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the man versus the state-第26章

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at the name aggressionist ought to be substituted for the name protectionist。 For nothing can be more certain than that if; to maintain A's profit; B is forbidden to buy of C; or is fined to the extent of the duty if he buys of C; B is aggressed upon that A may be 〃protected。〃 Nay; 〃aggressionists〃 is a title doubly more applicable to the anti…free…traders than is the euphemistic title 〃protectionists;〃 since; that one producer may gain; ten consumers are fleeced。      Now just the like confusion of ideas; caused by looking at one face only of the transaction; may be traced throughout all the legislation which forcibly takes the property of this man for the purpose of giving gratis benefits to that man。 Habitually when one of the numerous measures thus characterized is discussed; the dominant thought is concerning the pitiable Jones who is to be protected against some evil; while no thought is given to the hard…working Brown who is aggressed upon; often much more to be pitied。 Money is exacted (either directly or through raised rent) from the huckster who only by extreme pinching can pay her way; from the mason thrown out of work by a strike; from the mechanic whose savings are melting away during an illness; from the widow who washes or sews from dawn to dark to feed her fatherless little ones; and all that the dissolute may be saved from hunger; that the children of less impoverished neighbours may have cheap lessons; and that various people; mostly better off; may read newspapers and novels for nothing! The error of nomenclature is; in one respect; more misleading than that which allows aggressionists to be called protectionists; for; as just shown; protection of the vicious poor involves aggression on the virtuous poor。 Doubtless it is true that the greater part of the money exacted comes from those who are relatively well…off。 But this is no consolation to the ill…off from whom the rest is exacted。 Nay; if the comparison be made between the pressures borne by the two classes respectively; it becomes manifest that the case is even worse than at first appears; for while to the well…off the exaction means loss of luxuries; to the ill…off it means loss of necessaries。      And now see the Nemesis which is threatening to follow this chronic sin of legislators。 They and their class; in common with all owners of property; are in danger of suffering from a sweeping application of that general principle practically asserted by each of these confiscating Acts of Parliament。 For what is the tacit assumption on which such Acts proceed? It is the assumption that no man has any claim to his property; not even to that which he has earned by the sweat of his brow; save by permission of the community; and that the community may cancel the claim to any extent it thinks fit。 No defence can be made for this appropriation of A's possessions for the benefit of B; save one which sets out with the postulate that society as a whole has an absolute right over the possessions of each member。 And now this doctrine; which has been tacitly assumed; is being openly proclaimed。 Mr George and his friends; Mr Hyndman and his supporters; are pushing the theory to its logical issue。 They have been instructed by examples; yearly increasing in number; that the individual has no rights but what the community may equitably override; and they are now saying  〃It shall go hard but we will better the instruction;〃 and over…ride individual rights altogether。 

Legislative misdeeds of the classes above indicated are in large measure explained; and reprobation of them mitigated; when we look at the matter from afar off。 They have their root in the error that society is a manufacture; whereas it is a growth。 Neither the culture of past times nor the culture of the present time; has given to any considerable number of people a scientific conception of a society  a conception of it as having a natural structure in which all its institutions; governmental; religious; industrial; commercial; etc。; etc。; are interdependently bound  a structure which is in a sense organic。 Or if such a conception is nominally entertained; it is not entertained in such way as to be operative on conduct。 Contrariwise; incorporated humanity is very commonly thought of as though it were like so much dough which the cook can mould as she pleases into pie…crust; or puff; or tartlet。 The communist shows us unmistakably that he thinks of the body politic as admitting of being shaped thus or thus at will; and the tacit implication of many Acts of Parliament is that aggregated men; twisted into this or that arrangement; will remain as intended。      It may indeed be said that even irrespective of this erroneous conception of a society as a plastic mass instead of as an organized body; facts forced on his attention hour by hour should make every one sceptical as to the success of this or that proposed way of changing a people's actions。 Alike to the citizen and to the legislator; home experiences daily supply proofs that the conduct of human beings baulks calculation。 He has given up the thought of managing his wife and lets her manage him。 Children on whom he has tried now reprimand; now punishment; now suasion; now reward; do not respond satisfactorily to any method; and no expostulation prevents their mother from treating them in ways he thinks mischievous。 So; too; his dealings with his servants; whether by reasoning or by scolding; rarely succeed for long: the falling short of attention; or punctuality; or cleanliness; or sobriety; leads to constant changes。 Yet; difficult as he finds it to deal with humanity in detail; he is confident of his ability to deal with embodied humanity。 Citizens; not one…thousandth of whom he knows; not one…hundredth of whom he ever saw; and the great mass of whom belong to classes having habits and modes of thought of which he has but dim notions; he feels sure will act in certain ways he foresees; and fulfil ends he wishes。 Is there not a marvellous incongruity between premises and conclusion?      One might have expected that whether they observed the implications of these domestic failures; or whether they contemplated in every newspaper the indications of a social life too vast; too varied; too involved; to be even vaguely pictured in thought; men would have entered on the business of law…making with the greatest hesitation。 Yet in this more than in anything else do they show a confident readiness。 Nowhere is there so astounding a contrast between the difficulty of the task and the unpreparedness of those who undertake it。 Unquestionably among monstrous beliefs one of the most monstrous is that while for a simple handicraft; such as shoe…making; a long apprenticeship is needful; the sole thing which needs no apprenticeship is making a nation's laws! 

Summing up the results of the discussion; may we not reasonably say that there lie before the legislator several open secrets; which yet are so open that they ought not to remain secrets to one who undertakes the vast and terrible responsibility of dealing with millions upon millions of human beings by measures which; if they do not conduce to their happiness; will increase their miseries and accelerate their deaths
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