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christie johnstone-第7章

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when the herring fishing came; to make all right; he never had another
man's luck; how his boat's crew would draw empty nets; and a boat
alongside him would be gunwale down in the water with the fish。 How; at
last; one morning; the 20th day of November; his boat came in to Newhaven
Pier without him; and when he was inquired for; his crew said; 〃He had
stayed at home; like a lazy loon; and not sailed with them the night
before。〃 How she was anxious; and had all the public houses searched。
〃For he took a drop now and then; nae wonder; and him aye in the
weather。〃 Poor thing! when he was alive she used to call him a drunken
scoundrel to his face。 How; when the tide went down; a mad wife; whose
husband had been drowned twenty years ago; pointed out something under
the pier that the rest took for sea…weed floatinghow it was the hair of
her man's head; washed about by the water; and he was there; drowned
without a cry or a struggle; by his enormous boots; that kept him in an
upright position; though he was dead; there he stooddeaddrowned by
slipping from the slippery pier; close to his comrades' hands; in a dark
and gusty night; how her daughter married; and was well to do; and
assisted her; how she fell into a rapid decline; and died; a picture of
health to inexperienced eyes。 How she; the mother; saw and knew; and
watched the treacherous advance of disease and death; how others said
gayly; 〃Her daughter was better;〃 and she was obliged to say; 〃Yes。〃 How
she had worked; eighteen hours a day; at making nets; how; when she let
out her nets to the other men at the herring fishing; they always cheated
her; because her man was gone。 How she had many times had to choose
between begging her meal and going to bed without it; but; thank Heaven!
she had always chosen the latter。

She told him of hunger; cold; and anguish。 As she spoke they became real
things to him; up to that moment they had been things in a story…book。
And as she spoke she rocked herself from side to side。

Indeed; she was a woman 〃acquainted with grief。〃 She might have said;
〃Here I and sorrow sit。 This is my throne; bid kings come and bow to it!〃

Her hearer felt this; and therefore this woman; poor; old; and ugly;
became sacred in his eye; it was with a strange sort of respect that he
tried to console her。 He spoke to her in tones gentle and sweet as the
south wind on a summer evening。

〃Madam;〃 said he; 〃let me be so happy as to bring you some comfort。 The
sorrows of the heart I cannot heal; they are for a mightier hand; but a
part of your distress appears to have been positive need; that we can at
least dispose of; and I entreat you to believe that from this hour want
shall never enter that door again。 Never! upon my honor!〃

The Scotch are icebergs; with volcanoes underneath; thaw the Scotch ice;
which is very cold; and you shall get to the Scotch fire; warmer than any
sun of Italy or Spain。

His lordship had risen to go。 The old wife had seemed absorbed in her own
grief; she now dried her tears。

〃Bide ye; sirr;〃 said she; 〃till I thank ye。〃

So she began to thank him; rather coldly and stiffly。

〃He says ye are a lord;〃 said she; 〃I dinna ken; an' I dinna care; but
ye're a gentleman; I daur say; and a kind heart ye hae。〃

Then she began to warm。

〃And ye'll never be a grain the poorer for the siller ye hae gien me; for
he that giveth to the poor lendeth to the Lord。〃

Then she began to glow。

〃But it's no your siller; dinna think itna; lad; na! Oh; fine! I ken
there's mony a supper for the bairns and me in yon bits metal; but I
canna feel your siller as I feel your winsome smilethe drop in your
young eenan' the sweet words ye gied me; in the sweet music o' your
Soothern tongue; Gude bless ye!〃 (Where was her ice by this time?) 〃Gude
bless ye! and I bless ye!〃

And she did bless him; and what a blessing it was; not a melodious
generality; like a stage parent's; or papa's in a damsel's novel。 It was
like the son of Barak on Zophim。

She blessed him; as one who had the power and the right to bless or

She stood on the high ground of her low estate; and her afflictionsand
demanded of their Creator to bless the fellow…creature that had come to
her aid and consolation。

This woman had suffered to the limits of endurance; yesterday she had
said; 〃Surely the Almighty does na _see_ me a' these years!〃

So now she blessed him; and her heart's blood seemed to gush into words。

She blessed him by land and water。

She knew most mortal griefs; for she had felt them。

She warned them away from him one by one。

She knew the joys of life; for she had felt their want。

She summoned them one by one to his side。

〃And a fair wind to your ship;〃 cried she; 〃and the storms aye ten miles
to leeward o' her。〃

Many happy days; 〃an' weel spent;〃 she wished him。

〃His love should love him dearly; or a better take her place。〃

〃Health to his side by day; sleep to his pillow by night。〃

A thousand good wishes came; like a torrent of fire; from her lips; with
a power that eclipsed his dreams of human eloquence; and then; changing
in a moment from the thunder of a Pythoness to the tender music of some
poetess mother; she ended:

〃An' oh; my boenny; boenny lad; may ye be wi' the rich upon the airth a'

His lordship's tongue refused him the thin phrases of society。

〃Farewell for the present;〃 said he; and he went quietly away。

He paced thoughtfully home。

He had drunk a fact with every sentence; and an idea with every fact。

For the knowledge we have never realized is not knowledge to usonly
knowledge's shadow。

With the banished duke; he now began to feel; 〃we are not alone unhappy。〃
This universal world contains other guess sorrows than yours;
viscount_scilicet_ than unvarying health; unbroken leisure; and
incalculable income。

Then this woman's eloquence! bless me! he had seen folk murmur politely
in the Upper House; and drone or hammer away at the Speaker down below;
with more heat than warmth。

He had seen nine hundred wild beasts fed with peppered tongue; in a
menagerie called _L'Assemble' Nationale。_

His ears had rung often enough; for that matter。 This time his heart

He had been in the principal courts of Europe; knew what a handful of
gentlefolks call 〃the World〃; had experienced the honeyed words of
courtiers; the misty nothings of diplomatists; and the innocent prattle
of mighty kings。

But hitherto he seemed to have undergone gibberish and jargon:

Gibberish and jargonPolitical!

Gibberish and jargonSocial!

Gibberish and jargonTheological!

Gibberish and jargonPositive!

People had been pratingJess had spoken。

But; it is to be observed; he was under the double effect of eloquence
and novelty; and; so situated; we overrate things; you know。

That night he made a provision for this poor woman; in case he should die
before next week。

〃Who knows?〃 said he; 〃she is such an unlucky woman。〃 Then he went to
bed; and whether from the widow's blessing; or the air of the place; he
slept like a plowboy。

Leaving Richard; Lord Ipsden; to work out the Aberford problemt
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