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democracy in america-1-第118章

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revenue of the French post…office。  (See the 〃Compte rendu de l'administration des Finances;〃 1833; p。 623。) Now the State of Michigan only contained at that time 7 inhabitants per square league and Florida only 5: the public instruction and the commercial activity of these districts is inferior to that of most of the States in the Union; whilst the Departement du Nord; which contains 3;400 inhabitants per square league; is one of the most enlightened and manufacturing parts of France。'

I have lived a great deal with the people in the United States; and I cannot express how much I admire their experience and their good sense。  An American should never be allowed to speak of Europe; for he will then probably display a vast deal of presumption and very foolish pride。  He will take up with those crude and vague notions which are so useful to the ignorant all over the world。  But if you question him respecting his own country; the cloud which dimmed his intelligence will immediately disperse; his language will become as clear and as precise as his thoughts。  He will inform you what his rights are; and by what means he exercises them; he will be able to point out the customs which obtain in the political world。  You will find that he is well acquainted with the rules of the administration; and that he is familiar with the mechanism of the laws。  The citizen of the United States does not acquire his practical science and his positive notions from books; the instruction he has acquired may have prepared him for receiving those ideas; but it did not furnish them。  The American learns to know the laws by participating in the act of legislation; and he takes a lesson in the forms of government from governing。  The great work of society is ever going on beneath his eyes; and; as it were; under his hands。

In the United States politics are the end and aim of education; in Europe its principal object is to fit men for private life。  The interference of the citizens in public affairs is too rare an occurrence for it to be anticipated beforehand。  Upon casting a glance over society in the two hemispheres; these differences are indicated even by its external aspect。

In Europe we frequently introduce the ideas and the habits of private life into public affairs; and as we pass at once from the domestic circle to the government of the State; we may frequently be heard to discuss the great interests of society in the same manner in which we converse with our friends。 The Americans; on the other hand; transfuse the habits of public life into their manners in private; and in their country the jury is introduced into the games of schoolboys; and parliamentary forms are observed in the order of a feast。

Chapter XVII: Principal Causes Maintaining The Democratic Republic … Part IV

The Laws Contribute More To The Maintenance Of The Democratic Republic In The United States Than The Physical Circumstances Of The Country; And The Manners More Than The Laws

All the nations of America have a democratic state of society … Yet democratic institutions only subsist amongst the Anglo…Americans … The Spaniards of South America; equally favored by physical causes as the Anglo…Americans; unable to maintain a democratic republic … Mexico; which has adopted the Constitution of the United States; in the same predicament … The Anglo…Americans of the West less able to maintain it than those of the East … Reason of these different results。

I have remarked that the maintenance of democratic institutions in the United States is attributable to the circumstances; the laws; and the manners of that country。 *l Most Europeans are only acquainted with the first of these three causes; and they are apt to give it a preponderating importance which it does not really possess。

'Footnote l: I remind the reader of the general signification which I give to the word 〃manners;〃 namely; the moral and intellectual characteristics of social man taken collectively。'

It is true that the Anglo…Saxons settled in the New World in a state of social equality; the low…born and the noble were not to be found amongst them; and professional prejudices were always as entirely unknown as the prejudices of birth。  Thus; as the condition of society was democratic; the empire of democracy was established without difficulty。  But this circumstance is by no means peculiar to the United States; almost all the trans…Atlantic colonies were founded by men equal amongst themselves; or who became so by inhabiting them。  In no one part of the New World have Europeans been able to create an aristocracy。  Nevertheless; democratic institutions prosper nowhere but in the United States。 

The American Union has no enemies to contend with; it stands in the wilds like an island in the ocean。  But the Spaniards of South America were no less isolated by nature; yet their position has not relieved them from the charge of standing armies。  They make war upon each other when they have no foreign enemies to oppose; and the Anglo…American democracy is the only one which has hitherto been able to maintain itself in peace。 *m

'Footnote m: 'A remark which; since the great Civil War of 1861…65; ceases to be applicable。''

The territory of the Union presents a boundless field to human activity; and inexhaustible materials for industry and labor。  The passion of wealth takes the place of ambition; and the warmth of faction is mitigated by a sense of prosperity。  But in what portion of the globe shall we meet with more fertile plains; with mightier rivers; or with more unexplored and inexhaustible riches than in South America?

Nevertheless; South America has been unable to maintain democratic institutions。  If the welfare of nations depended on their being placed in a remote position; with an unbounded space of habitable territory before them; the Spaniards of South America would have no reason to complain of their fate。 And although they might enjoy less prosperity than the inhabitants of the United States; their lot might still be such as to excite the envy of some nations in Europe。  There are; however; no nations upon the face of the earth more miserable than those of South America。

Thus; not only are physical causes inadequate to produce results analogous to those which occur in North America; but they are unable to raise the population of South America above the level of European States; where they act in a contrary direction。  Physical causes do not; therefore; affect the destiny of nations so much as has been supposed。

I have met with men in New England who were on the point of leaving a country; where they might have remained in easy circumstances; to go to seek their fortune in the wilds。  Not far from that district I found a French population in Canada; which was closely crowded on a narrow territory; although the same wilds were at hand; and whilst the emigrant from the United States purchased an extensive estate with the earnings of a short term of labor; the Canadian paid as much for land as he would have done in France。 Nature offers the solitudes of the New World to Europeans; but they are not always acquainted with the means of turning her gifts to account。  Other peoples of Ameri
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