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christie johnstone-第30章

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〃Now; I have your solemn promise to do it here; and at once; you will
find me on the beach behind these boatsdo it。〃

The reader will understand that during the last few days Mrs。 Gatty had
improved her advantage; and that Charles had positively consented to obey
her; the poor boy was worn out with the strugglehe felt he must have
peace or die; he was thin and pale; and sudden twitches came over him;
his temperament was not fit for such a battle; and; it is to be observed;
nearly all the talk was on one side。 He had made one expiring
strugglehe described to his mother an artist's nature; his strength;
his weaknesshe besought her not to be a slave to general rules; but to
inquire what sort of a companion the individual Gatty needed; he lashed
with true but brilliant satire the sort of wife his mother was ready to
see him saddled witha stupid; unsympathizing creature; whose ten
children would; by nature's law; be also stupid; and so be a weight on
him till his dying day。 He painted Christie Johnstone; mind and body; in
words as true and bright as his colors; he showed his own weak points;
her strong ones; and how the latter would fortify the former。

He displayed; in short; in one minute; more intellect than his mother had
exhibited in sixty years; and that done; with all his understanding; wit
and eloquence; he succumbed like a child to her stronger willhe
promised to break with Christie Johnstone。

When Christie had recovered her composure and turned round to her
companions; she found herself alone with Charles。

〃Chairles;〃 said she; gravely。

〃Christie;〃 said he; uneasily。

〃Your mother does na like me。 Oh; ye need na deny it; and we are na
together as we used to be; my lad。〃

〃She is prejudiced; but she has been the best of mothers to me;


〃Circumstances compel me to return to England。〃

(Ah; coward! anything but the real truth!)

〃Aweel; Chairles; it will no be for lang。〃

〃I don't know; you will not be so unhappy as I shallat least I hope

〃Hoow do ye ken that?〃

〃Christie; do you remember the first night we danced together?〃


〃And we walked in the cool by the seaside; and I told you the names of
the stars; and you said those were not their real names; but nicknames we
give them here on earth。 I loved you that first night。〃

〃And I fancied you the first time I set eyes on you。〃

〃How can I leave you; Christie? What shall I do?〃

〃I ken what I shall do;〃 answered Christie coolly; then; bursting into
tears; she added; 〃I shall dee! I shall dee!〃

〃No! you must not say so; at least I will never love any one but you。〃

〃An' I'll live as I am a' my days for your sake。 Oh; England! I hae
likeit ye sae weel; ye suld na rob me o' my ladhe's a' the joy I hae!〃

〃I love you;〃 said Gatty。 〃Do you love me?〃

All the answer was; her head upon his shoulder。

〃I can't do it;〃 thought Gatty; 〃and I won't! Christie;〃 said he; 〃stay
here; don't move from here。〃 And he dashed among the boats in great

He found his mother rather near the scene of the late conference。

〃Mother;〃 said he; fiercely; like a coward as he was; 〃ask me no more; my
mind is made up forever; I will not do this scoundrelly; heartless;
beastly; ungrateful action you have been pushing me to so long。〃

〃Take care; Charles; take care;〃 said the old woman; trembling with
passion; for this was a new tone for her son to take with her。 〃You had
my blessing the other day; and you saw what followed it; do not tempt me
to curse an undutiful; disobedient; ungrateful son。〃

〃I must take my chance;〃 said he; desperately; 〃for I am under a curse
any way! I placed my ring on her finger; and held up my hand to God and
swore she should be my wife; she has my ring and my oath; and I will not
perjure myself even for my mother。〃

〃Your ring! Not the ruby ring I gave you from your dead father's
fingernot that! not that!〃

〃Yes! yes! I tell you yes! and if he was alive; and saw her; and knew her
goodness; he would have pity on me; but I have no friend; you see how ill
you have made me; but you have no pity; I could not have believed it;
but; since you have no mercy on me; I will have the more mercy on myself;
I marry her to…morrow; and put an end to all this shuffling and
maneuvering against an angel! I am not worthy of her; but I'll marry her
to…morrow。 Good…by。〃

〃Stay!〃 said the old woman; in a terrible voice; 〃before you destroy me
and all I have lived for; and suffered; and pinched for; hear me; if that
ring is not off the hussy's finger in half an hour; and you my son again;
I fall on this sand and〃

〃Then God have mercy upon me; for I'll see the whole creation lost
eternally ere I'll wrong the only creature that is an ornament to the

He was desperate; and the weak; driven to desperation; are more furious
than the strong。

It was by Heaven's mercy that neither mother nor son had time to speak

As they faced each other; with flaming eyes and faces; all self…command
gone; about to utter hasty words; and lay up regret; perhaps for all
their lives to come; in a moment; as if she had started from the earth;
Christie Johnstone stood between them!

Gatty's words; and; still more; his hesitation; had made her quick
intelligence suspect。 She had resolved to know the truth; the boats
offered every facility for listeningshe had heard every word。

She stood between the mother and son。

They were confused; abashed; and the hot blood began to leave their

She stood erect like a statue; her cheek pale as ashes; her eyes
glittering like basilisks; she looked at neither of them。

She slowly raised her left hand; she withdrew a ruby ring from it; and
dropped the ring on the sand between the two。

She turned on her heel; and was gone as she had come; without a word

They looked at one another; stupefied at first; after a considerable
pause the stern old woman stooped; picked up the ring; and; in spite of a
certain chill that the young woman's majestic sorrow had given her; said;
placing it on her own finger; 〃This is for your wife!!!〃

〃It will be for my coffin; then;〃 said her son; so coldly; so bitterly
and so solemnly that the mother's heart began to quake。

〃Mother;〃 said he calmly; 〃forgive me; and accept your son's arm。

〃I will; my son!〃

〃We are alone in the world now; mother。〃

Mrs。 Gatty had triumphed; but she felt the price of her triumph more than
her victory。 It had been done in one moment; that for which she had so
labored; and it seemed that had she spoken long ago to Christie; instead
of Charles; it could have been done at any moment。

Strange to say; for some minutes the mother felt more uneasy than her
son; she was a woman; after all; and could measure a woman's heart; and
she saw how deep the wound she had given one she was now compelled to

Charles; on the other hand; had been so harassed backward and forward;
that to him certainty was relief; it was a great matter to be no longer
called upon to decide。 His mother had said; 〃Part;〃 and now Christie had
said; 〃Part〃; at least the affair was taken out of his hands; and his
first feeling 
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