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democracy in america-1-第37章

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orous exactitude are very frequently abandoned in the end; for in America; as well as in other countries; the people is subject to sudden impulses and momentary exertions。 The European who is accustomed to find a functionary always at hand to interfere with all he undertakes has some difficulty in accustoming himself to the complex mechanism of the administration of the townships。  In general it may be affirmed that the lesser details of the police; which render life easy and comfortable; are neglected in America; but that the essential guarantees of man in society are as strong there as elsewhere。  In America the power which conducts the Government is far less regular; less enlightened; and less learned; but an hundredfold more authoritative than in Europe。  In no country in the world do the citizens make such exertions for the common weal; and I am acquainted with no people which has established schools as numerous and as efficacious; places of public worship better suited to the wants of the inhabitants; or roads kept in better repair。 Uniformity or permanence of design; the minute arrangement of details; *t and the perfection of an ingenious administration; must not be sought for in the United States; but it will be easy to find; on the other hand; the symptoms of a power which; if it is somewhat barbarous; is at least robust; and of an existence which is checkered with accidents indeed; but cheered at the same time by animation and effort。

'Footnote t: A writer of talent; who; in the comparison which he has drawn between the finances of France and those of the United States; has proved that ingenuity cannot always supply the place of a knowledge of facts; very justly reproaches the Americans for the sort of confusion which exists in the accounts of the expenditure in the townships; and after giving the model of a departmental budget in France; he adds: … 〃We are indebted to centralization; that admirable invention of a great man; for the uniform order and method which prevail alike in all the municipal budgets; from the largest town to the humblest commune。〃 Whatever may be my admiration of this result; when I see the communes of France; with their excellent system of accounts; plunged into the grossest ignorance of their true interests; and abandoned to so incorrigible an apathy that they seem to vegetate rather than to live; when; on the other hand; I observe the activity; the information; and the spirit of enterprise which keep society in perpetual labor; in those American townships whose budgets are drawn up with small method and with still less uniformity; I am struck by the spectacle; for to my mind the end of a good government is to ensure the welfare of a people; and not to establish order and regularity in the midst of its misery and its distress。 I am therefore led to suppose that the prosperity of the American townships and the apparent confusion of their accounts; the distress of the French communes and the perfection of their budget; may be attributable to the same cause。  At any rate I am suspicious of a benefit which is united to so many evils; and I am not averse to an evil which is compensated by so many benefits。'

Granting for an instant that the villages and counties of the United States would be more usefully governed by a remote authority which they had never seen than by functionaries taken from the midst of them … admitting; for the sake of argument; that the country would be more secure; and the resources of society better employed; if the whole administration centred in a single arm … still the political advantages which the Americans derive from their system would induce me to prefer it to the contrary plan。  It profits me but little; after all; that a vigilant authority should protect the tranquillity of my pleasures and constantly avert all dangers from my path; without my care or my concern; if this same authority is the absolute mistress of my liberty and of my life; and if it so monopolizes all the energy of existence that when it languishes everything languishes around it; that when it sleeps everything must sleep; that when it dies the State itself must perish。

In certain countries of Europe the natives consider themselves as a kind of settlers; indifferent to the fate of the spot upon which they live。  The greatest changes are effected without their concurrence and (unless chance may have apprised them of the event) without their knowledge; nay more; the citizen is unconcerned as to the condition of his village; the police of his street; the repairs of the church or of the parsonage; for he looks upon all these things as unconnected with himself; and as the property of a powerful stranger whom he calls the Government。  He has only a life…interest in these possessions; and he entertains no notions of ownership or of improvement。 This want of interest in his own affairs goes so far that; if his own safety or that of his children is endangered; instead of trying to avert the peril; he will fold his arms; and wait till the nation comes to his assistance。 This same individual; who has so completely sacrificed his own free will; has no natural propensity to obedience; he cowers; it is true; before the pettiest officer; but he braves the law with the spirit of a conquered foe as soon as its superior force is removed: his oscillations between servitude and license are perpetual。  When a nation has arrived at this state it must either change its customs and its laws or perish: the source of public virtue is dry; and; though it may contain subjects; the race of citizens is extinct。 Such communities are a natural prey to foreign conquests; and if they do not disappear from the scene of life; it is because they are surrounded by other nations similar or inferior to themselves: it is because the instinctive feeling of their country's claims still exists in their hearts; and because an involuntary pride in the name it bears; or a vague reminiscence of its bygone fame; suffices to give them the impulse of self… preservation。

Nor can the prodigious exertions made by tribes in the defence of a country to which they did not belong be adduced in favor of such a system; for it will be found that in these cases their main incitement was religion。 The permanence; the glory; or the prosperity of the nation were become parts of their faith; and in defending the country they inhabited they defended that Holy City of which they were all citizens。  The Turkish tribes have never taken an active share in the conduct of the affairs of society; but they accomplished stupendous enterprises as long as the victories of the Sultan were the triumphs of the Mohammedan faith。  In the present age they are in rapid decay; because their religion is departing; and despotism only remains。 Montesquieu; who attributed to absolute power an authority peculiar to itself; did it; as I conceive; an undeserved honor; for despotism; taken by itself; can produce no durable results。  On close inspection we shall find that religion; and not fear; has ever been the cause of the long…lived prosperity of an absolute government。  Whatever exertions may be made; no true power can be founded among men which does not depend upon the free uni
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