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christie johnstone-第39章

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navigation; a little seamanship; a little manners; etc。; in the mysteries
of reading and writing his sister had already perfected him by dint of
〃the taws。〃 This school was a blow; but Flucker was no fool; he saw there
was no way of getting from school to sea without working。 So he literally
worked out to sea。 His first voyage was distinguished by the following
peculiarities: Attempts to put tricks upon this particular novice
generally ended in the laugh turning against the experimenters; and
instead of drinking his grog; which he hates; he secreted it; and sold it
for various advantages。 He has been now four voyages。 When he comes
ashore; instead of going to haunts of folly and vice; he instantly bears
up for his sister's houseKensington Gravel…pitswhich he makes in the
following manner: He goes up the riverHeaven knows where allthis he
calls running down the longitude; then he lands; and bears down upon the
Gravel…pits; in particular knowledge of the names of streets he is
deficient; but he knows the exact bearings of Christie's dwelling。 He
tacks and wears according as masonry compels him; and he arrives at the
gate。 He hails the house; in a voice that brings all the inhabitants of
the row to their windows; including Christie; he is fallen upon and
dragged into the house。 The first thing is; he draws out from his boots;
and his back; and other hiding…places; China crape and marvelous silk
handkerchiefs for Christie; and she takes from his pocket a mass of
Oriental sugar…plums; with which; but for this precaution; she knows by
experience he would poison young Charley; and soon he is to be seen
sitting with his hand in his sister's; and she lookng like a mother upon
his handsome; weather…beaten face; and Gatty opposite; adoring him as a
specimen of male beauty; and sometimes making furtive sketches of him。
And then the tales he always brings with him; the house is never very
dull; but it is livelier than ever when this inexhaustible sailor casts
anchor in it。

The friends (chiefly artists) who used to leave at 9:30; stay till
eleven; for an intelligent sailor is better company than two lawyers; two
bishops; three soldiers; and four writers of plays and tales; all rolled
together。 And still he tells Christie he shall command a vessel some day;
and leads her to the most cheering inferences from the fact of his
prudence and his general width…awake; in particular he bids her contrast
with him the general fate of sailors; eaten up by land…sharks;
particularly of the female gender; whom he demonstrates to be the worst
enemies poor Jack has; he calls these sunken rocks; fire…ships and other
metaphors。 He concludes thus: 〃You are all the lass I mean to have till
I'm a skipper; and then I'll bear up alongside some pretty; decent lass;
like yourself; Christie; and we'll sail in company all our lives; let the
wind blow high or low。〃 Such is the gracious Flucker become in his
twentieth year。 Last voyage; with Christie's aid; he produced a sextant
of his own; and 〃made it twelve o'clock〃 (with the sun's consent; I
hope); and the eyes of authority fell upon him。 So; who knows? perhaps he
may one day; sail a ship; and; if he does; he will be prouder and happier
than if we made him monarch of the globe。

To return to our chiefs; Mrs。 Gatty gave her formal consent to her son's
marriage with Christie Johnstone。

There were examples。 Aristocracy had ere now condescended to wealth;
earls had married women rich by tallow…importing papas; and no doubt; had
these same earls been consulted in Gatty's case; they would have decided
that Christie Johnstone; with her real and funded property; was not a
villainous match for a green grocer's son; without a rapp;* but Mrs。
Gatty did not reason so; did not reason at all; luckily; her heart ran
away with her judgment; and; her judgment ceasing to act; she became a
wise woman。

*A diminutive German coin。

The case was peculiar。 Gatty was a artist _pur sang_and Christie; who
would not have been the wife for a _petit maitre;_ was the wife of wives
for him。

He wanted a beautiful wife to embellish his canvas; disfigured hitherto
by an injudicious selection of models; a virtuous wife to be his crown; a
prudent wife to save him from ruin; a cheerful wife to sustain his
spirits; drooping at times by virtue of his artist's temperament; an
intellectual wife to preserve his children from being born dolts and bred
dunces; and to keep his own mind from sharpening to one point; and so
contracting and becoming monomaniacal。 And he found all these qualities;
together with the sun and moon of human existencetrue love and true
religionin Christie Johnstone。

In similar cases; foolish men have set to work to make; in six months;
their diamond of nature; the exact cut and gloss of other men's pastes;
and; nervously watching the process; have suffered torture; luckily
Charles Gatty was not wise enough for this; he saw nature had
distinguished her he loved beyond her fellows; here; as elsewhere; he had
faith in naturehe believed that Christie would charm everybody of eye;
and ear; and mind; and heart; that approached her; he admired her as she
was; and left her to polish herself; if she chose。 He did well; she came
to London with a fine mind; a broad brogue; a delicate ear; she observed
how her husband's friends spoke; and in a very few months she had toned
down her Scotch to a rich Ionic coloring; which her womanly instinct will
never let her exchange for the thin; vinegar accents that are too
prevalent in English and French society; and in other respects she
caught; by easy gradation; the tone of the new society to which her
marriage introduced her; without; however; losing her charming self。

The wise dowager lodges hard by; having resisted an invitation to be in
the same house; she comes to that house to assist the young wife with her
experience; and to be welcomenot to interfere every minute; and tease
her; she loves her daughter…in…law almost as much as she does her son;
and she is happy because he bids fair to be an immortal painter; and;
above all; a gentleman; and she; a wifely wife; a motherly mother; and;
above all; a lady。

This; then; is a happy couple。 Their life is full of purpose and
industry; yet lightened by gayety; they go to operas; theaters and balls;
for they are young。 They have plenty of society; real society; not the
ill…assorted collection of a predetermined number of bodies; that blindly
assumes that name; but the rich communication of various and fertile
minds; they very; very seldom consent to squat four mortal hours on one
chair (like old hares stiffening in their hot forms); and nibbling;
sipping and twaddling in four mortal hours what could have been eaten;
drunken and said in thirty…five minutes。 They are both artists at heart;
and it shocks their natures to see folks mix so very largely the
_inutile_ with the _insipidum;_ and waste; at one huge but barren
incubation; the soul; and the stomach; and the irrevocable hours; things
with which so much is to be done。 But they have many desirable
acquaintances; and not a few friends; the latter are mostly lovers of
truth in their several depart
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