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the man versus the state-第13章

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ated by the Industrial Dwellings Acts admits of development; and will develop。 Where municipal bodies turn housebuilders; they inevitably lower the values of houses otherwise built; and check the supply of more。 Every dictation respecting modes of building and conveniences to be provided; diminishes the builder's profit; and prompts him to use his capital where the profit is not thus diminished。 So; too; the owner; already finding that small houses entail much labour and many losses  already subject to troubles of inspection and interference; and to consequent costs; and having his property daily rendered a more undesirable investment; is prompted to sell; and as buyers are for like reasons deterred; he has to sell at a loss。 And now these still…multiplying regulations; ending; it may be; as Lord Grey proposes; in one requiring the owner to maintain the salubrity of his houses by evicting dirty tenants; and thus adding to his other responsibilities that of inspector of nuisances; must further prompt sales and further deter purchasers: so necessitating greater depreciation。 What must happen? The multiplication of houses; and especially small houses; being increasingly checked; there must come an increasing demand upon the local authority to make up for the deficient supply。 More and more the municipal or kindred body will have to build houses; or to purchase houses rendered unsaleable to private persons in the way shown  houses which; greatly lowered in value as they must become; it will; in many cases; pay to buy rather than to build new ones。 Nay; this process must work in a double way; since every entailed increase of local taxation still further depreciates property。(9*) And then; when in towns this process has gone so far as to make the local authority the chief owner of houses; there will be a good precedent for publicly providing houses for the rural population; as proposed in the Radical programme;(10*) and as urged by the Democratic Federation; which insists on 〃the compulsory construction of healthy artisans' and agricultural labourers' dwellings in proportion to the population。〃 Manifestly; the tendency of that which has been done; is being done; and is presently to be done; is to approach the socialistic ideal in which the community is sole house…proprietor。      Such; too; must be the effect of the daily…growing policy on the tenure and utilization of the land。 More numerous public benefits; to be achieved by more numerous public agencies; at the cost of augmented public burdens; must increasingly deduct from the returns on land; until; as the depreciation in value becomes greater and greater; the resistance to change of tenure becomes less and less。 Already; as every one knows; there is in many places difficulty in obtaining tenants; even at greatly reduced rents; and land of inferior fertility in some cases lies idle; or when farmed by the owner is often farmed at a loss。 Clearly the profit on capital invested in land is not such that taxes; local and general; can be greatly raised to support extended public administrations; without an absorption of it which will prompt owners to sell; and make the best of what reduced price they can get by emigrating and buying land not subject to heavy burdens; as; indeed; some are now doing。 This process; carried far; must have the result of throwing inferior land out of cultivation; after which there will be raised more generally the demand made by Mr Arch; who; addressing the Radical Association of Brighton lately; and contending that existing landlords do not make their land adequately productive for the public benefit; said 〃he should like the present Government to pass a Compulsory Cultivation Bill:〃 an applauded proposal which he justified by instancing compulsory vaccination (thus frustrating the influence of precedent)。 And this demand will be pressed; not only by the need for making the land productive; but also by the need for employing the rural population。 After the Government has extended the practice of hiring the unemployed to work on deserted lands; or lands acquired at nominal prices; there will be reached a stage whence there is but a small further step to that arrangement which; in the programme of the Democratic Federation; is to follow nationalization of the land  the 〃organization of agricultural and industrial armies under State control on cooperative principles。〃     To one who doubts whether such a revolution may be so reached; facts may be cited showing its likelihood。 In Gaul; during the decline of the Roman Empire; 〃so numerous were the receivers in comparison with the payers; and so enormous the weight of taxation; that the labourer broke down; the plains became deserts; and woods grew where the plough had been。〃(11*) In like manner; when the French Revolution was approaching; the public burdens had become such; that many farms remained uncultivated and many were deserted: one…quarter of the soil was absolutely lying waste; and in some provinces one…half was in health。(12*) Nor have we been without incidents of a kindred nature at home。 Besides the facts that under the old Poor Law the rates had in some parishes risen to half the rental; and that in various places farms were lying idle; there is the fact that in one case the rates had absorbed the whole proceeds of the soil。 

At Cholesbury; in Buckinghamshire; in 1832; the poor…rate 〃suddenly ceased in consequence of the impossibility to continue its collection; the landlords having given up their rents; the farmers their tenancies; and the clergyman his glebe and his tithes。 The clergyman; Mr Jeston; states that in October; 1832; the parish officers threw up their books; and the poor assembled in a body before his door while he was in bed; asking for advice and food。 Partly from his own small means; partly from the charity of neighbours; and partly by rates in aid; imposed on the neighbouring parishes; they were for some time supported。〃(13*) 

And the Commissioners add that 〃the benevolent rector recommends that the whole of the land should be divided among the able…bodied paupers:〃 hoping that after help afforded for two years; they might be able to maintain themselves。 These facts; giving colour to the prophecy made in Parliament that continuance of the old Poor Law for another thirty years would throw the land out of cultivation; clearly show that increase of public burdens may end in forced cultivation under public control。      Then; again; comes State…ownership of railways。 Already this exists to a large extent on the Continent。 Already we have had here a few years ago loud advocacy of it。 And now the cry; which was raised by sundry politicians and publicists; is taken up afresh by the Democratic Federation; which proposes 〃State…appropriation of railways; with or without compensation。〃 Evidently; pressure from above joined by pressure from below; is likely to effect this change dictated by the policy everywhere spreading; and with it must come many attendant changes。 For railway…proprietors; at first owners and workers of railways only; have become masters of numerous businesses directly or indirectly connected with railways; and these will have to be purchased by Government when the rail
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