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the origins of contemporary france-1-第12章

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'4'。  Léonce de Lavergne; 〃Les Assemblées Povinciales;〃 p。  19。  …

Consult the official statement of the provincial assemblies; and

especially the chapters treating of the vingtièmes (an old tax of one…

twentieth on incomes。…TR。)

'5'。  A report made by Treilhard in the name of the ecclesiastic

committee; (Moniteur; 19th December; 1789): The religious

establishments for sale in Paris alone were valued at 150 millions。

Later (in the session of the 13th February; 1791); Amelot estimates

the property sold and to be sold; not including forests; at 3;700

millions。  M。 de Bouillé estimates the revenue of the clergy at 180

millions。  (Mémoires; p。44)。  'French currency is so well known to

readers in general it is not deemed necessary to reduce statements of

this kind to the English or American standard; except in special


'6' A report by Chasset on Tithes; April; 1790。  Out of 123

millions 23 go for the costs of collection: but; in estimating the

revenue of an individual the sums he pays to his intendants; overseers

and cashiers are not deducted。  … Talleyrand (October l0; 1789)

estimates the revenue of real property at 70 millions and its value at

2;100 millions。  On examination however both capital and revenue are

found considerably larger than at first supposed。  (Reports of

Treilbard and Chasset)。  Moreover; in his valuation; Talleyrand left

out habitations and their enclosures as well as a reservation of one…

fourth of the forests。  Besides this there must be included in the

revenue before 1789 the seigniorial rights enjoyed by the Church。

Finally; according to Arthur Young; the rents which the French

proprietor received were not two and a half per cent。  as nowadays but

three and three quarters per cent …  The necessity of doubling the

figures to obtain a present money valuation is supported by

innumerable facts; and among others the price of a day's labor; which

at that time was nineteen sous。  (Arthur Young)。  (Today; in 1999; in

France the minimum legal daily wage is around 300 francs。  20 sous

constituted a franc。  So the sums referred to by Taine under the

Revolution must be multiplied with at least 300 in order to compare

them with 1990 values。  To obtain dollars multiply with 50。  SR。)

'7'。  National archives; among the papers of the ecclesiastical

committee; box (portfolios) 10; 11; 13; 25。  … Beugnot's Memoirs; I。

49; 79。  … Delbos; 〃L'Eglise de France;〃 I。  399。  … Duc de Lévis;

〃Souvenirs et Portraits;〃 p。156。

'8'。  Léonce de Lavergne; 〃économie Rurale en France;〃 p。24。  …

Perin; 〃La Jeunesse de Robespierre;〃 (Statements of grievances in

Artois); p。317。  ( In French 〃cahiers des doleances〃 … statements of

local complaints and expectations … prepared all over France for use

by their delegates for the ètats Generaux。  SR。)

'9'。  Boiteau; 〃état de la France en 1789;〃 p。47。  Voltaire;

〃Politique et Legislation;〃 the petition of the serfs of St。  Claude。

'10'。  Necker; 〃De l'Administration des Finances;〃 II。  272。

'11'。  De Bouillé; 〃Mémoires;〃 p。41。  It must not be forgotten that

these figures must be doubled to show corresponding sums of the

present day。  10;000 livres (francs) rental in 1766 equal in value

20;000 in 1825。  (Madame de Genlis; 〃Memoirs;〃 chap。  IX)。   Arthur

Young; visiting a chateau in Seine…et…Marne; writes: 〃I have been

speaking to Madame de Guerchy; and I have learned from this

conversation that to live in a chateau like this with six men

servants; five maids; eight horses; a garden and a regular table; with

company; but never go to Paris; might be done for 1;000 louis per

annum。  It would in England cost 2;000。  At the present day in France

24;000 francs would be 50;000 and more。〃 Arthur Young adds: 〃There are

gentlemen (noblesse) that live in this country on 6;000 or 8000 and

keep two men; two maids; three horses and a cabriolet。〃 To do this

nowadays would require from 20;000 to 25;000。  … It has become much

more expensive; especially due to the rail…ways; to live in the

provinces。  〃According to my friends du Rouergue;〃 he says again; 〃I

could live at Milhau with my family in the greatest abundance on 100

louis (2;000 francs); there are noble families supporting themselves

on revenues of fifty and even twenty…five louis。〃 At Milhau; to day;

prices are triple and even quadruple。  … In Paris; a house in the Rue

St。  Honore which was rented for 6;000 francs in 1787 is now rented for

16;000 francs。

'12'。   〃Rapports de l'Agence du clergé de 1780 à 1785。〃 In

relation to the feudal rights the abolition of which is demanded in

Boncerf's work; the chancellor Séguier said in 1775: 〃Our Kings have

themselves declared that they are; fortunately; impotent to make any

attack on property。〃

'13'。  Léonce de Lavergne; 〃Les Assemblées provinciales;〃 p。296。

Report of M。 Schwendt on Alsace in 1787。  …  Warroquier; 〃Etat de la

France en 1789;〃 I。541。  …  Necker; 〃De l'Administration des Finances;〃

I。  19; 102。  … Turgot; (collection of economists); 〃Réponse aux

observations du garde des sceaux sur la suppression des corvées;〃 I。


'14'。  This term embraces various taxes originating in feudal times;

and rendered particularly burdensome to the peasantry through the

management of the privileged classes。  …TR。

'15'。  The arpent measures between one and one and a half acres。  …TR

'16'。  De Tocqueville; 〃L'Ancien Régime et la Révolution;〃 p。  406。

〃The inhabitants of Montbazon had subjected to taxation the stewards

of the duchy which belonged to the Prince de Rohan。  This prince caused

this abuse to be stopped and succeeded in recovering the sum of 5;344

livres which he had been made to pay unlawfully under this right〃

'17'。  Necker; 〃Administration des Finances:〃 ordinary taxation (la

taille) produced 91 millions; les vingtièmes 76;500;000; the

capitation tax 41;500;000。

'18'。  Raudot; 〃La France avant la Révolution;〃 p。  51。  … De Bouillé;

〃Mémoires;〃 p。  44。  …   Necker; 〃De 1'Administration des Finances;〃 II;

p。  181。  The above relates to what was called the clergy of France;

(116 dioceses)。  The clergy called foreign; consisted of that of the

three bishoprics and of the regions conquered since Louis XIV; it had

a separate régime and paid somewhat like the nobles。  … The décimes

which the clergy of France levied on its property amounted to a sum of

10;500;000 livres。

'19'。  De Toqueville; ib。  104; 381; 407。  … Necker; ib。  I。  102。  …

Boiteau; ib。  362。  … De Bouillé; ib。  26; 41; and the following pages。

Turgot; ib。  passim。  … Cf。  passim。  … Cf。  Book V; ch。  2; on the


'20'。  See 〃La France ecclésiastique; 1788;〃 for these details。

'21'。  Official statements and manuscript reports of the States…

General of 1789。  〃Archives nationales;〃 vol。  LXXXVIII pp。  23; 85; 121;

122'; 152。  Procès…verbal of January 12; 1789。

'22'。  Necker; 〃De l'Administration des Finances
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