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the lion and the unicorn-第30章

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lighted clock…face over Mooney's public…house; and the hands
stood at a quarter past eight。  I didn't know where Holloway was;
and was hoping they would have to take us through some decent
streets to reach it; but we didn't see a part of the city that
meant anything to me; or that I would choose to travel through

〃Neither of us talked; and I imagined that the people in the
streets knew we were going to prison; and I kept my eyes on the
enamel card on the back of the apron。  I suppose I read; 'Two…
wheeled hackney carriage: if hired and discharged within the
four…mile limit; 1s。' at least a hundred times。  I got more
sensible after a bit; and when we had turned into Gray's Inn Road
I looked up and saw a tram in front of us with 'Holloway Road and
King's X;' painted on the steps; and the Colonel saw it about the
same time I fancy; for we each looked at the other; and the
Colonel raised his eyebrows。  It showed us that at least the
cabman knew where we were going。

〃'They might have taken us for a turn through the West End first;
I think;' the Colonel said。  'I'd like to have had a look around;
wouldn't you?  This isn't a cheerful neighborhood; is it?'

〃There were a lot of children playing in St。 Andrew's Gardens;
and a crowd of them ran out just as we passed; shrieking and
laughing over nothing; the way kiddies do; and that was about the
only pleasant sight in the ride。  I had quite a turn when we came
to the New Hospital just beyond; for I thought it was Holloway;
and it came over me what eight months in such a place meant。  I
believe if I hadn't pulled myself up sharp; I'd have jumped out
into the street and run away。  It didn't last more than a few
seconds; but I don't want any more like them。  I was afraid;
afraidthere's no use pretending it was anything else。  I was in
a dumb; silly funk; and I turned sick inside and shook; as I have
seen a horse shake when he shies at nothing and sweats and
trembles down his sides。

〃During those few seconds it seemed to be more than I could
stand; I felt sure that I couldn't do itthat I'd go mad if they
tried to force me。  The idea was so terribleof not being master
over your own legs and arms; to have your flesh and blood and
what brains God gave you buried alive in stone walls as though
they were in a safe with a time…lock on the door set for eight
months ahead。  There's nothing to be afraid of in a stone wall
really; but it's the idea of the thingof not being free to move
about; especially to a chap that has always lived in the open as
I have; and has had men under him。  It was no wonder I was in a
funk for a minute。  I'll bet a fiver the others were; too; if
they'll only own up to it。  I don't mean for long; but just when
the idea first laid hold of them。  Anyway; it was a good lesson
to me; and if I catch myself thinking of it again I'll whistle;
or talk to myself out loud and think of something cheerful。  And
I don't mean to be one of those chaps who spends his time in jail
counting the stones in his cell; or training spiders; or
measuring how many of his steps make a mile; for madness
lies that way。  I mean to sit tight and think of all the good
times I've had; and go over them in my mind very slowly; so as to
make them last longer and remember who was there and what we
said; and the jokes and all that; I'll go over house…parties I
have been on; and the times I've had in the Riviera; and scouting
parties Dr。 Jim led up country when we were taking Matabele Land。

〃They say that if you're good here they give you things to read
after a month or two; and then I can read up all those
instructive books that a fellow never does read until he's laid
up in bed。

〃But that's crowding ahead a bit; I must keep to what happened
to…day。  We struck York Road at the back of the Great Western
Terminus; and I half hoped we might see some chap we knew coming
or going away: I would like to have waved my hand to him。  It
would have been fun to have seen his surprise the next morning
when he read in the paper that he had been bowing to jail…birds;
and then I would like to have cheated the tipstaves out of just
one more friendly good…by。  I wanted to say good…by to
somebody; but I really couldn't feel sorry to see the last of any
one of those we passed in the streetsthey were such a dirty;
unhappy…looking lot; and the railroad wall ran on forever
apparently; and we might have been in a foreign country for all
we knew of it。  There were just sooty gray brick tenements and
gas…works on one side; and the railroad cutting on the other; and
semaphores and telegraph wires overhead; and smoke and grime
everywhere; it looked exactly like the sort of street that should
lead to a prison; and it seemed a pity to take a smart hansom and
a good cob into it。

〃It was just a bit different from our last ride togetherwhen we
rode through the night from Krugers…Dorp with hundreds of horses'
hoofs pounding on the soft veldt behind us; and the carbines
clanking against the stirrups as they swung on the sling belts。 
We were being hunted then; harassed on either side; scurrying for
our lives like the Derby Dog in a race…track when every one hoots
him and no man steps out to helpwe were sick for sleep; sick
for food; lashed by the rain; and we knew that we were
beaten; but we were free still; and under open skies with the
derricks of the Rand rising like gallows on our left; and
Johannesburg only fifteen miles away。〃

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