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the man versus the state-第15章

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inciple was that the citizen belonged neither to himself nor to his family; but belonged to his city  the city being with the Greek equivalent to the community。 And this doctrine; proper to a state of constant warfare; is a doctrine which socialism unawares re…introduces into a state intended to be purely industrial。 The services of each will belong to the aggregate of all; and for these services; such returns will be given as the authorities think proper。 So that even if the administration is of the beneficent kind intended to be secured; slavery; however mild; must be the outcome of the arrangement。      A second rejoinder is that the administration will presently become not of the intended kind; and that the slavery will not be mild。 The socialist speculation is vitiated by an assumption like that which vitiates the speculations of the 〃practical〃 politician。 It is assumed that officialism will work as it is intended to work; which it never does。 The machinery of Communism; like existing social machinery; has to be framed out of existing human nature; and the defects of existing human nature will generate in the one the same evils as in the other。 The love of power; the selfishness; the injustice; the untruthfulness; which often in comparatively short times bring private organizations to disaster; will inevitably; where their effects accumulate from generation to generation; work evils far greater and less remediable; since; vast and complex and possessed of all the resources; the administrative organization once developed and consolidated; must become irresistible。 And if there needs proof that the periodic exercise of electoral power would fail to prevent this; it suffices to instance the French Government; which; purely popular in origin; and subject at short intervals to popular judgment; nevertheless tramples on the freedom of citizens to an extent which the English delegates to the late Trades Unions Congress say 〃is a disgrace to; and an anomaly in; a Republican nation。〃     The final result would be a revival of despotism。 A disciplined army of civil officials; like an army of military officials; gives supreme power to its head  a power which has often led to usurpation; as in medieval Europe and still more in Japan  nay; has thus so led among our neighbours; within our own times。 The recent confessions of M。 de Maupas have shown how readily a constitutional head; elected and trusted by the whole people; may; with the aid of a few unscrupulous confederates; paralyse the representative body and make himself autocrat。 That those who rose to power in a socialistic organization would not scruple to carry out their aims at all costs; we have good reason for concluding。 When we find that shareholders who; sometimes gaining but often losing; have made that railway system by which national prosperity has been so greatly increased; are spoken of by the council of the Democratic Federation as having 〃laid hands〃 on the means of communication; we may infer that those who directed a socialistic administration might interpret with extreme perversity the claims of individuals and classes under their control。 And when; further; we find members of this same council urging that the State should take possession of the railways; 〃with or without compensation;〃 we may suspect that the heads of the ideal society desired; would be but little deterred by considerations of equity from pursuing whatever policy they thought needful: a policy which would always be one identified with their own supremacy。 It would need but a war with an adjacent society; or some internal discontent demanding forcible suppression; to at once transform a socialistic administration into a grinding tyranny like that of ancient Peru; under which the mass of the people; controlled by grades of officials; and leading lives that were inspected out…of…doors and indoors; laboured for the support of the organization which regulated them; and were left with but a bare subsistence for themselves。 And then would be completely revived; under a different form; that regime of status  that system of compulsory co…operation; the decaying tradition of which is represented by the old Toryism; and towards which the new Toryism is caring us back。      〃But we shall be on our guard against all that  we shall take precautions to ward off such disasters;〃 will doubtless say the enthusiasts。 Be they 〃practical〃 politicians with their new regulative measures; or communists with their schemes for re…organizing labour; their reply is ever the same:  〃It is true that plans of kindred nature have; from unforeseen causes or adverse accidents; or the misdeeds of those concerned; been brought to failure; but this time we shall profit by past experiences and succeed。〃 There seems no getting people to accept the truth; which nevertheless is conspicuous enough; that the welfare of a society and the justice of its arrangements are at bottom dependent on the characters of its members; and that improvement in neither can take place without that improvement in character which results from caring on peaceful industry under the restraints imposed by an orderly social life。 The belief; not only of the socialists but also of those so…called Liberals who are diligently preparing the way for them; is that by due skill an ill…working humanity may be framed into well…working institutions。 It is a delusion。 The defective natures of citizens will show themselves in the bad acting of whatever social structure they are arranged into。 There is no political alchemy by which you can get golden conduct out of leaden instincts。 

NOTE  Two replies by socialists to the foregoing article have appeared since its publication  Socialism and Slavery by H。M。 Hyndman and Herbert Spencer on Socialism by Frank Fairman。 Notice of them here must be limited to saying that; as usual with antagonists; they ascribe to me opinions which I do not hold。 Disapproval of Socialism does not; as Mr Hyndman assumes; necessitate approval of existing arrangements。 Many things he reprobates I reprobate quite as much; but I dissent from his remedy。 The gentleman who writes under the pseudonym of 〃Frank Fairman;〃 reproaches me with having receded from that sympathetic defence of the labouring classes which he finds in Social Statics; but I am quite unconscious of any such change as he alleges。 Looking with a lenient eye upon the irregularities of those whose lives are hard; by no means involves tolerance of good…for…nothings。 


1。 Hansard's Parliamentary History; 32。 p。 710。

2。 Fortnightly Review; January; 1884; p。 17。

3。 Factories and Workshops Act; 41 and 42 Vic。; cap。 16。

4。 See letter of Local Government; Times; January 2; 1884。

5。 Verification comes more promptly than I expected。 This article has been standing intype since January 30; and in the interval; namely on March 13; the London School Board resolved to apply for authority to use local charitable funds for supplying gratis meals and clothing to indigent children。 Presently the definition of 〃indigent〃 will be widened; more children will be included and more funds aked for。

6。 Fortnightly Review; January; 1884。

7。 Russia; I。 422。

8。 Socialism made Plain; R
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