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the origins of contemporary france-1-第130章

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who; unable to endure the persecutions they have to undergo; take

refuge in the cities 。  。  。  preferring begging to labor。〃  …  And yet

the people of the cities are not much better off。  〃An officer of a

company in garrison at Mezieres tells me that the poverty of that

place is so great that; after the officers had dined in the inns; the

people rush in and pillage the remnants。〃  …  〃There are more than

12;000 begging workmen in Rouen; quite as many in Tours; etc。  More

than 20;000 of these workmen are estimated as having left the kingdom

in three months for Spain; Germany; etc。  At Lyons 20;000 workers in

silk are watched and kept in sight for fear of their going abroad。〃 At

Rouen;'10' and in Normandy; 〃those in easy circumstances find it

difficult to get bread; the bulk of the people being entirely without

it; and; to ward off starvation; providing themselves with food

otherwise repulsive to human beings。〃  …  〃Even at Paris;〃 writes

d'Argenson;'11' 〃I learn that on the day M。 le Dauphin and Mme。  la

Dauphine went to Notre Dame; on passing the bridge of the Tournelle;

more than 2;000 women assembled in that quarter crying out; 'Give us

bread; or we shall die of hunger。' 。  。  。  A vicar of the parish of

Saint…Marguerite affirms that over eight hundred persons died in the

Faubourg St。  Antoine between January 20th and February 20th; that the

poor expire with cold and hunger in their garrets; and that the

priests; arriving too late; see them expire without any possible


Were I to enumerate the riots; the sedition of the famished; and

the pillaging of storehouses; I should never end; these are the

convulsive twitching of exhaustion; the people have fasted as long as

possible; and instinct; at last; rebels。  In 1747;'12' 〃extensive

bread…riots occur in Toulouse; and in Guyenne they take place on every

market…day。〃 In 1750; from 6 to 7;000 men gather in Bearn behind a

river to resist the clerks; two companies of the Artois regiment fire

on the rebels and kill a dozen of them。  In 1752; a sedition at Rouen

and in its neighborhood lasts three days; in Dauphiny and in Auvergne

riotous villagers force open the grain warehouses and take away wheat

at their own price; the same year; at Arles; 2;000 armed peasants

demand bread at the town…hall and are dispersed by the soldiers。  In

one province alone; that of Normandy; I find insurrections in 1725; in

1737; in 1739; in 1752; in 1764; 1765; 1766; 1767 and I768;'13' and

always on account of bread。

〃Entire hamlets;〃 writes the Parliament; 〃being without the

necessities of life; hunger compels them to resort to the food of

brutes。  。  。  。  Two days more and Rouen will be without provisions;

without grain; without bread。〃

Accordingly; the last riot is terrible; on this occasion; the

populace; again masters of the town for three days; pillage the public

granaries and the stores of all the communities。  …  Up to the last

and even later; in 1770 at Rheims; in 1775 at Dijon; at Versailles; at

St。  Germain; at Pontoise and at Paris; in 1772 at Poitiers; in 1785 at

Aix in Provence; in 1788 and 1789 in Paris and throughout France;

similar eruptions are visible。'14'   …  Undoubtedly the government

under Louis XVI is milder; the intendants are more humane; the

administration is less rigid; the taille becomes less unequal; and the

corvée is less onerous through its transformation; in short; misery

has diminished; and yet this is greater than human nature can bear。

Examine administrative correspondence for the last thirty years

preceding the Revolution。  Countless statements reveal excessive

suffering; even when not terminating in fury。  Life to a man of the

lower class; to an artisan; or workman; subsisting on the labor of his

own hands; is evidently precarious; he obtains simply enough to keep

him from starvation and he does not always get that'15'。  Here; in four

districts; 〃the inhabitants live only on buckwheat;〃 and for five

years; the apple crop having failed; they drink only water。  There; in

a country of vine…yards;'16' 〃the wine…growers each year are reduced;

for the most part; to begging their bread during the dull season。〃

Elsewhere; several of the day…laborers and mechanics; obliged to sell

their effects and household goods; die of the cold; insufficient and

unhealthy food generates sickness; while; in two districts; 35;000

persons are stated to be living on alms'17'。  In a remote canton the

peasants cut the grain still green and dry it in the oven; because

they are too hungry to wait。  The intendant of Poitiers writes that 〃as

soon as the workhouses open; a prodigious number of the poor rush to

them; in spite of the reduction of wages and of the restrictions

imposed on them in behalf of the most needy。〃 The intendant of Bourges

notices that a great many tenant farmers have sold off their

furniture; and that 〃entire families pass two days without eating;〃

and that in many parishes the famished stay in bed most of the day

because they suffer less。  The intendant of Orleans reports that 〃in

Sologne; poor widows have burned up their wooden bedsteads and others

have consumed their fruit trees;〃 to preserve themselves from the

cold; and he adds; 〃nothing is exaggerated in this statement; the

cries of want cannot be expressed; the misery of the rural districts

must be seen with one's own eyes to obtain an idea of it。〃 From Rioni;

from La Rochelle; from Limoges; from Lyons; from Montauban; from Caen;

from Alen?on; from Flanders; from Moulins come similar statements by

other intendants。  One might call it the interruptions and repetitions

of a funeral knell; even in years not disastrous it is heard on all

sides。  In Burgundy; near Chatillon…sur…Seine;

〃taxes; seigniorial dues; the tithes; and the expenses of

cultivation; split up the productions of the soil into thirds; leaving

nothing for the unfortunate cultivators; who would have abandoned

their fields; had not two Swiss manufacturers of calicoes settled

there and distributed about the country 40;000 francs a year in


 In Auvergne; the country is depopulated daily; many of the

villages have lost; since the beginning of the century; more than one…

third of their inhabitants'19'。

 〃Had not steps been promptly taken to lighten the burden of a

down…trodden people;〃 says the provincial assembly in 1787; 〃Auvergne

would have forever lost its population and its cultivation。〃

In Comminges; at the outbreak of the Revolution; certain

communities threaten to abandon their possessions; should they obtain

no relief'20'。

 〃It is a well…known fact;〃 says the assembly of Haute…Guyenne; in

1784;〃 that the lot of the most severely taxed communities is so

rigorous as to have led their proprietors frequently to abandon their

property'21'。  Who is not aware of the inhabitants of Saint…Servin

having abandoned their property ten times; and of their threats to

resort again to this painful proceeding i
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