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the lion and the unicorn-第1章

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The Lion and the Unicorn

by Richard Harding Davis

British Military Attache with the United States Army








Prentiss had a long lease on the house; and because it stood in
Jermyn Street the upper floors were; as a matter of course;
turned into lodgings for single gentlemen; and because Prentiss
was a Florist to the Queen; he placed a lion and unicorn over his
flowershop; just in front of the middle window on the first
floor。  By stretching a little; each of them could see into the
window just beyond him; and could hear all that was said inside;
and such things as they saw and heard during the reign of Captain
Carrington; who moved in at the same time they did!  By day the
table in the centre of the room was covered with maps; and the
Captain sat with a box of pins; with different…colored flags
wrapped around them; and amused himself by sticking them in the
maps and measuring the spaces in between; swearing meanwhile to
himself。  It was a selfish amusement; but it appeared to be the
Captain's only intellectual pursuit; for at night; the maps were
rolled up; and a green cloth was spread across the table; and
there was much company and popping of soda…bottles; and little
heaps of gold and silver were moved this way and that across the
cloth。  The smoke drifted out of the open windows; and the
laughter of the Captain's guests rang out loudly in the empty
street; so that the policeman halted and raised his eyes
reprovingly to the lighted windows; and cabmen drew up beneath
them and lay in wait; dozing on their folded arms; for the
Captain's guests to depart。  The Lion and the Unicorn were rather
ashamed of the scandal of it; and they were glad when; one day;
the Captain went away with his tin boxes and gun…cases piled high
on a four…wheeler。

Prentiss stood on the sidewalk and said:  〃I wish you good luck;
sir。〃  And the Captain said:  〃I'm coming back a Major;
Prentiss。〃  But he never came back。  And one daythe Lion
remembered the day very well; for on that same day the
newsboys ran up and down Jermyn Street shouting out the news of
〃a 'orrible disaster〃 to the British arms。  It was then that a
young lady came to the door in a hansom; and Prentiss went out to
meet her and led her upstairs。  They heard him unlock the
Captain's door and say; 〃This is his room; miss;〃 and after he
had gone they watched her standing quite still by the centre
table。  She stood there for a very long time looking slowly about
her; and then she took a photograph of the Captain from the frame
on the mantel and slipped it into her pocket; and when she went
out again her veil was down; and she was crying。  She must have
given Prentiss as much as a sovereign; for he called her 〃Your
ladyship;〃 which he never did under a sovereign。

And she drove off; and they never saw her again either; nor could
they hear the address she gave the cabman。  But it was somewhere
up St。 John's Wood way。

After that the rooms were empty for some months; and the Lion and
the Unicorn were forced to amuse themselves with the beautiful
ladies and smart…looking men who came to Prentiss to buy
flowers and 〃buttonholes;〃 and the little round baskets of
strawberries; and even the peaches at three shillings each; which
looked so tempting as they lay in the window; wrapped up in
cotton…wool; like jewels of great price。

Then Philip Carroll; the American gentleman; came; and they heard
Prentiss telling him that those rooms had always let for five
guineas a week; which they knew was not true; but they also knew
that in the economy of nations there must always be a higher
price for the rich American; or else why was he given that
strange accent; except to betray him into the hands of the London
shopkeeper; and the London cabby?

The American walked to the window toward the west; which was the
window nearest the Lion; and looked out into the graveyard of St。
James's Church; that stretched between their street and

〃You're lucky in having a bit of green to look out on;〃 he said
to Prentiss。  〃I'll take these roomsat five guineas。  That's
more than they're worth; you know; but as I know it; too; your
conscience needn't trouble you。〃

Then his eyes fell on the Lion; and he nodded to him gravely。 
〃How do you do?〃 he said。  〃I'm coming to live with you for a
little time。  I have read about you and your friends over there。 
It is a hazard of new fortunes with me; your Majesty; so be kind
to me; and if I win; I will put a new coat of paint on your
shield and gild you all over again。〃

Prentiss smiled obsequiously at the American's pleasantry; but
the new lodger only stared at him。

〃He seemed a social gentleman;〃 said the Unicorn; that night;
when the Lion and he were talking it over。  〃Now the Captain; the
whole time he was here; never gave us so much as a look。  This
one says he has read of us。〃

〃And why not?〃 growled the Lion。  〃I hope Prentiss heard what he
said of our needing a new layer of gilt。  It's disgraceful。  You
can see that Lion over Scarlett's; the butcher; as far as Regent
Street; and Scarlett is only one of Salisbury's creations。  He
received his Letters…Patent only two years back。  We date from

The lodger came up the street just at that moment; and stopped
and looked up at the Lion and the Unicorn from the sidewalk;
before he opened the door with his night…key。  They heard him
enter the room and feel on the mantel for his pipe; and a moment
later he appeared at the Lion's window and leaned on the sill;
looking down into the street below and blowing whiffs of smoke up
into the warm night…air。

It was a night in June; and the pavements were dry under foot and
the streets were filled with well…dressed people; going home from
the play; and with groups of men in black and white; making their
way to supper at the clubs。  Hansoms of inky…black; with shining
lamps inside and out; dashed noiselessly past on mysterious
errands; chasing close on each other's heels on a mad race; each
to its separate goal。  From the cross streets rose the noises of
early night; the rumble of the 'buses; the creaking of their
brakes; as they unlocked; the cries of the 〃extras;〃 and the
merging of thousands of human voices in a dull murmur。  The great
world of London was closing its shutters for the night; and
putting out the lights; and the new lodger from across the sea
listened to it with his heart beating quickly; and laughed to
stifle the touch of fear and homesickness that rose in him。

〃I have seen a great play to…night;〃 he said to the Lion; 〃nobly
played by great players。  What will they care for my poor wares? 
I see that I have been over…bold。  But we cannot go back nownot

He knocked the ashes out of his pipe; and nodded 〃good…night〃 to
the great world beyond his window。  〃What fortunes lie with ye;
ye lights of London town?〃 he quoted; smiling。  And they heard
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