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christie johnstone-第5章

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〃Na! ye manna flee to Sandy for a thing; ye are no a bairn; are ye?〃

Here was a dilemma; the Saunders prop knocked rudely away; and obliged to
think for ourselves。

But Saunders would come to his distressed master's assistance。 He
furtively conveyed to him a plump bookthis was Saunders's manual of
faith; the author was Mr。 Burke; not Edmund。

Lord Ipsden ran hastily over the page; closed the book; and said; 〃Here
is the story。

〃Five hundred years ago〃

〃Listen; Jean;〃 said Christie; 〃we're gaun to get a boeny story。 'Five
hundre' years ago;'〃 added she; with interest and awe。

〃Was a great battle;〃 resumed the narrator; in cheerful tones; as one
larking with history; 〃between a king of England and his rebels。 He was
in the thick of the fight〃

〃That's the king; Jean; he was in the thick o't。〃

〃My ancestor killed a fellow who was sneaking behind him; but the next
moment a man…at…arms prepared a thrust at his majesty; who had his hands
full with three assailants。〃

〃Eh! that's no fair;〃 said Christie; 〃as sure as deeth。〃

〃My ancestor dashed forward; and; as the king's sword passed through one
of them; he clove another to the waist with a blow。〃

〃Weel done! weel done!〃

Lord Ipsden looked at the speaker; her eyes were glittering; and her
cheek flushing。

〃Good Heavens!〃 thought he; 〃she believes it!〃 So he began to take more
pains with his legend。

〃But for the spearsman;〃 continued he; 〃he had nothing but his body; he
gave it; it was his duty; and received the death leveled at his

〃Hech! puir mon。〃 And the glowing eyes began to glisten。

〃The battle flowed another way; and God gave victory to the right; but
the king came back to look for him; for it was no common service。〃

〃Deed no!〃

Here Lord Ipsden began to turn his eye inward; and call up the scene。 He
lowered his voice。

〃They found him lying on his back; looking death in the face。

〃The nobles; by the king's side; uncovered as soon as he was found; for
they were brave men; too。 There was a moment's silence; eyes met eyes;
and said; this is a stout soldier's last battle。

〃The king could not bid him live。〃

〃Na! lad; King Deeth has ower strong a grrip。〃

〃But he did what kings can do; he gave him two blows with his royal

〃Oh; the robber; and him a deeing mon。〃

〃Two words from his royal mouth; and he and we were Barons of Ipsden and
Hawthorn Glen from that day to this。〃

〃But the puir dying creature?〃

〃What poor dying creature?〃

〃Your forbear; lad。〃

〃I don't know why you call him poor; madam; all the men of that day are
dust; they are the gold dust who died with honor。

〃He looked round; uneasily; for his sonfor he had but oneand when
that son knelt; unwounded; by him; he said; 'Goodnight; Baron Ipsden;'
and so he died; fire in his eye; a smile on his lip; and honor on his
name forever。 I meant to tell you a lie; and I've told you the truth。〃

〃Laddie;〃 said Christie; half admiringly; half reproachfully; 〃ye gar the
tear come in my een。 Hech! look at yon lassie! how could you think t'eat
plums through siccan a bonny story?〃

〃Hets;〃 answered Jean; who had; in fact; cleared the plate; 〃I aye listen
best when my ain mooth's stappit。〃

〃But see; now;〃 pondered Christie; 〃twa words fra a kingthir titles are
just breeth。〃

〃Of course;〃 was the answer。 〃All titles are。 What is popularity? ask
Aristides and Lamartinethe breath of a mobsmells of its sourceand
is gone before the sun can set on it。 Now the royal breath does smell of
the Rose and Crown; and stays by us from age to age。〃

The story had warmed our marble acquaintance。 Saunders opened his eyes;
and thought; 〃We shall wake up the House of Lords some evening_we_

His lordship then added; less warmly; looking at the girls:

〃I think I should like to be a fisherman。〃

So saying; my lord yawned slightly。

To this aspiration the young fishwives deigned no attention; doubting;
perhaps; its sincerity; and Christie; with a shade of severity; inquired
of him how he came to be a vile count。

〃A baron's no' a vile count; I'm sure;〃 said she; 〃sae tell me how ye
came to be a vile count。〃

〃Ah!〃 said he; 〃that is by no means a pretty story like the other; you
will not like it; I am sure。

〃Ay; will Iay; will I; I'm aye seeking knoewledge。〃

〃Well; it is soon told。 One of us sat twenty years on one seat; in the
same house; so one day he got up aviscount。〃

〃Ower muckle pay for ower little wark。〃

〃Now don't say that; I wouldn't do it to be Emperor of Russia。〃

〃Aweel; I hae gotten a heap out o' ye; sae noow I'll gang; since ye are
no for herrin'; come away; Jean。〃

At this their host remonstrated; and inquired why bores are at one's
service night and day; and bright people are always in a hurry; he was
informed in reply; 〃Labor is the lot o' man。 Div ye no ken that muckle?
And abune a' o' women。〃*

* A local idea; I suspect。C。 R。

〃Why; what can two such pretty creatures have to do except to be

This question coming within the dark beauty's scope; she hastened to

〃To sell our herrin'we hae three hundre' left in the creel。〃

〃What is the price?〃

At this question the poetry died out of Christie Johnstone's face; she
gave her companion a rapid look; indiscernible by male eye; and answered:

〃Three a penny; sirr; they are no plenty the day;〃 added she; in smooth
tones that carried conviction。

(Little liar; they were selling six a penny everywhere。)

〃Saunders; buy them all; and be ever so long about it; count them; or
some nonsense。〃

〃He's daft! he's daft! Oh; ye ken; Jean; an Ennglishman and a lorrd; twa
daft things thegither; he could na' miss the road。 Coont them; lassie。〃

〃Come away; Sandy; till I count them till ye;〃 said Jean。

Saunders and Jean disappeared。

Business being out of sight; curiosity revived。

〃An' what brings ye here from London; if ye please?〃 recommenced the fair

〃You have a good countenance; there is something in your face。 I could
find it in my heart to tell you; but I should bore you。〃

〃De'el a fear! Bore me; bore me! wheat's thaat; I wonder?〃

〃What is your name; madam? Mine is Ipsden。〃

〃They ca' me Christie Johnstone。〃

〃Well; Christie Johnstone; I am under the doctor's hands。〃

〃Puir lad。 What's the trouble?〃 (solemnly and tenderly。)

〃Ennui!〃 (rather piteously。)

〃Yawn…we? I never heerd tell o't。〃

〃Oh; you lucky girl;〃 burst out he; 〃but the doctor has undertaken to
cure me; in one thing you could assist me; if I am not presuming too far
on our short acquaintance。 I am to relieve one poor distressed person
every day; but I mustn't do two。 Is not that a bore?〃

〃Gie's your hand; gie's your hand。 I'm vexed for ca'ing you daft。 Hech!
what a saft hand ye hae。 Jean; I'm saying; come here; feel this。〃

Jean; who had run in; took the viscount's hand from Christie。

〃It never wroucht any;〃 explained Jean。 〃And he has bonny hair;〃 said
Christie; just touching his locks on the other side。

〃He's a bonny lad;〃 said Jean; inspecting him scientifically; and

〃Ay; is he;〃 said the other。 〃Aweel; there's Jess Rutherford; a widdy;
wi' fo
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