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the lion and the unicorn-第24章

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road。〃  The Governor's dignity relaxed into a smile。  〃I don't
desire international complications;〃 he said。  〃Sergeant; take
thishimto the kitchen; and tell Corporal Mallon to give him
that American lawn…mowing machine。  Possibly he may understand
its mechanism。  Mallon only cuts holes in the turf with it。〃  And
he waved his hand in dismissal; and as the three men moved away
he buried himself again in the perplexities of the dog…tax。

Ten minutes later the deliberations of the Council were disturbed
by a loud and persistent rattle; like the whir of a Maxim gun;
which proved; on investigation; to arise from the American lawn…
mower。  The vagrant was propelling it triumphantly across
the lawn; and gazing down at it with the same fond pride with
which a nursemaid leans over the perambulator to observe her
lusty and gurgling charge。

The Councillors had departed; Sir Charles was thinking of
breakfast; the Maxim…like lawn…mower still irritated the silent
hush of midday; when from the waters of the inner harbor there
came suddenly the sharp report of a saluting gun and the rush of
falling anchor…chains。  There was still a week to pass before the
mail…steamer should arrive; and H。 M。 S。  Partridge had
departed for Nassau。  Besides these ships; no other vessel had
skirted the buoys of the bay in eight long smiling months。  Mr。
Clarges; the secretary; with an effort to appear calm; and the
orderly; suffocated with the news; entered through separate doors
at the same instant。

The secretary filed his report first。  〃A yacht's just anchored
in the bay; Sir Charles;〃 he said。

The orderly's face fell。  He looked aggrieved。  〃An American
yacht;〃 he corrected。

〃And much larger than the Partridge;〃 continued the secretary。

The orderly took a hasty glance back over his shoulder。  〃She has
her launch lowered already; sir;〃 he said。

Outside the whir of the lawn…mower continued undisturbed。  Sir
Charles reached for his marine…glass; and the three men hurried
to the veranda。

〃It looks like a man…of…war;〃 said Sir Charles。  〃No;〃 he added;
adjusting the binocular; 〃she's a yacht。  She flies the New York
Yacht Club pennantnow she's showing the owner's absent pennant。

He must have left in the launch。  He's coming ashore now。〃

〃He seems in a bit of a hurry;〃 growled Mr。 Clarges。

〃Those Americans always〃 murmured Sir Charles from behind the
binocular。  He did not quite know that he enjoyed this sudden
onslaught upon the privacy of his harbor and port。

It was in itself annoying; and he was further annoyed to find
that it could in the least degree disturb his poise。

The launch was growing instantly larger; like an express train
approaching a station at full speed; her flags flew out as flat
as pieces of painted tin; her bits of brass…work flashed like
fire。  Already the ends of the wharves were white with groups of

〃You might think he was going to ram the town;〃 suggested the

〃Oh; I say;〃 he exclaimed; in remonstrance; 〃he's making in for
your private wharf。〃

The Governor was rearranging the focus of the glass with nervous
fingers。  〃I believe;〃 he said; 〃noyesupon my word; there
arethere are ladies in that launch!〃

〃Ladies; sir!〃  The secretary threw a hasty glance at the
binocular; but it was in immediate use。

The clatter of the lawn…mower ceased suddenly; and the relief of
its silence caused the Governor to lower his eyes。  He saw the
lawn…mower lying prostrate on the grass。  The vagrant had

There was a sharp tinkle of bells; and the launch slipped up to
the wharf and halted as softly as a bicycle。  A man in a
yachting…suit jumped from her; and making some laughing
speech to the two women in the stern; walked briskly across the
lawn; taking a letter from his pocket as he came。  Sir Charles
awaited him gravely; the occupants of the launch had seen him;
and it was too late to retreat。

〃Sir Charles Greville; I believe;〃 said the yachtsman。  He bowed;
and ran lightly up the steps。  〃I am Mr。 Robert Collier; from New
York;〃 he said。  〃I have a letter to you from your ambassador at
Washington。  If you'll pardon me; I'll present it in person。  I
had meant to leave it; but seeing you〃  He paused; and gave the
letter in his hand to Sir Charles; who waved him towards his

Sir Charles scowled at the letter through his monocle; and then
shook hands with his visitor。  〃I am very glad to see you; Mr。
Collier;〃 he said。  〃He says here you are preparing a book on our
colonies in the West Indies。〃  He tapped the letter with his
monocle。  〃I am sure I shall be most happy to assist you with any
information in my power。〃

〃Well; I am writing a bookyes;〃 Mr。 Collier observed;
doubtfully; 〃but it's a logbook。  This trip I am on pleasure
bent; and I also wish to consult with you on a personal matter。 
However; that can wait。〃  He glanced out of the windows to where
the launch lay in the sun。  〃My wife came ashore with me; Sir
Charles;〃 he said; 〃so that in case there was a Lady Greville;
Mrs。 Collier could call on her; and we could ask if you would
waive etiquette and do us the honor to dine with us to…night on
the yachtthat is; if you are not engaged。〃

Sir Charles smiled。  〃There is no Lady Greville;〃 he said; 〃and I
personally do not think I am engaged elsewhere。〃  He paused in
thought; as though to make quite sure he was not。  〃No;〃 he
added; 〃I have no other engagement。  I will come with pleasure。〃

Sir Charles rose and clapped his hands for the orderly。 
〃Possibly the ladies will come up to the veranda?〃 he asked。  〃I
cannot allow them to remain at the end of my wharf。〃  He turned;
and gave directions to the orderly to bring limes and bottles of
soda and ice; and led the way across the lawn。

Mrs。 Collier and her friend had not explored the grounds of
Government House for over ten minutes before Sir Charles felt
that many years ago he had personally arranged their visit; that
he had known them for even a longer time; and that; now that they
had finally arrived; they must never depart。

To them there was apparently nothing on his domain which did not
thrill with delightful interest。  They were as eager as two
children at a pantomime; and as unconscious。  As a rule; Sir
Charles had found it rather difficult to meet the women of his
colony on a path which they were capable of treading
intelligently。  In fairness to them; he had always sought out
some topic in which they could take an equal partsomething
connected with the conduct of children; or the better ventilation
of the new school…house and chapel。  But these new…comers did not
require him to select topics of conversation; they did not even
wait for him to finish those which he himself introduced。  They
flitted from one end of the garden to the other with the
eagerness of two midshipmen on shore leave; and they found
something to enjoy in what seemed to the Governor the most
commonplace of things。  The Zouave uniform of the sentry; the old
Spanish cannon converted into peaceful gate…posts; the aviary
with its screaming paroquets; the botanical station; and even the
ice…machine were all objects of delight。

On the 
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