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the origins of contemporary france-1-第103章

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entirely; it gives itself up to the reader and hence it takes

possession of him。  Resistance is impossible; the contagion is too

overpowering。  A creature of air and flame; the most excitable that

ever lived; composed of more ethereal and more throbbing atoms than

those of other men; none is there whose mental machinery is more

delicate; nor whose equilibrium is at the same time more shifting and

more exact。  He may be compared to those accurate scales that are

affected by a breath; but alongside of which every other measuring

apparatus is incorrect and clumsy。   …   But; in this delicate balance

only the lightest weights; the finest specimen must be placed; on this

condition only it rigorously weighs all substances; such is Voltaire;

involuntarily; through the demands of his intellect; and in his own

behalf as much as in that of his readers。  An entire philosophy; ten

volumes of theology; an abstract science; a special library; an

important branch of erudition; of human experience and invention; is

thus reduced in his hands to a phrase or to a stanza。  From the

enormous mass of riven or compact scorioe he extracts whatever is

essential; a grain of gold or of copper as a specimen of the rest;

presenting this to us in its most convenient and most manageable form;

in a simile; in a metaphor; in an epigram that becomes a proverb。  In

this no ancient or modern writer approaches him; in simplification and

in popularization he has not his equal in the world。  Without

departing from the usual conversational tone; and as if in sport; he

puts into little portable phrases the greatest discoveries and

hypotheses of the human mind; the theories of Descartes; Malebranche;

Leibnitz; Locke and Newton; the diverse religions of antiquity and of

modern times; every known system of physics; physiology; geology;

morality; natural law; and political economy;'21' in short; all the

generalized conceptions in every order of knowledge to which humanity

had attained in the eighteenth century。    …  Voltaire's inclination

is so strong that it carries him too far; he belittles great things by

rendering them accessible。  Religion; legend; ancient popular poesy;

the spontaneous creations of instinct; the vague visions of primitive

tunes are not thus to be converted into small current coin; they are

not subjects of amusing and lively conversation。  A piquant witticism

is not an expression of all this; but simply a travesty。  But how

charming to Frenchmen; and to people of the world! And what reader can

abstain from a book containing all human knowledge summed up in

piquant witticisms? For it is really a summary of human knowledge; no

important idea; as far as I can see; being wanting to a man whose

breviary consisted of the 〃Dialogues;〃 the 〃Dictionary;〃 and the

〃Novels。〃 Read them over and over five or six times; and we then form

some idea of their vast contents。  Not only do views of the world and

of man abound in them; but again they swarm with positive and even

technical details; thousands of little facts scattered throughout;

multiplied and precise details on astronomy; physics; geography;

physiology; statistics; and on the history of all nations; the

innumerable and personal experiences of a man who has himself read the

texts; handled the instruments; visited the countries; taken part in

the industries; and associated with the persons; and who; in the

precision of his marvelous memory; in the liveliness of his ever…

blazing imagination; revives or sees; as with the eye itself;

everything that he states and as he states it。  It is a unique talent;

the rarest in a classic era; the most precious of all; since it

consists in the display of actual beings; not through the gray veil of

abstractions; but in themselves; as they are in nature and in history;

with their visible color and forms; with their accessories and

surroundings in time and space; a peasant at his cart; a Quaker in his

meeting…house; a German baron in his castle; Dutchmen; Englishmen;

Spaniards; Italians; Frenchmen; in their homes;'22' a great lady; a

designing woman; provincials; soldiers; prostitutes;'23' and the rest

of the human medley; on every step of the social ladder; each an

abridgment of his kind and in the passing light of a sudden flash。

For; the most striking feature of this style is the prodigious

rapidity; the dazzling and bewildering stream of novelties; ideas;

images; events; landscapes; narratives; dialogues; brief little

pictures; following each other rapidly as if in a magic…lantern;

withdrawn almost as soon as presented by the impatient magician who;

in the twinkling of an eye; girdles the world and; constantly

accumulating one on top of the other; history; fable; truth and fancy;

the present time and times past; frames his work now with a parade as

absurd as that of a country fair; and now with a fairy scene more

magnificent than all those of the opera。  To amuse and be amused; 〃to

diffuse his spirit in every imaginable mode; like a glowing furnace

into which all substances are thrown by turns to evolve every species

of flame; sparkle and odor;〃 is his first instinct。  〃Life;〃 he says

again; 〃is an infant to be rocked until it goes to sleep。〃 Never was a

mortal more excited and more exciting; more incapable of silence and

more hostile to ennui;'24'  better endowed for conversation; more

evidently destined to become the king of a sociable century in which;

with six pretty stories; thirty witticisms and some confidence in

himself; a man could obtain a social passport and the certainty of

being everywhere welcome。  Never was there a writer possessing to so

high a degree and in such abundance every qualification of the

conversationalist; the art of animating and of enlivening discourse;

the talent for giving pleasure to people of society。  Perfectly

refined when he chose to be; confining himself without inconvenience

to strict decorum; of finished politeness; of exquisite gallantry;

deferential without being servile; fond without being mawkish;'25' and

always at his ease; it suffices that he should be before the public;

to fall naturally into the proper tone; the discreet ways; the winning

half…smile of the well…bred man who; introducing his readers into his

mind; does them the honors of the place。  Are you on familiar terms

with him; and of the small private circle in which he freely unbends

himself; with closed doors? You never tire of laughing。  With a sure

hand and without seeming to touch it; he abruptly tears aside the veil

hiding a wrong; a prejudice; a folly; in short; any human idolatry。

The real figure; misshapen; odious or dull; suddenly appears in this

instantaneous flash; we shrug our shoulders。  This is the risibility

of an agile; triumphant reason。  We have another in that of the gay

temperament; of the droll improvisator; of the man keeping youthful; a

child; a boy even to the day of his death; and who 〃gambols on his own

tombstone。〃 He is fond of caricat
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