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christie johnstone-第34章

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once more。 Oh; I could fall on my knees and bless you for something you
said just now。〃

Lady Barbara blushed to the temples。

〃Then why don't you?〃 said she。 〃All you want is a little enthusiasm。〃
Then recovering herself; she said:

〃You kneel on wet sand; with black trousers on; that will never be!!!〃

These two were so occupied that they did not observe the approach of a
stranger until he broke in upon their dialogue。

An Ancient Mariner had been for some minutes standing off and on;
reconnoitering Lord Ipsden; he now bore down; and with great rough;
roaring cordiality; that made Lady Barbara start; cried out:

〃Give me your hand; sirgive me your hand; if you were twice a lord。

〃I couldn't speak to you till the brig was safe in port; and you slipped
away; but I've brought you up at last; andgive me your hand again; sir。
I say; isn't it a pity you are a lord instead of a sailor?〃

_Ipsden。_ 〃But I am a sailor。〃

_Ancient Mariner。_ 〃That ye are; and as smart a one as ever tied a
true…lover's knot in the top; but tell the truthyou were never nearer
losing the number of your mess than that day in the old _Tisbe。〃_

_Lady Barb。_ 〃The old _Tisbe!_ Oh!〃

_Ipsden。_ 〃Do you remember that nice little lurch she gave to leeward as
we brought her round?〃

_Lady Barb。_ 〃Oh; Richard!〃

_Ancient Mariner。_ 〃And that reel the old wench gave under our feet;
north the pier…head。 I wouldn't have given a washing…tub for her at that

_Ipsden。_ 〃Past danger becomes pleasure; sir。 _Olim et hoec meminisse_I
beg your pardon; sir。〃

_Ancient Mariner (taking off his hat with feeling)。_ 〃God bless ye; sir;
and send ye many happy days; and well spent; with the pretty lady I see
alongside; asking your pardon; miss; for parting pleasanter companyso
I'll sheer off。〃

And away went the skipper of the _Tisbe;_ rolling fearfully。 In the heat
of this reminiscence; the skipper of the yacht (they are all alike; blue
water once fairly tasted) had lost sight of Lady Barbara; he now looked
round。 Imagine his surprise!

Her ladyship was in tears。

〃Dear Barbara;〃 said Lord Ipsden; 〃do not distress yourself on my

〃It is not your fe…feelings I care about; at least; I h…h…hope not; but I
have been so unjust; and I prided myself so on my j…ju…justice。〃

〃Never mind!〃

〃Oh! if you don't; I don't。 I hate myself; so it is no wonder you h…hate

〃I love you more than ever。〃

〃Then you are a good soul! Of course you know I always _l_…esteemed you;

〃No! I had an idea you despised me!〃

〃How silly you are! Can't you see? When I thought you were not
perfection; which you are now; it vexed me to death; you never saw me
affront any one but you?〃

〃No; I never did! What does that prove?〃

〃That depends upon the wit of him that reasons thereon。〃 (Coming to

〃I love you; Barbara! Will you honor me with your hand?〃

〃No! I am not so base; so selfish。 You are worth a hundred of me; and
here have I been treating you _de haut en bas。_ Dear Richard; poor
Richard。 Oh! oh! oh!〃 (A perfect flood of tears。)

〃Barbara! I regret nothing; this moment pays for all。〃

〃Well; then; I will! since you keep pressing me。 There; let me go; I must
be alone; I must tell the sea how unjust I was; and how happy I am; and
when you see me again you shall see the better side of your cousin

She was peremptory。 〃She had her folly and his merits to think over;〃 she
said; but she promised to pass through Newhaven; and he should put her
into her pony…phaeton; which would meet her there。

Lady Barbara was only a fool by the excess of her wit over her
experience; and Lord Ipsden's love was not misplaced; for she had a great
heart which she hid from little people。 I forgive her!

The resolutions she formed in company with the sea; having dismissed
Ipsden; and ordered her flunky into the horizon; will probably give our
viscount just half a century of conjugal bliss。

As he was going she stopped him and said: 〃Your friend had browner hands
than I have hitherto conceived possible。 _To tell the truth;_ I took them
for the claws of a mahogany table when he grappled youis that the term?
_C'est e'gal_I like him〃

She stopped him again。 〃Ipsden; in the midst of all this that poor man's
ship is broken。 I feel it is! You will buy him another; if you really
love mefor I like him。〃

And so these lovers parted for a time; and Lord Ipsden with a bounding
heart returned to Newhaven。 He went to entertain his late _vis…'a…vis_ at
the 〃Peacock。〃

Meantime a shorter and less pleasant _rencontre_ had taken place between
Leith and that village。

Gatty felt he should meet his lost sweetheart; and sure enough; at a turn
of the road Christie and Jean came suddenly upon him。

Jean nodded; but Christie took no notice of him; they passed him; he
turned and followed them; and said; 〃Christie!〃

〃What is your will wi' me?〃 said she; coldly。

〃II How pale you are!〃

〃I am no very weel。〃

〃She has been watching over muckle wi' Flucker;〃 said Jean。

Christie thanked her with a look。

〃I hope it is notnot〃

〃Nae fears; lad;〃 said she; briskly; 〃I dinna think that muckle o' ye。〃

〃And I think of nothing but you;〃 said he。

A deep flush crimsoned the young woman's brow; but she restrained
herself; and said icily: 〃Thaat's very gude o' ye; I'm sure。〃

Gatty felt all the contempt her manners and words expressed。 He bit his
lips。 The tear started to his eye。 〃You will forget me;〃 said he。 〃I do
not deserve to be remembered; but I shall never forget you。 I leave for
England。 I leave Newhaven forever; where I have been so happy。 I am going
at three o'clock by the steamboat。 Won't you bid me good…by?〃 He
approached her timidly。

〃Ay! that wull do;〃 cried she; 〃Gude be wi' ye; lad; I wish ye nae ill。〃
She gave a commanding gesture of dismissal; he turned away; and went
sadly from her。 She watched every motion when his back was turned。

〃That is you; Christie;〃 said Jean; 〃use the lads like dirt; an' they
think a' the mair o' ye。〃

〃Oh; Jean; my hairt's broken。 I'm just deeing for him。〃

〃Let me speak till him then;〃 said Jean; 〃I'll sune bring him till his
marrow…banes;〃 and she took a hasty step to follow him。

Christie held her fast。 〃I'd dee ere I'd give in till them。 Oh; Jean! I'm
a lassie clean flung awa; he has neither hairt nor spunk ava; yon lad!〃

Jean began to make excuses for him。 Christie inveighed against him。 Jean
spoke up for him with more earnestness。

Now observe; Jean despised the poor boy。

Christie adored him。

So Jean spoke for him; because women of every degree are often one solid
mass of tact; and Christie abused him; because she wanted to hear him


RICHARD; LORD VISCOUNT IPSDEN; having dotted the seashore with sentinels;
to tell him of Lady Barbara's approach; awaited his guest in the
〃Peacock〃; but; as Gatty was a little behind time; he placed Saunders
sentinel over the 〃Peacock;〃 and strolled eastward; as he came out of the
〃Peacock;〃 Mrs。 Gatty came down the little hill in front; and also
proceeded eastward; meantime Lady Barbara and her escort were not far
from t
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