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the lion and the unicorn-第9章

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knows。  Charles Wimpole is the only intelligent actor…manager in

There was a sharp knock at the door; which Marion in her
excitement had left ajar; and Prentiss threw it wide open with an
impressive sweep; as though he were announcing royalty:  〃Mr。
Charles Wimpole;〃 he said。

The actor…manager stopped in the doorway bowing gracefully; his
hat held before him and his hand on his stick as though it were
resting on a foil。  He had the face and carriage of a gallant of
the days of Congreve; and he wore his modern frock…coat with as
much distinction as if it were of silk and lace。  He was
evidently amused。  〃I couldn't help overhearing the last line;〃
he said; smiling。  〃It gives me a good entrance。〃

Marion gazed at him blankly: 〃Oh;〃 she gasped; 〃wewewere just
talking about you。〃

〃If you hadn't mentioned my name;〃 the actor said; 〃I should
never have guessed it。  And this is Mr。 Carroll; I hope。〃

The great man was rather pleased with the situation。  As he read
it; it struck him as possessing strong dramatic possibilities:
Carroll was the struggling author on the verge of starvation:
Marion; his sweetheart; flying to him gave him hope; and he was
the good fairy arriving in the nick of time to set everything
right and to make the young people happy and prosperous。  He
rather fancied himself in the part of the good fairy; and as he
seated himself he bowed to them both in a manner which was
charmingly inclusive and confidential。

〃Miss Cavendish; I imagine; has already warned you that you might
expect a visit from me;〃 he said tentatively。  Carroll nodded。 
He was too much concerned to interrupt。

〃Then I need only tell you;〃 Wimpole continued; 〃that I got up at
an absurd hour this morning to read your play; that I did
read it; that I like it immenselyand that if we can come to
terms I shall produce it I shall produce it at once; within a
fortnight or three weeks。〃

Carroll was staring at him intently and continued doing so after
Wimpole had finished speaking。  The actor felt he had somehow
missed his point; or that Carroll could not have understood him;
and repeated; 〃I say I shall put it in rehearsal at once。〃

Carroll rose abruptly; and pushed back his chair。  〃I should be
very glad;〃 he murmured; and strode over to the window; where he
stood with his back turned to his guests。  Wimpole looked after
him with a kindly smile and nodded his head appreciatively。  He
had produced even a greater effect than his lines seemed to
warrant。  When he spoke again; it was quite simply; and
sincerely; and though he spoke for Carroll's benefit; he
addressed himself to Marion。

〃You were quite right last night;〃 he said; 〃it is a most
charming piece of work。  I am really extremely grateful to you
for bringing it to my notice。〃  He rose; and going to
Carroll; put his hand on his shoulder。  〃My boy;〃 he said; 〃I
congratulate you。  I should like to be your age; and to have
written that play。  Come to my theatre to…morrow and we will talk
terms。  Talk it over first with your friends; so that I sha'n't
rob you。  Do you think you would prefer a lump sum now; and so be
done with it altogether; or trust that the royalties may〃

〃Royalties;〃 prompted Marion; in an eager aside。

The men laughed。  〃Quite right;〃 Wimpole assented; good…
humoredly; 〃it's a poor sportsman who doesn't back his own horse。

Well; then; until to…morrow。〃

〃But;〃 Carroll began; 〃one moment please。  I haven't thanked

〃My dear boy;〃 cried Wimpole; waving him away with his stick; 〃it
is I who have to thank you。〃

〃Andand there is a condition;〃 Carroll said; 〃which goes with
the play。  It is that Miss Cavendish is to have the part of

Wimpole looked serious and considered for a moment。

〃Nancy;〃 he said; 〃the girl who interferesa very good part。 
I have cast Miss Maddox for it in my mind; but; of course; if the
author insists〃

Marion; with her elbows on the table; clasped her hands
appealingly before her。

〃Oh; Mr。 Wimpole!〃 she cried; 〃you owe me that; at least。〃

Carroll leaned over and took both of Marion's hands in one of

〃It's all right;〃 he said; 〃the author insists。〃

Wimpole waved his stick again as though it were the magic wand of
the good fairy。

〃You shall have it;〃 he said。  〃I recall your performance in 'The
New Boy' with pleasure。  I take the play; and Miss Cavendish
shall be cast for Nancy。  We shall begin rehearsals at once。  I
hope you are a quick study。〃

〃I'm letter…perfect now{;}〃 laughed Marion。

Wimpole turned at the door and nodded to them。  They were both so
young; so eager; and so jubilant that he felt strangely old and
out of it。  〃Good…by; then;〃 he said。

〃Good…by; sir;〃 they both chorussed。  And Marion cried after
him; 〃And thank you a thousand times。〃

He turned again and looked back at them; but in their rejoicing
they had already forgotten him。  〃Bless you; my children;〃 he
said; smiling。  As he was about to close the door a young girl
came down the passage toward it; and as she was apparently going
to Carroll's rooms; the actor left the door open behind him。

Neither Marion nor Carroll had noticed his final exit。  They were
both gazing at each other as though; could they find speech; they
would ask if it were true。

〃It's come at last; Marion;〃 Philip said; with an uncertain

〃I could weep;〃 cried Marion。  〃 Philip;〃 she exclaimed; 〃I would
rather see that play succeed than any play ever written; and I
would rather play that part in it thanOh; Philip;〃 she ended。 
〃I'm so proud of you!〃 and rising; she threw her arms about his
neck and sobbed on his shoulder。

Carroll raised one of her hands and kissed the tips of her
fingers gently。  〃I owe it to you; Marion;〃 he said〃all to

This was the tableau that was presented through the open door to
Miss Helen Cabot; hurrying on her errand of restitution and good…
will; and with Philip's ring and watch clasped in her hand。  They
had not heard her; nor did they see her at the door; so she drew
back quickly and ran along the passage and down the stairs into
the street。

She did not need now to analyze her feelings。  They were only too
evident。  For she could translate what she had just seen as
meaning only one thingthat she had considered Philip's love so
lightly that she had not felt it passing away from her until her
neglect had killed ituntil it was too late。  And now that it
was too late she felt that without it her life could not go on。 
She tried to assure herself that only the fact that she had lost
it made it seem invaluable; but this thought did not comfort
hershe was not deceived by it; she knew that at last she cared
for him deeply and entirely。  In her distress she blamed herself
bitterly; but she also blamed Philip no less bitterly for having
failed to wait for her。  〃He might have known that I must love
him in time;〃 she repeated to herself again and again。  She
was so unhappy that her letter congratulating Philip on his good
fortune in having his comedy accepted seemed to him cold and
unfeeling; and as his success meant for him only what it meant to
her; he was hurt and grievously disappointed。

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