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christie johnstone-第40章

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acquaintances; and not a few friends; the latter are mostly lovers of
truth in their several departments; and in all things。 Among them are
painters; sculptors; engineers; writers; conversers; thinkers; these
acknowledging; even in England; other gods besides the intestines; meet
often _chez_ Gatty; chiefly for mental intercourse; a cup of tea with
such is found; by experience; to be better than a stalled elk where
chit…chat reigns over the prostrate hours。

This; then; is a happy couple; the very pigeons and the crows need not
blush for the nest at Kensington Gravel…pits。 There the divine
institution Marriage takes its natural colors; and it is at once pleasant
and good to catch such glimpses of Heaven's design; and sad to think how
often this great boon; accorded by God to man and woman; must have been
abused and perverted; ere it could have sunk to be the standing butt of
farce…writers; and the theme of weekly punsters。

In this pair we see the wonders a male and female can do for each other
in the sweet bond of holy wedlock。 In that blessed relation alone two
interests are really one; and two hearts lie safe at anchor side by side。

Christie and Charles are friendsfor they are man and wife。

Christie and Charles are lovers stillfor they are man and wife。

Christie and Charles are one foreverfor they are man and wife。

This wife brightens the house; from kitchen to garret; for her husband;
this husband works like a king for his wife's comfort; and for his own
fameand that fame is his wife's glory。 When one of these expresses or
hints a wish; the other's first impulse is to find the means; not the

They share all troubles; and; by sharing; halve them。

They share all pleasures; and; by sharing; double them。

They climb the hill together now; and many a canty day they shall have
with one another; and when; by the inevitable law; they begin to descend
toward the dark valley; they will still go hand in hand; smiling so
tenderly; and supporting each other with a care more lovely than when the
arm was strong and the foot firm。

On these two temperate lives old age will descend lightly; gradually;
gently; and lateand late upon these evergreen hearts; because they are
not tuned to some selfish; isolated key; these hearts beat and ring with
the young hearts of their dear children; and years hence papa and mamma
will begin life hopefully; wishfully; warmly again with each loved novice
in turn。

And when old age does come; it will be no calamity to these; as it is to
you; poor battered beau; laughed at by the fair ninnies who erst laughed
with you; to you; poor follower of salmon; fox; and pheasant; whose
joints are stiffening; whose nerve is gonewhose Golgotha remains; to
you; poor faded beauty; who have staked all upon man's appetite; and not
accumulated goodness or sense for your second course; to you; poor
drawing…room wit; whose sarcasm has turned to venom and is turning to

What terrors has old age for this happy pair? it cannot make them ugly;
for; though the purple light of youth recedes; a new kind of tranquil
beauty; the aloe…blossom of many years of innocence; comes to; and sits
like a dove upon; the aged faces; where goodness; sympathy and
intelligence have harbored together so long; and where evil passions have
flitted (for we are all human); but found no resting…place。

Old age is no calamity to them。 It cannot terrify them; for ere they had
been married a week the woman taught the man; lover of truth; to search
for the highest and greatest truths in a book written for men's souls by
the Author of the world; the sea; the stars; the sun; the soul; and this
book; _Dei gratia;_ will; as the good bishop sings;

〃Teach them to live that they may dread The grave as little as their

It cannot make them sad; for; ere it comes loved souls will have gone
from earth and from their tender bosom; but not from their memories; and
will seem to beckon them now across the cold valley to the golden land。

It cannot make them sad; for on earth the happiest must drink a sorrowful
cup more than once in a long life; and so their brightest hopes will have
come to dwell habitually on things beyond the grave; and the great
painter; _jam Senex;_ will chiefly meditate upon a richer landscape and
brighter figures than human hand has ever painted; a scene whose glories
he can see from hence but by glimpses and through a glass darkly; the
great meadows on the other side of Jordan; which are bright with the
spirits of the just that walk there; and are warmed with an eternal sun;
and ring with the triumph of the humble and the true; and the praises of
God forever。

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