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madame bovary(包法利夫人)-第66章

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Saint…Romain; Saint…Vivien; Saint…Maclou; Saint…Nicaisein front
of the Customs; at the 〃Vieille Tour;〃 the 〃Trois Pipes;〃 and the
Monumental Cemetery。 From time to time the coachman; on his box
cast despairing eyes at the public…houses。 He could not
understand what furious desire for locomotion urged these
individuals never to wish to stop。 He tried to now and then; and
at once exclamations of anger burst forth behind him。 Then he
lashed his perspiring jades afresh; but indifferent to their
jolting; running up against things here and there; not caring if
he did; demoralised; and almost weeping with thirst; fatigue; and
And on the harbour; in the midst of the drays and casks; and in
the streets; at the corners; the good folk opened large
wonder…stricken eyes at this sight; so extraordinary in the
provinces; a cab with blinds drawn; and which appeared thus
constantly shut more closely than a tomb; and tossing about like
a vessel。
Once in the middle of the day; in the open country; just as the
sun beat most fiercely against the old plated lanterns; a bared
hand passed beneath the small blinds of yellow canvas; and threw
out some scraps of paper that scattered in the wind; and farther
off lighted like white butterflies on a field of red clover all
in bloom。
At about six o'clock the carriage stopped in a back street of the
Beauvoisine Quarter; and a woman got out; who walked with her
veil down; and without turning her head。

Chapter Two
On reaching the inn; Madame Bovary was surprised not to see the
diligence。 Hivert; who had waited for her fifty…three minutes;
had at last started。
Yet nothing forced her to go; but she had given her word that she
would return that same evening。 Moreover; Charles expected her;
and in her heart she felt already that cowardly docility that is
for some women at once the chastisement and atonement of
She packed her box quickly; paid her bill; took a cab in the
yard; hurrying on the driver; urging him on; every moment
inquiring about the time and the miles traversed。 He succeeded in
catching up the 〃Hirondelle〃 as it neared the first houses of
Hardly was she seated in her corner than she closed her eyes; and
opened them at the foot of the hill; when from afar she
recognised Felicite; who was on the lookout in front of the
farrier's shop。 Hivert pulled in his horses and; the servant;
climbing up to the window; said mysteriously
〃Madame; you must go at once to Monsieur Homais。 It's for
something important。〃
The village was silent as usual。 At the corner of the streets
were small pink heaps that smoked in the air; for this was the
time for jam…making; and everyone at Yonville prepared his supply
on the same day。 But in front of the chemist's shop one might
admire a far larger heap; and that surpassed the others with the
superiority that a laboratory must have over ordinary stores; a
general need over individual fancy。
She went in。 The large arm…chair was upset; and even the 〃Fanal
de Rouen〃 lay on the ground; outspread between two pestles。 She
pushed open the lobby door; and in the middle of the kitchen;
amid brown jars full of picked currants; of powdered sugar and
lump sugar; of the scales on the table; and of the pans on the
fire; she saw all the Homais; small and large; with aprons
reaching to their chins; and with forks in their hands。 Justin
was standing up with bowed head; and the chemist was screaming
〃Who told you to go and fetch it in the Capharnaum。〃
〃What is it? What is the matter?〃
〃What is it?〃 replied the druggist。 〃We are making preserves;
they are simmering; but they were about to boil over; because
there is too much juice; and I ordered another pan。 Then he; from
indolence; from laziness; went and took; hanging on its nail in
my laboratory; the key of the Capharnaum。〃
It was thus the druggist called a small room under the leads;
full of the utensils and the goods of his trade。 He often spent
long hours there alone; labelling; decanting; and doing up again;
and he looked upon it not as a simple store; but as a veritable
sanctuary; whence there afterwards issued; elaborated by his
hands; all sorts of pills; boluses; infusions; lotions; and
potions; that would bear far and wide his celebrity。 No one in
the world set foot there; and he respected it so; that he swept
it himself。 Finally; if the pharmacy; open to all comers; was the
spot where he displayed his pride; the Capharnaum was the refuge
where; egoistically concentrating himself; Homais delighted in
the exercise of his predilections; so that Justin's
thoughtlessness seemed to him a monstrous piece of irreverence;
and; redder than the currants; he repeated
〃Yes; from the Capharnaum! The key that locks up the acids and
caustic alkalies! To go and get a spare pan! a pan with a lid!
and that I shall perhaps never use! Everything is of importance
in the delicate operations of our art! But; devil take it! one
must make distinctions; and not employ for almost domestic
purposes that which is meant for pharmaceutical! It is as if one
were to carve a fowl with a scalpel; as if a magistrate〃
〃Now be calm;〃 said Madame Homais。
And Athalie; pulling at his coat; cried 〃Papa! papa!〃
〃No; let me alone;〃 went on the druggist 〃let me alone; hang it!
My word! One might as well set up for a grocer。 That's it! go it!
respect nothing! break; smash; let loose the leeches; burn the
mallow…paste; pickle the gherkins in the window jars; tear up the
〃I thought you had〃said Emma。
〃Presently! Do you know to what you exposed yourself? Didn't you
see anything in the corner; on the left; on the third shelf?
Speak; answer; articulate something。〃
〃Idon'tknow;〃 stammered the young fellow。
〃Ah! you don't know! Well; then; I do know! You saw a bottle of
blue glass; sealed with yellow wax; that contains a white powder;
on which I have even written 'Dangerous!' And do you know what is
in it? Arsenic! And you go and touch it! You take a pan that was
next to it!〃
〃Next to it!〃 cried Madame Hoinais; clasping her hands。 〃Arsenic!
You might have poisoned us all。〃
And the children began howling as if they already had frightful
pains in their entrails。
〃Or poison a patient!〃 continued the druggist。 〃Do you want to
see me in the prisoner's dock with criminals; in a court of
justice? To see me dragged to the scaffold? Don't you know what
care I take in managing things; although I am so thoroughly used
to it? Often I am horrified myself when I think of my
responsibility; for the Government persecutes us; and the absurd
legislation that rules us is a veritable Damocles' sword over our
Emma no longer dreamed of asking what they wanted her for; and
the druggist went on in breathless phrases
〃That is your return for all the kindness we have shown you! That
is how you recompense me for the really paternal care that I
lavish on you! For without me where would you be? What would you
be doing? Who provides you with food; education; clothes; and all
the means of figuring one day with honour in the ranks of
society? But you must pull hard at the oar if you're to do that;
and get; as; people say; callosities upon your ha
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