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madame bovary(包法利夫人)-第9章

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had them driven back in his cart; and himself accompanied them as
far as Vassonville。 Here he embraced his daughter for the last
time; got down; and went his way。 When he had gone about a
hundred paces he stopped; and as he saw the cart disappearing;
its wheels turning in the dust; he gave a deep sigh。 Then he
remembered his wedding; the old times; the first pregnancy of his
wife; he; too; had been very happy the day when he had taken her
from her father to his home; and had carried her off on a
pillion; trotting through the snow; for it was near
Christmas…time; and the country was all white。 She held him by
one arm; her basket hanging from the other; the wind blew the
long lace of her Cauchois headdress so that it sometimes flapped
across his mouth; and when he turned his head he saw near him; on
his shoulder; her little rosy face; smiling silently under the
gold bands of her cap。 To warm her hands she put them from time
to time in his breast。 How long ago it all was! Their son would
have been thirty by now。 Then he looked back and saw nothing on
the road。 He felt dreary as an empty house; and tender memories
mingling with the sad thoughts in his brain; addled by the fumes
of the feast; he felt inclined for a moment to take a turn
towards the church。 As he was afraid; however; that this sight
would make him yet more sad; he went right away home。
Monsieur and Madame Charles arrived at Tostes about six o'clock。
The neighbors came to the windows to see their doctor's new wife。
The old servant presented herself; curtsied to her; apologised
for not having dinner ready; and suggested that madame; in the
meantime; should look over her house。

Chapter Five
The brick front was just in a line with the street; or rather the
road。 Behind the door hung a cloak with a small collar; a bridle;
and a black leather cap; and on the floor; in a corner; were a
pair of leggings; still covered with dry mud。 On the right was
the one apartment; that was both dining and sitting room。 A
canary yellow paper; relieved at the top by a garland of pale
flowers; was puckered everywhere over the badly stretched canvas;
white calico curtains with a red border hung crossways at the
length of the window; and on the narrow mantelpiece a clock with
a head of Hippocrates shone resplendent between two plate
candlesticks under oval shades。 On the other side of the passage
was Charles's consulting room; a little room about six paces
wide; with a table; three chairs; and an office chair。 Volumes of
the 〃Dictionary of Medical Science;〃 uncut; but the binding
rather the worse for the successive sales through which they had
gone; occupied almost along the six shelves of a deal bookcase。
The smell of melted butter penetrated through the walls when he
saw patients; just as in the kitchen one could hear the people
coughing in the consulting room and recounting their histories。
Then; opening on the yard; where the stable was; came a large
dilapidated room with a stove; now used as a wood…house; cellar;
and pantry; full of old rubbish; of empty casks; agricultural
implements past service; and a mass of dusty things whose use it
was impossible to guess。
The garden; longer than wide; ran between two mud walls with
espaliered apricots; to a hawthorn hedge that separated it from
the field。 In the middle was a slate sundial on a brick pedestal;
four flower beds with eglantines surrounded symmetrically the
more useful kitchen garden bed。 Right at the bottom; under the
spruce bushes; was a cure in plaster reading his breviary。
Emma went upstairs。 The first room was not furnished; but in the
second; which was their bedroom; was a mahogany bedstead in an
alcove with red drapery。 A shell box adorned the chest of
drawers; and on the secretary near the window a bouquet of orange
blossoms tied with white satin ribbons stood in a bottle。 It was
a bride's bouquet; it was the other one's。 She looked at it。
Charles noticed it; he took it and carried it up to the attic;
while Emma seated in an arm…chair (they were putting her things
down around her) thought of her bridal flowers packed up in a
bandbox; and wondered; dreaming; what would be done with them if
she were to die。
During the first days she occupied herself in thinking about
changes in the house。 She took the shades off the candlesticks;
had new wallpaper put up; the staircase repainted; and seats made
in the garden round the sundial; she even inquired how she could
get a basin with a jet fountain and fishes。 Finally her husband;
knowing that she liked to drive out; picked up a second…hand
dogcart; which; with new lamps and splashboard in striped
leather; looked almost like a tilbury。
He was happy then; and without a care in the world。 A meal
together; a walk in the evening on the highroad; a gesture of her
hands over her hair; the sight of her straw hat hanging from the
window…fastener; and many another thing in which Charles had
never dreamed of pleasure; now made up the endless round of his
happiness。 In bed; in the morning; by her side; on the pillow; he
watched the sunlight sinking into the down on her fair cheek;
half hidden by the lappets of her night…cap。 Seen thus closely;
her eyes looked to him enlarged; especially when; on waking up;
she opened and shut them rapidly many times。 Black in the shade;
dark blue in broad daylight; they had; as it were; depths of
different colours; that; darker in the centre; grew paler towards
the surface of the eye。 His own eyes lost themselves in these
depths; he saw himself in miniature down to the shoulders; with
his handkerchief round his head and the top of his shirt open。 He
rose。 She came to the window to see him off; and stayed leaning
on the sill between two pots of geranium; clad in her dressing
gown hanging loosely about her。 Charles; in the street buckled
his spurs; his foot on the mounting stone; while she talked to
him from above; picking with her mouth some scrap of flower or
leaf that she blew out at him。 Then this; eddying; floating;
described semicircles in the air like a bird; and was caught
before it reached the ground in the ill…groomed mane of the old
white mare standing motionless at the door。 Charles from
horseback threw her a kiss; she answered with a nod; she shut the
window; and he set off。 And then along the highroad; spreading
out its long ribbon of dust; along the deep lanes that the trees
bent over as in arbours; along paths where the corn reached to
the knees; with the sun on his back and the morning air in his
nostrils; his heart full of the joys of the past night; his mind
at rest; his flesh at ease; he went on; re…chewing his happiness;
like those who after dinner taste again the truffles which they
are digesting。
Until now what good had he had of his life? His time at school;
when he remained shut up within the high walls; alone; in the
midst of companions richer than he or cleverer at their work; who
laughed at his accent; who jeered at his clothes; and whose
mothers came to the school with cakes in their muffs? Later on;
when he studied medicine; and never had his purse full enough to
treat some little work…girl who would have become his mistress?
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