteen hundred pounds of bread per week。

During the winter of 1784 there is an increase of alms…giving in all

the religious establishments; their farmers distribute aid among the

poor people of the country; and; to provide for these extra

necessities; many of the communities increase the rigor of their

abstinences。〃 When at the end of 1789; their suppression is in

question; I find a number of protests in their favor; written by

municipal officers; by prominent individuals; by a crowd of

inhabitants; workmen and peasants; and these columns of rustic

signatures are eloquent。  Seven hundred families of Cateau…Cambrésis'9'

send in a petition to retain 〃the worthy abbés and monks of the Abbey

of St。  Andrew; their common fathers and benefactors; who fed them

during the tempest。〃 The inhabitants of St。  Savin; in the Pyrénées;

〃portray with tears of grief their consternation〃 at the prospect of

suppressing their abbey of Benedictines; the sole charitable

organization in this poor country。  At Sierk; Thionville; 〃the

Chartreuse;〃 say the leading citizens; 〃is; for us; in every respect;

the Ark of the Lord; it is the main support of from more than twelve

to fifteen hundred persons who come it every day in the week。  This

year the monks have distributed amongst them their own store of grain

at sixteen livres less than the current price。〃 The regular canons of

Domiévre; in Lorrraine; feed sixty poor persons twice a week; it is

essential to retain them; says the petition; 〃out of pity and

compassion for poor beings whose misery cannot be imagined; where

there no regular convents and canons in their dependency; the poor cry

with misery。〃'10' At Moutiers…Saint…John; near Sémur in Burgundy; the

Benedictines of Saint…Maur support the entire village  and supply it

this year with food during the famine。  Near Morley in Barrois; the

abbey of Auvey; of the Cistercian order; 〃was always; for every

village in the neighborhood; a bureau of charity。〃 At Airvault; in

Poitou; the municipal officers; the colonel of the national guard; and

numbers of 〃peasants and inhabitants〃 demand the conservation of the

regular canons of St。  Augustin。  〃Their existence;〃 says the petition;

〃is absolutely essential; as well for our town as for the country; and

we should suffer an irreparable loss in their suppression。〃 The

municipality and permanent council of Soissons writes that the

establishment of Saint…Jean des Vignes 〃has always earnestly claimed

its share of the public charges。  This is the institution which; in

times of calamity; welcomes homeless citizens and provides them with

subsistence。  It alone bears the expenses of the assembly of the

bailiwick at the time of the election of deputies to the National

Assembly。  A company of the regiment of Armagnac is actually lodged

under its roof。  This institution is always found wherever sacrifices

are to be made。〃 In scores of places declarations are made that the

monks are 〃the fathers of the poor。〃 In the diocese of Auxerre; during

the summer of 1789; the Bernardines of Rigny 〃stripped themselves of

all they possessed in favor of the inhabitants of neighboring

villages: bread; grain; money and other supplies; have all been

lavished on about twelve hundred persons who; for more than six weeks;

never failed to present themselves at their door daily。  。  。  Loans;

advances made on farms; credit with the purveyors of the house; all

has contributed to facilitating their means for relieving the people。〃

I omit many other traits equally forcible; we see that the

ecclesiastical and lay seigniors are not simple egoists when they live

at home。  Man is compassionate of ills of which he is a witness;

absence is necessary to deaden their vivid impression; they move the

heart when the eye contemplates them。  Familiarity; moreover; engenders

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