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the man versus the state-第4章

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e with 1860; under the second administration of Lord Palmerston。 In that year; the restrictions of the Factories Act were extended to bleaching and dyeing works; authority was given to provide analysts of food and drink; to be paid out of local rates; there was an Act providing for inspection of gas…works; as well as for fixing quality of gas and limiting price; there was the Act which; in addition to further mine inspection; made it penal to employ boys under twelve not attending school and unable to read and write。 In 1861 occurred an extension of the compulsory provisions of the Factories Act to lace…works; power was given to poor…law guardians; etc。; to enforce vaccination; local boards were authorized to fix rates of hire for horses; ponies; mules; asses; and boats; and certain locally…formed bodies had given to them powers of taxing the locality for rural drainage and irrigation works; and for supplying water to cattle。 In 1862 an Act was passed for restricting the employment of women and children in open…air bleaching; and an Act for making illegal a coal…mine with a single shaft; or with shafts separated by less than a specified space; as well as an Act giving the Council of Medical Education the exclusive right to publish a Pharmacopoeia; the price of which is to be fixed by the Treasury。 In 1863 came the extension of compulsory vaccination to Scotland; and also to Ireland; there came the empowering of certain boards to borrow money repayable from the local rates; to employ and pay those out of work; there came the authorizing of town authorities to take possession of neglected ornamental spaces; and rate the inhabitants for their support; there came the Bakehouses Regulation Act; which; besides specifying minimum age of employees occupied between certain hours; prescribed periodical lime…washing; three coats of paint when painted; and cleaning with hot water and soap at least once in six months; and there came also an Act giving a magistrate authority to decide on the wholesomeness or unwholesomeness of food brought before him by an inspector。 Of compulsory legislation dating from 1864; may be named an extension of the Factories Act to various additional trades; including regulations for cleansing and ventilation; and specifying of certain employees in match…works; that they might not take meals on the premises except in the wood…cutting places。 Also there were passed a Chimney…Sweepers Act; an Act for further regulating the sale of beer in Ireland; an Act for compulsory testing of cables and anchors; an Act extending the Public Works Act of 1863; and the Contagious Diseases Act: which last gave the police; in specified places; powers which; in respect of certain classes of women; abolished sundry of those safeguards to individual freedom established in past times。 The year 1865 witnessed further provision for the reception and temporary relief of wanderers at the cost of ratepayers; another public…house closing Act; and an Act making compulsory regulations for extinguishing fires in London。 Then; under the Ministry of Lord John Russell; in 1866; have to be named an Act to regulate cattle…sheds; etc。; in Scotland; giving local authorities powers to inspect sanitary conditions and fix the numbers of cattle; an Act forcing hop…growers to label their bags with the year and place of growth and the true weight; and giving police powers of search; an Act to facilitate the building of lodging…houses in Ireland; and providing for regulation of the inmates; a Public Health Act; under which there is registration of lodging…houses and Station of occupants; with inspection and directions for lime…washing; etc。; and a Public Libraries Act; giving local powers by which a majority can tax a minority for their books。      Passing now to the legislation under the first Ministry of Mr Gladstone; we have; in 1869; the establishment of State…telegraphy; with the accompanying interdict on telegraphing through any other agency; we have the empowering a Secretary of State to regulate hired conveyances in London; we have further and more stringent regulations to prevent cattle…diseases from spreading; another Beerhouse Regulation Act; and a Sea…birds Preservation Act (ensuring greater mortality of fish)。 In 1870 we have a law authorizing the Board of Public Works to make advances for landlords' improvements and for purchase by tenants; we have the Act which enables the Education Department to form school…boards which shall purchase sites for schools; and may provide free schools supported by local rates; and enabling school…boards to pay a child's fees; to compel parents to send their children; etc。; etc。; we have a further Factories and Workshops Act; making; among other restrictions; some on the employment of women and children in fruit…preserving and fishcuring works。 In 1871 we meet with an amended Merchant Shipping Act; directing officers of the Board of Trade to record the draught of sea…going vessels leaving port; there is another Factory and Workshops Act; making further restrictions; there is a Pedlar's Act; inflicting penalties for hawking without a certificate; and limiting the district within which the certificate holds; as well as giving the police power to search pedlars' packs; and there are further measures for enforcing vaccination。 The year 1872 had; among other Acts; one which makes it illegal to take for hire more than one child to nurse; unless in a house registered by the authorities; who prescribe the number of infants to be received; it had a Licensing Act; interdicting sale of spirits to those apparently under sixteen; and it had another Merchant Shipping Act; establishing an annual survey of passenger steamers。 Then in 1873 was passed the Agricultural Children's Act; which makes it penal for a farmer to employ a child who has neither certificate of elementary education nor of certain prescribed school attendances; and there was passed a Merchant Shipping Act; requiring on each vessel a scale showing draught and giving the Board of Trade power to fix the numbers of boats and life…saving appliances to be carried。      Turn now to Liberal law…making under the present Ministry。 We have; in 1880; a law which forbids conditional advance…notes in payment of sailors' wages; also a law which dictates certain arrangements for the safe carriage of grain…cargoes; also a law increasing local coercion over parents to send their children to school。 In 1881 comes legislation to prevent trawling over clam…beds and bait…beds; and an interdict making it impossible to buy a glass of beer on Sunday in Wales。 In 1882 the Board of Trade was authorized to grant licences to generate and sell electricity; and municipal bodies were enabled to levy rates for electric…lighting; further exactions from ratepayers were authorized for facilitating more accessible baths and washhouses; and local authorities were empowered to make bye…laws for securing the decent lodging of persons engaged in picking fruit and vegetables。 Of such legislation during 1883 may be named the Cheap Trains Act; which; partly by taxing the nation to the extent of *400;000 a year (in the shape of relinquished passenger duty); and partly at the cost of railway…proprietors; still 
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