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christie johnstone-第37章

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alluded to the majesty and freedom of a certain _pose_ Christie had
adopted while hailing him from the boat; but; reader; if he had wanted
you and me to believe it was this; he should not have been half a year
finding it out_increduli odimus!_ They landed; and Christie sprang on
shore; while she was wending her way through the crowd; impeded by
greetings and acclamations; with every now and then a lass waving her
kerchief or a lad his bonnet over the heroine's head; poor Mrs。 Gatty was
receiving the attention of the New Town; they brought her to; they told
her the good newsshe thanked God。

The whole story had spread like wildfire; they expostulated with her;
they told her now was the time to show she had a heart; and bless the
young people。

She rewarded them with a valuable precept。

〃Mind your own business!〃 said she。

〃Hech! y' are a dour wife!〃 cried Newhaven。

The dour wife bent her eyes on the ground。

The people were still collected at the foot of the street; but they were
now in knots; when in dashed Flucker; arriving by a short cut; and
crying: 〃She does na ken; she does na ken; she was ower moedest to look;
I daur say; and ye'll no tell her; for he's a blackguard; an' he's just
making a fule o' the puir lass; and if she kens what she has done for
him; she'll be fonder o' him than a coow o' her cauf。〃

〃Oh; Flucker! we maun tell her; it's her lad; her ain lad; she saved;〃
expostulated a woman。

〃Did ever my feyther do a good turn till ye?〃 cried Flucker。 〃Awel; then;
ye'll no tell the lassie; she's weel as she is; he's gaun t' Enngland the
day。 I cannie gie ye a' a hidin';〃 said he; with an eye that flashed
volumes of good intention on a hundred and fifty people; 〃but I am
feytherless and motherless; an' I can fa' on my knees an' curse ye a' if
ye do us sic an ill turn; an' then ye'll see whether ye'll thrive。〃

〃We'll no tell; Flucker; ye need na curse us ony way。〃

His lordship; with all the sharp authority of a skipper; ordered Master
Flucker to the pier; with a message to the yacht; Flucker _qua_ yachtsman
was a machine; and went as a matter of course。 〃I am determined to tell
her;〃 said Lord Ipsden to Lady Barbara。

〃But;〃 remonstrated Lady Barbara; 〃the poor boy says he will curse us if
we do。〃

〃He won't curse me。〃

〃How do you know that?〃

〃Because the little blackguard's grog would be stopped on board the yacht
if he did。〃

Flucker had not been gone many minutes before loud cheering was heard;
and Christie Johnstone appeared convoyed by a large detachment of the Old
Town; she had tried to slip away; but they would not let her。 They
convoyed her in triumph till they saw the New Town people; and then they
turned and left her。

She came in among the groups; a changed womanher pallor and her
listlessness were gonethe old light was in her eye; and the bright
color in her cheek; and she seemed hardly to touch the earth。

〃I'm just droukit; lasses;〃 cried she; gayly; wringing her sleeve。 Every
eye was upon her; did she know; or did she not know; what she had done?

Lord Ipsden stepped forward; the people tacitly accepted him as the
vehicle of their curiosity。

〃Who was it; Christie?〃

〃I dinna ken; for my pairt!〃

Mrs。 Gatty came out of the house。

〃A handsome young fellow; I hope; Christie?〃 resumed Lord Ipsden。

〃Ye maun ask Flucker;〃 was the reply。 〃I could no tak muckle notice; ye
ken;〃 putting her hand before her eye; and half smiling。

〃Well! I hear he is very good…looking; and I hear you think so; too。〃

She glided to him and looked in his face。 He gave a meaning smile。 The
poor girl looked quite perplexed。 Suddenly she gave a violent start。

〃Christie! where is Christie?〃 had cried a well…known voice。 He had
learned on the pier who had saved himhe had slipped up among the boats
to find herhe could not find his hathe could not wait for ithis
dripping hair showed where he had beenit was her love whom she had just
saved out of Death's very jaws。

She gave a cry of love that went through every heart; high or low; young
or old; that heard it。 And she went to him; through the air it seemed;
but; quick as she was; another was as quick; the mother had seen him
first; and she was there。 Christie saw nothing。 With another cry; the
very keynote of her great and loving heart; she flung her arms
roundMrs。 Gatty; who was on the same errand as herself。

〃Hearts are not steel; and steel is bent; Hearts are not flint; and flint
is rent。〃

The old woman felt Christie touch her。 She turned from her son in a
moment and wept upon her neck。 Her lover took her hand and kissed it; and
pressed it to his bosom; and tried to speak to her; but all he could do
was to sob and chokeand kiss her hand again。

〃My daughter!〃 sobbed the old woman。

At that word Christie clasped her quickly; and then Christie began to

〃I am not a stone;〃 cried Mrs。 Gatty。

〃I gave him life; but you have saved him from death。 Oh; Charles; never
make her repent what she has done for you。〃

She was a woman; after all; and prudence and prejudice melted like snow
before her heart。

There were not many dry eyesleast of all the heroic Lady Barbara's。

The three whom a moment had made one were becoming calmer; and taking one
another's hands for life; when a diabolical sound aroseand what was it
but Sandy Liston; who; after furious resistance; was blubbering with
explosive but short…lived violence? Having done it; he was the first to
draw everybody's attention to the phenomenon; and affecting to consider
it a purely physical attack; like a _coup de soleil;_ or so on; he
proceeded instantly to Drysel's for his panacea。

Lady Barbara enjoined Lord Ipsden to watch these people; and not to lose
a word they said; and; after she had insisted upon kissing Christie; she
went off to her carriage。 And she too was so happy; she cried three
distinct times on her way to Edinburgh。

Lord Ipsden; having reminded Gatty of his engagement; begged him to add
his mother and Christie to the party; and escorted Lady Barbara to her

So then the people dispersed by degrees。

〃That old lady's face seems familiar to me;〃 said Lord Ipsden; as he
stood on the little natural platform by the 〃Peacock。〃 〃Do you know who
she is; Saunders?〃

〃It is Peggy; that was cook in your lordship's uncle's time; my lord。 She
married a green…grocer;〃 added Saunders; with an injured air。

〃Hech! hech!〃 cried Flucker; 〃Christie has ta'en up her head wi' a cook's

Mrs。 Gatty was ushered into the 〃Peacock〃 with mock civility by Mr。
Saunders。 No recognition took place; each being ashamed of the other as
an acquaintance。

The next arrival was a beautiful young lady in a black silk gown; a plain
but duck…like plaid shawl; who proved to be Christie Johnstone; in her
Sunday attire。

When they met; Mrs。 Gatty gave a little scream of joy; and said: 〃Oh; my
child; if I had seen you in that dress; I should never have said a word
against you。〃

〃Pars minima est ipsa puella sui!〃

His lordship stepped up to her; took off his hat; and said: 〃Will Mrs。
Gatty take from me a commission for two pictures; as big as herself; and
as bonny?〃 added he; d
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