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madame bovary(包法利夫人)-第90章

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neighbour。 This was Homais。 He swung it gravely; then handed it
to Charles; who sank to his knees in the earth and threw in
handfuls of it; crying; 〃Adieu!〃 He sent her kisses; he dragged
himself towards the grave; to engulf himself with her。 They led
him away; and he soon grew calmer; feeling perhaps; like the
others; a vague satisfaction that it was all over。
Old Rouault on his way back began quietly smoking a pipe; which
Homais in his innermost conscience thought not quite the thing。
He also noticed that Monsieur Binet had not been present; and
that Tuvache had 〃made off〃 after mass; and that Theodore; the
notary's servant wore a blue coat; 〃as if one could not have got
a black coat; since that is the custom; by Jove!〃 And to share
his observations with others he went from group to group。 They
were deploring Emma's death; especially Lheureux; who had not
failed to come to the funeral。
〃Poor little woman! What a trouble for her husband!〃
The druggist continued; 〃Do you know that but for me he would
have committed some fatal attempt upon himself?〃
〃Such a good woman! To think that I saw her only last Saturday in
my shop。〃
〃I haven't had leisure;〃 said Homais; 〃to prepare a few words
that I would have cast upon her tomb。〃
Charles on getting home undressed; and old Rouault put on his
blue blouse。 It was a new one; and as he had often during the
journey wiped his eyes on the sleeves; the dye had stained his
face; and the traces of tears made lines in the layer of dust
that covered it。
Madame Bovary senior was with them。 All three were silent。 At
last the old fellow sighed
〃Do you remember; my friend; that I went to Tostes once when you
had just lost your first deceased? I consoled you at that time。 I
thought of something to say then; but now〃 Then; with a loud
groan that shook his whole chest; 〃Ah! this is the end for me; do
you see! I saw my wife go; then my son; and now to…day it's my
He wanted to go back at once to Bertaux; saying that he could not
sleep in this house。 He even refused to see his granddaughter。
〃No; no! It would grieve me too much。 Only you'll kiss her many
times for me。 Good…bye! you're a good fellow! And then I shall
never forget that;〃 he said; slapping his thigh。 〃Never fear; you
shall always have your turkey。〃
But when he reached the top of the hill he turned back; as he had
turned once before on the road of Saint…Victor when he had parted
from her。 The windows of the village were all on fire beneath the
slanting rays of the sun sinking behind the field。 He put his
hand over his eyes; and saw in the horizon an enclosure of walls;
where trees here and there formed black clusters between white
stones; then he went on his way at a gentle trot; for his nag had
gone lame。
Despite their fatigue; Charles and his mother stayed very long
that evening talking together。 They spoke of the days of the past
and of the future。 She would come to live at Yonville; she would
keep house for him; they would never part again。 She was
ingenious and caressing; rejoicing in her heart at gaining once
more an affection that had wandered from her for so many years。
Midnight struck。 The village as usual was silent; and Charles;
awake; thought always of her。
Rodolphe; who; to distract himself; had been rambling about the
wood all day; was sleeping quietly in his chateau; and Leon; down
yonder; always slept。
There was another who at that hour was not asleep。
On the grave between the pine…trees a child was on his knees
weeping; and his heart; rent by sobs; was beating in the shadow
beneath the load of an immense regret; sweeter than the moon and
fathomless as the night。 The gate suddenly grated。 It was
Lestiboudois; he came to fetch his spade; that he had forgotten。
He recognised Justin climbing over the wall; and at last knew who
was the culprit who stole his potatoes。

Chapter Eleven
The next day Charles had the child brought back。 She asked for
her mamma。 They told her she was away; that she would bring her
back some playthings。 Berthe spoke of her again several times;
then at last thought no more of her。 The child's gaiety broke
Bovary's heart; and he had to bear besides the intolerable
consolations of the chemist。
Money troubles soon began again; Monsieur Lheureux urging on anew
his friend Vincart; and Charles pledged himself for exorbitant
sums; for he would never consent to let the smallest of the
things that had belonged to HER be sold。 His mother was
exasperated with him; he grew even more angry than she did。 He
had altogether changed。 She left the house。
Then everyone began 〃taking advantage〃 of him。 Mademoiselle
Lempereur presented a bill for six months' teaching; although
Emma had never taken a lesson (despite the receipted bill she had
shown Bovary); it was an arrangement between the two women。 The
man at the circulating library demanded three years'
subscriptions; Mere Rollet claimed the postage due for some
twenty letters; and when Charles asked for an explanation; she
had the delicacy to reply
〃Oh; I don't know。 It was for her business affairs。〃
With every debt he paid Charles thought he had come to the end of
them。 But others followed ceaselessly。 He sent in accounts for
professional attendance。 He was shown the letters his wife had
written。 Then he had to apologise。
Felicite now wore Madame Bovary's gowns; not all; for he had kept
some of them; and he went to look at them in her dressing…room;
locking himself up there; she was about her height; and often
Charles; seeing her from behind; was seized with an illusion; and
cried out
〃Oh; stay; stay!〃
But at Whitsuntide she ran away from Yonville; carried off by
Theodore; stealing all that was left of the wardrobe。
It was about this time that the widow Dupuis had the honour to
inform him of the 〃marriage of Monsieur Leon Dupuis her son;
notary at Yvetot; to Mademoiselle Leocadie Leboeuf of
Bondeville。〃 Charles; among the other congratulations he sent
him; wrote this sentence
〃How glad my poor wife would have been!〃
One day when; wandering aimlessly about the house; he had gone up
to the attic; he felt a pellet of fine paper under his slipper。
He opened it and read: 〃Courage; Emma; courage。 I would not bring
misery into your life。〃 It was Rodolphe's letter; fallen to the
ground between the boxes; where it had remained; and that the
wind from the dormer window had just blown towards the door。 And
Charles stood; motionless and staring; in the very same place
where; long ago; Emma; in despair; and paler even than he; had
thought of dying。 At last he discovered a small R at the bottom
of the second page。 What did this mean? He remembered Rodolphe's
attentions; his sudden; disappearance; his constrained air when
they had met two or three times since。 But the respectful tone of
the letter deceived him。
〃Perhaps they loved one another platonically;〃 he said to
Besides; Charles was not of those who go to the bottom of things;
he shrank from the proofs; and his vague jealousy was lost in the
immensity of his woe。
Everyone; he thought; must have adored her; all men assuredly
must have coveted her。 She seemed but the more beautiful to him
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