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the lion and the unicorn-第25章

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ice…machine were all objects of delight。

On the other hand; the interior of the famous palace; which had
been sent out complete from London; and which was wont to fill
the wives of the colonials with awe or to reduce them to
whispers; for some reason failed of its effect。  But they said
they 〃loved〃 the large gold V。 R。's on the back of the
Councillors' chairs; and they exclaimed aloud over the red
leather despatch…boxes and the great seal of the colony; and the
mysterious envelopes marked 〃On her Majesty's service。〃

〃Isn't it too exciting; Florence?〃 demanded Mrs。 Collier。  〃This
is the table where Sir Charles sits and writes letters' on her
Majesty's service;' and presses these buttons; and war…ships
spring up in perfect shoals。  Oh; Robert;〃 she sighed; 〃I do wish
you had been a Governor!〃

The young lady called Florence stood looking down into the great
arm…chair in front of the Governor's table。

〃May I?〃 she asked。  She slid fearlessly in between the oak arms
of the chair and smiled about her。  Afterwards Sir Charles
remembered her as she appeared at that moment with the red
leather of the chair behind her; with her gloved hands resting on
the carved oak; and her head on one side; smiling up at him。  She
gazed with large eyes at the blue linen envelopes; the stiff
documents in red tape; the tray of black sand; and the goose…
quill pens。

〃I am now the Countess Zika;〃 she announced; 〃no; I am Diana of
the Crossways; and I mean to discover a state secret and sell it
to the Daily Telegraph。  Sir Charles;〃 she demanded; 〃if I
press this electric button is war declared anywhere; or what

〃That second button;〃 said Sir Charles; after deliberate
scrutiny; 〃is the one which communicates with the pantry。〃

The Governor would not consider their returning to the yacht for

〃You might decide to steam away as suddenly as you came;〃 he
said; gallantly; 〃and I cannot take that chance。  This is
Bachelor's Hall; so you must pardon my people if things do not go
very smoothly。〃  He himself led them to the great guest…chamber;
where there had not been a guest for many years; and he noticed;
as though for the first time; that the halls through which they
passed were bare; and that the floor was littered with unpacked
boxes and gun…cases。  He also observed for the first time that
maps of the colony; with the coffee…plantations and mahogany belt
marked in different inks; were not perhaps so decorative as
pictures and mirrors and family portraits。  And he could have
wished that the native servants had not stared so admiringly at
the guests; nor directed each other in such aggressive whispers。 
On those other occasions; when the wives of the Councillors came
to the semi…annual dinners; the native servants had seemed
adequate to all that was required of them。  He recollected with a
flush that in the town these semi…annual dinners were described
as banquets。  He wondered if to these visitors from the
outside world it was all equally provincial。

But their enjoyment was apparently unfeigned and generous。  It
was evident that they had known each other for many years; yet
they received every remark that any of them made as though it had
been pronounced by a new and interesting acquaintance。  Sir
Charles found it rather difficult to keep up with the talk across
the table; they changed the subject so rapidly; and they half
spoke of so many things without waiting to explain。  He could not
at once grasp the fact that people who had no other position in
the world save that of observers were speaking so authoritatively
of public men and public measures。  He found; to his delight;
that for the first time in several years he was not presiding at
his own table; and that his guests seemed to feel no awe of him。

〃What's the use of a yacht nowadays?〃 Collier was saying〃
what's the use of a yacht; when you can go to sleep in a wagon…
lit at the Gare du Nord; and wake up at Vladivostok?  And look at
the time it saves; eleven days to Gib; six to Port Said; and
fifteen to Colombothere you are; only half…way around; and
you're already sixteen days behind the man in the wagon…lit。〃

〃But nobody wants to go to Vladivostok;〃 said Miss Cameron; 〃or
anywhere else in a wagon…lit。  But with a yacht you can explore
out…of…the…way places; and you meet new and interesting people。 
We wouldn't have met Sir Charles if we had waited for a wagon…
lit。〃  She bowed her head to the Governor; and he smiled with
gratitude。  He had lost Mr。 Collier somewhere in the Indian
Ocean; and he was glad she had brought them back to the Windless
Isles once more。

〃And again I repeat that the answer to that is; 'Why not? said
the March Hare;'〃 remarked Mr。 Collier; determinedly。

The answer; as an answer; did not strike Sir Charles as a very
good one。  But the ladies seemed to comprehend; for Miss Cameron
said:  〃Did I tell you about meeting him at Oxford just a few
months before his deathat a children's tea…party?  He was so
sweet and understanding with them!  Two women tried to lionize
him; and he ran away and played with the children。  I was
more glad to meet him than any one I can think of。  Not as a
personage; you know; but because I felt grateful to him。〃

〃Yes; that way; distinctly;〃 said Mrs。 Collier。  〃I should have
felt that way towards Mrs。 Ewing more than any one else。〃

〃I know; 'Jackanapes;'〃 remarked Collier; shortly; 〃a brutal
assault upon the feelings; I say。〃

〃Some one else said it before you; Robert;〃 Mrs。 Collier
commented; calmly。  〃Perhaps Sir Charles met him at Apia。〃  They
all turned and looked at him。  He wished he could say he had met
him at Apia。  He did not quite see how they had made their way
from a children's tea party at Oxford to the South Pacific
islands; but he was anxious to join in somewhere with a clever
observation。  But they never seemed to settle in one place
sufficiently long for him to recollect what he knew of it。  He
hoped they would get around to the west coast of Africa in time。 
He had been Governor of Sierra Leone for five years。

His success that night at dinner on the yacht was far better。 
The others seemed a little tired after the hours of sight…seeing
to which he had treated them; and they were content to listen。 
In the absence of Mr。 Clarges; who knew them word by word; he
felt free to tell his three stories of life at Sierra Leone。  He
took his time in the telling; and could congratulate himself that
his efforts had never been more keenly appreciated。  He felt that
he was holding his own。

The night was still and warm; and while the men lingered below at
the table; the two women mounted to the deck and watched the
lights of the town as they vanished one by one and left the moon
in unchallenged possession of the harbor。  For a long time Miss
Cameron stood silent; looking out across the bay at the shore and
the hills beyond。  A fish splashed near them; and the sound of
oars rose from the mist that floated above the water; until they
were muffled in the distance。  The palms along the shore
glistened like silver; and overhead the Southern Cross shone
white against a sky of purple。  The silen
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