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the man versus the state-第12章

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italist class; the loan…mongers; the farmers; the mine exploiters; the contractors; the middle…men; the factory lords  these; the modern slave drivers〃 who exact 〃more and yet more surplus value out of the wage…slaves whom they employ。〃 And they think it 〃high time〃 that trade should be 〃removed from the control of individual greed。〃(8*)     It remains to point out that the tendencies thus variously displayed; are being strengthened by press…advocacy; daily more pronounced。 Journalists; always chary of saying that which is distasteful to their readers; are some of them going with the stream and adding to its force。 Legislative meddlings which they would once have condemned they now pass in silence; if they do not advocate them; and they speak of laissez…faire as an exploded doctrine。 〃People are no longer frightened at the thought of socialism;〃 is the statement which meets us one day。 On another day; a town which does not adopt the Free Libraries Act is sneered at as being alarmed by a measure so moderately communistic。 And then; along with editorial assertions that this economic evolution is coming and must be accepted; there is prominence given to the contributions of its advocates。 Meanwhile those who regard the recent course of legislation as disastrous; and see that its future course is likely to be still more disastrous; are being reduced to silence by the belief that it is useless to reason with people in a state of political intoxication。      See; then; the many concurrent causes which threaten continually to accelerate the transformation now going on。 There is that spread of regulation caused by following precedents; which become the more authoritative the further the policy is carried。 There is that increasing need for administrative compulsions and restraints; which results from the unforeseen evils and shortcomings of preceding compulsions and restraints。 Moreover; every additional State…interference strengthens the tacit assumption that it is the duty of the State to deal with all evils and secure all benefits。 Increasing power of a growing administrative organization is accompanied by decreasing power of the rest of the society to resist its further growth and control。 The multiplication of careers opened by a developing bureaucracy; tempts members of the classes regulated by it to favour its extension; as adding to the chances of safe and respectable places for their relatives。 The people at large; led to look on benefits received through public agencies as gratis benefits; have their hopes continually excited by the prospects of more。 A spreading education; furthering the diffusion of pleasing errors rather than of stern truths; renders such hopes both stronger and more general。 Worse still; such hopes are ministered to by candidates for public choice; to augment their chances of success; and leading statesmen; in pursuit of party ends; bid for popular favour by countenancing them。 Getting repeated justifications from new laws harmonizing with their doctrines; political enthusiasts and unwise philanthropists push their agitations with growing confidence and success。 Journalism; ever responsive to popular opinion; daily strengthens it by giving it voice; while counter…opinion; more and more discouraged; finds little utterance。      Thus influences of various kinds conspire to increase corporate action and decrease individual action。 And the change is being on all sides aided by schemers; each of whom thinks only of his pet project and not at all of the general re…organization which his; joined with others such; are working out。 It is said that the French Revolution devoured its own children。 Here an analogous catastrophe seems not unlikely。 The numerous socialistic changes made by Act of Parliament; joined with the numerous others presently to be made; will by…and…by be all merged in State…Socialism  swallowed in the vast wave which they have little by little raised。 

〃But why is this change described as 'the coming slavery'?〃 is a question which many will still ask。 The reply is simple。 All socialism involves slavery。      What is essential to the idea of a slave? We primarily think of him as one who is owned by another。 To be more than nominal; however; the ownership must be shown by control of the slave's actions  a control which is habitually for the benefit of the controller。 That which fundamentally distinguishes the slave is that he labours under coercion to satisfy another's desires。 The relation admits of sundry gradations。 Remembering that originally the slave is a prisoner whose life is at the mercy of his captor; it suffices here to note that there is a harsh form of slavery in which; treated as an animal; he has to expend his entire effort for his owner's advantage。 Under a system less harsh; though occupied chiefly in working for his owner; he is allowed a short time in which to work for himself; and some ground on which to grow extra food。 A further amelioration gives him power to sell the produce of his plot and keep the proceeds。 Then we come to the still more moderated form which commonly arises where; having been a free man working on his own land; conquest turns him into what we distinguish as a serf; and he has to give to his owner each year a fixed amount of labour or produce; or both: retaining the rest himself。 Finally; in some cases; as in Russia until recently; he is allowed to leave his owner's estate and work or trade for himself elsewhere; under the condition that he shall pay an annual sum。 What is it which; in these cases; leads us to qualify our conception of the slavery as more or less severe? Evidently the greater or smaller extent to which effort is compulsorily expended for the benefit of another instead of for self…benefit。 If all the slave's labour is for his owner the slavery is heavy; and if but little it is light。 Take now a further step。 Suppose an owner dies; and his estate with its slaves comes into the hands of trustees; or suppose the estate and everything on it to be bought by a company; is the condition of the slave any the better if the amount of his compulsory labour remains the same? Suppose that for a company we substitute the community; does it make any difference to the slave if the time he has to work for others is as great; and the time left for himself is as small; as before? The essential question is  How much is he compelled to labour for other benefit than his own; and how much can he labour for his own benefit? The degree of his slavery varies according to the ratio between that which he is forced to yield up and that which he is allowed to retain; and it matters not whether his master is a single person or a society。 If; without option; he has to labour for the society; and receives from the general stock such portion as the society awards him; he becomes a slave to the society。 Socialistic arrangements necessitate an enslavement of this kind; and towards such an enslavement many recent measures; and still more the measures advocated; are carrying us。 Let us observe; first; their proximate effects; and then their ultimate effects。      The policy initiated by the Industrial Dwellings Acts admits of development; and will develop。 Where municipal bodie
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