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the lion and the unicorn-第8章

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in wealth or position; but no one could ever love her as he did。 
〃He that hath more let him give;〃 he had often quoted to her
defiantly; as though he were challenging the world; and now he
felt he must evolve a make…shift world of his owna world in
which she was not his only spring of acts; he must begin all over
again and keep his love secret and sacred until she
understood it and wanted it。  And if she should never want it he
would at least have saved it from many rebuffs and insults。

With this determination strong in him; the note Helen had left
for him after her talk with Marion; and the flowers; and the note
with them; saying she was coming to take tea on the morrow;
failed to move him except to make him more bitter。  He saw in
them only a tardy recognition of her neglectan effort to make
up to him for thoughtlessness which; from her; hurt him worse
than studied slight。

A new regime had begun; and he was determined to establish it
firmly and to make it impossible for himself to retreat from it;
and in the note in which he thanked Helen for the flowers and
welcomed her to tea; he declared his ultimatum。

〃You know how terribly I feel;〃 he wrote; 〃I don't have to tell
you that; but I cannot always go on dragging out my love and
holding it up to excite your pity as beggars show their sores。  I
cannot always go on praying before your altar; cutting myself
with knives and calling upon you to listen to me。  You know
that there is no one else but you; and that there never can be
any one but you; and that nothing is changed except that after
this I am not going to urge and torment you。  I shall wait as I
have always waitedonly now I shall wait in silence。  You know
just how little; in one way; I have to offer you; and you know
just how much I have in love to offer you。  It is now for you to
speaksome day; or never。  But you will have to speak first。 
You will never hear a word of love from me again。  Why should
you?  You know it is always waiting for you。  But if you should
ever want it; you must come to me; and take off your hat and put
it on my table and say; 'Philip; I have come to stay。'  Whether
you can ever do that or not can make no difference in my love for
you。  I shall love you always; as no man has ever loved a woman
in this world; but it is you who must speak first; for me; the
rest is silence。〃

The following morning as Helen was leaving the house she found
this letter lying on the hall…table; and ran back with it to her
rooms。  A week before she would have let it lie on the table
and read it on her return。  She was conscious that this was what
she would have done; and it pleased her to find that what
concerned Philip was now to her the thing of greatest interest。 
She was pleased with her own eagernessher own happiness was a
welcome sign; and she was proud and glad that she was learning to

She read the letter with an anxious pride and pleasure in each
word that was entirely new。  Philip's recriminations did not hurt
her; they were the sign that he cared; nor did his determination
not to speak of his love to her hurt her; for she believed him
when he said that he would always care。  She read the letter
twice; and then sat for some time considering the kind of letter
Philip would have written had he known her secrethad he known
that the ring he had abandoned was now upon her finger。

She rose and; crossing to a desk; placed the letter in a drawer;
and then took it out again and re…read the last page。  When she
had finished it she was smiling。  For a moment she stood
irresolute; and then; moving slowly toward the centre…table; cast
a guilty look about her and; raising her hands; lifted her
veil and half withdrew the pins that fastened her hat。

〃Philip;〃 she began in a frightened whisper; 〃I haveI have come

The sentence ended in a cry of protest; and she rushed across the
room as though she were running from herself。  She was blushing

〃Never!〃 she cried; as she pulled open the door; 〃I could never
do itnever!〃

The following afternoon; when Helen was to come to tea; Carroll
decided that he would receive her with all the old friendliness;
but that he must be careful to subdue all emotion。

He was really deeply hurt at her treatment; and had it not been
that she came on her own invitation he would not of his own
accord have sought to see her。  In consequence; he rather
welcomed than otherwise the arrival of Marion Cavendish; who came
a half…hour before Helen was expected; and who followed a hasty
knock with a precipitate entrance。

〃Sit down;〃 she commanded breathlessly; 〃and listen。  I've been
at rehearsal all day; or I'd have been here before you were
awake。〃  She seated herself nervously and nodded her head at
Carroll in an excited and mysterious manner。

〃What is it?〃 he asked。  〃Have you and Reggie〃

〃Listen;〃 Marion repeated; 〃our fortunes are made; that is what's
the matterand I've made them。  If you took half the interest in
your work I do; you'd have made yours long ago。  Last night;〃 she
began impressively; 〃I went to a large supper at the Savoy; and I
sat next to Charley Wimpole。  He came in late; after everybody
had finished; and I attacked him while he was eating his supper。 
He said he had been rehearsing 'Caste' after the performance;
that they've put it on as a stop…gap on account of the failure of
the 'Triflers;' and that he knew revivals were of no use; that he
would give any sum for a good modern comedy。  That was my cue;
and I told him I knew of a better comedy than any he had produced
at his theatre in five years; and that it was going begging。  He
laughed; and asked where was he to find this wonderful comedy;
and I said;  'It's been in your safe for the last two months
and you haven't read it。'  He said; 'Indeed; how do you know
that?' and I said; 'Because if you'd read it; it wouldn't be in
your safe; but on your stage。'  So he asked me what the play was
about; and I told him the plot and what sort of a part his was;
and some of his scenes; and he began to take notice。  He forgot
his supper; and very soon he grew so interested that he turned
his chair round and kept eying my supper…card to find out who I
was; and at last remembered seeing me in 'The New Boy'and a
rotten part it was; toobut he remembered it; and he told me to
go on and tell him more about your play。  So I recited it; bit by
bit; and he laughed in all the right places and got very much
excited; and said finally that he would read it the first thing
this morning。〃  Marion paused; breathlessly。  〃Oh; yes; and he
wrote your address on his cuff;〃 she added; with the air of
delivering a complete and convincing climax。

Carroll stared at her and pulled excitedly on his pipe。

〃Oh; Marion!〃 he gasped; 〃suppose he should?  He won't
though;〃 he added; but eying her eagerly and inviting

〃He will;〃 she answered; stoutly; 〃if he reads it。〃

〃The other managers read it;〃 Carroll suggested; doubtfully。

〃Yes; but what do they know?〃 Marion returned; loftily。  〃He
knows。  Charles Wimpole is the only intelligent actor…manager in

There was a sharp knock at the doo
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