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madame bovary(包法利夫人)-第33章

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away everything。 But she returned; and the servant brought
Berthe; who was swinging a windmill roof downwards at the end of
a string。 Leon kissed her several times on the neck。
〃Good…bye; poor child! good…bye; dear little one! good…bye!〃 And
he gave her back to her mother。
〃Take her away;〃 she said。
They remained aloneMadame Bovary; her back turned; her face
pressed against a window…pane; Leon held his cap in his hand;
knocking it softly against his thigh。
〃It is going to rain;〃 said Emma。
〃I have a cloak;〃 he answered。
She turned around; her chin lowered; her forehead bent forward。
The light fell on it as on a piece of marble; to the curve of the
eyebrows; without one's being able to guess what Emma was seeing
on the horizon or what she was thinking within herself。
〃Well; good…bye;〃 he sighed。
She raised her head with a quick movement。
〃Yes; good…byego!〃
They advanced towards each other; he held out his hand; she
〃In the English fashion; then;〃 she said; giving her own hand
wholly to him; and forcing a laugh。
Leon felt it between his fingers; and the very essence of all his
being seemed to pass down into that moist palm。 Then he opened
his hand; their eyes met again; and he disappeared。
When he reached the market…place; he stopped and hid behind a
pillar to look for the last time at this white house with the
four green blinds。 He thought he saw a shadow behind the window
in the room; but the curtain; sliding along the pole as though no
one were touching it; slowly opened its long oblique folds that
spread out with a single movement; and thus hung straight and
motionless as a plaster wall。 Leon set off running。
》From afar he saw his employer's gig in the road; and by it a man
in a coarse apron holding the horse。 Homais and Monsieur
Guillaumin were talking。 They were waiting for him。
〃Embrace me;〃 said the druggist with tears in his eyes。 〃Here is
your coat; my good friend。 Mind the cold; take care of yourself;
look after yourself。〃
〃Come; Leon; jump in;〃 said the notary。
Homais bend over the splash…board; and in a voice broken by sobs
uttered these three sad words
〃A pleasant journey!〃
〃Good…night;〃 said Monsieur Guillaumin。 〃Give him his head。〃 They
set out; and Homais went back。
Madame Bovary had opened her window overlooking the garden and
watched the clouds。 They gathered around the sunset on the side
of Rouen and then swiftly rolled back their black columns; behind
which the great rays of the sun looked out like the golden arrows
of a suspended trophy; while the rest of the empty heavens was
white as porcelain。 But a gust of wind bowed the poplars; and
suddenly the rain fell; it pattered against the green leaves。
Then the sun reappeared; the hens clucked; sparrows shook their
wings in the damp thickets; and the pools of water on the gravel
as they flowed away carried off the pink flowers of an acacia。
〃Ah! how far off he must be already!〃 she thought。
Monsieur Homais; as usual; came at half…past six during dinner。
〃Well;〃 said he; 〃so we've sent off our young friend!〃
〃So it seems;〃 replied the doctor。 Then turning on his chair;
〃Any news at home?〃
〃Nothing much。 Only my wife was a little moved this afternoon。
You know womena nothing upsets them; especially my wife。 And we
should be wrong to object to that; since their nervous
organization is much more malleable than ours。〃
〃Poor Leon!〃 said Charles。 〃How will he live at Paris? Will he
get used to it?〃
Madame Bovary sighed。
〃Get along!〃 said the chemist; smacking his lips。 〃The outings at
restaurants; the masked balls; the champagneall that'll be
jolly enough; I assure you。〃
〃I don't think he'll go wrong;〃 objected Bovary。
〃Nor do I;〃 said Monsieur Homais quickly; 〃although he'll have to
do like the rest for fear of passing for a Jesuit。 And you don't
know what a life those dogs lead in the Latin quarter with
actresses。 Besides; students are thought a great deal of in
Paris。 Provided they have a few accomplishments; they are
received in the best society; there are even ladies of the
Faubourg Saint…Germain who fall in love with them; which
subsequently furnishes them opportunities for making very good
〃But;〃 said the doctor; 〃I fear for him that down there〃
〃You are right;〃 interrupted the chemist; 〃that is the reverse of
the medal。 And one is constantly obliged to keep one's hand in
one's pocket there。 Thus; we will suppose you are in a public
garden。 An individual presents himself; well dressed; even
wearing an order; and whom one would take for a diplomatist。 He
approaches you; he insinuates himself; offers you a pinch of
snuff; or picks up your hat。 Then you become more intimate; he
takes you to a cafe; invites you to his country…house; introduces
you; between two drinks; to all sorts of people; and
three…fourths of the time it's only to plunder your watch or lead
you into some pernicious step。
〃That is true;〃 said Charles; 〃but I was thinking especially of
illnessesof typhoid fever; for example; that attacks students
from the provinces。〃
Emma shuddered。
〃Because of the change of regimen;〃 continued the chemist; 〃and
of the perturbation that results therefrom in the whole system。
And then the water at Paris; don't you know! The dishes at
restaurants; all the spiced food; end by heating the blood; and
are not worth; whatever people may say of them; a good soup。 For
my own part; I have always preferred plain living; it is more
healthy。 So when I was studying pharmacy at Rouen; I boarded in a
boarding house; I dined with the professors。〃
And thus he went on; expounding his opinions generally and his
personal likings; until Justin came to fetch him for a mulled egg
that was wanted。
〃Not a moment's peace!〃 he cried; 〃always at it! I can't go out
for a minute! Like a plough…horse; I have always to be moiling
and toiling。 What drudgery!〃 Then; when he was at the door; 〃By
the way; do you know the news?〃
〃What news?〃
〃That it is very likely;〃 Homais went on; raising his eyebrows
and assuming one of his most serious expression; 〃that the
agricultural meeting of the Seine…Inferieure will be held this
year at Yonville…l'Abbaye。 The rumour; at all events; is going
the round。 This morning the paper alluded to it。 It would be of
the utmost importance for our district。 But we'll talk it over
later on。 I can see; thank you; Justin has the lantern。〃

Chapter Seven
The next day was a dreary one for Emma。 Everything seemed to her
enveloped in a black atmosphere floating confusedly over the
exterior of things; and sorrow was engulfed within her soul with
soft shrieks such as the winter wind makes in ruined castles。 It
was that reverie which we give to things that will not return;
the lassitude that seizes you after everything was done; that
pain; in fine; that the interruption of every wonted movement;
the sudden cessation of any prolonged vibration; brings on。
As on the return from Vaubyessard; when the quadrilles were
running in her head; she was full of a gloomy melancholy; of a
numb despair。 Leon reappeared; taller; handsomer; more charming;
more vague。 Though separated from her; he had not left her; he
was there; and the walls of 
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